Apr 8 2010, 02:52 AM
12:35 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
While everyone starts planning the extraction, Solo is quietly contemplating the location and building security. Finally he looks up as Ambalo starts talking military hardware.
"Ghoster, if this is the same Alimosho we are talking about, we aren't really going to be bothered by any outside law enforcement. So, how quiet does this need to be? Now, gettin' the jump on the bludger is important, but beyond that, I don't think many in that wasteland are goin' to try and stop us on the way out. And, too right, insects won't take a likin' to some heavy incendiaries."
"Since they have a loadin' dock, that means they have deliveries, which could be an easy in/out. Just have to intercept a real delivery, and it's escort, and take their place."
Apr 8 2010, 03:53 AM
12:35, 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos, Africa.
(PAN: Passive)
Hammer listened carefully as the others asked questions and began the planning. Shedim were something he had very little experience with although he had heard the horror stories. A master Shedim was a new concept for him. Shedim are already extremely powerful, a master must be ridiculously dangerous. And they want it alive. Wonderful.
"I hate to interrupt but for those of us who aren't magically inclined, dealing with this...Shedim sounds like a really bad idea. As much as I'd like to remove this guys limbs personally, I figure I'm here to catch bullets. Have we considered a good old fashioned distraction? Something with explosions and screaming and guards heading in the wrong direction?"
Apr 8 2010, 04:23 AM
12:35, 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos, Africa.
"Big distraction with guns blazing? I admire your courage Oyibos, and I think that might be another good idea. Maybe have 2 or 3 of our heavy hitters raining hell on the front gate to keep them tied up?
With the number of people we have here, I can see that as a pretty good idea since that allows another 4 or 5 of us to sneak in the back way or come out from a hiding place there.
Digital Heroin
Apr 8 2010, 04:52 AM
12:35 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
Hitodama de
yuku kisan ja
natsa no haraAt the first mention of Shedim the words quietly issue from Noboru's mouth upon the mention of Shedim. Words to tip the lie of his rather public and much recorded existence, for the Noboru who starred opposite Tricia Markeet in Kiss, Bang, Kill is no philosopher.
Silently, he weighs the challenge in his mind, and allows his prospective teammates to question their employer. Money was not a concern. He would more than likely arange something in private with Ghoster to mask the true amount of the payment, and defer the majority of it to a local charity of good reputation. What concerned him was that the forces they were to combat were not so easily dismissed as to have some equipment on hand. He was not a magical theorist, but he understood when things were beyond the realm of 'normal' in a world known for pushing conventional boundries. Spirits posessing vermin and insects seemed far enough as to be the stuff of one of his less believable movies.
Still, the goal was honorable, and the challenge refreshing. He would perhaps be able to flex some of his less used skills, and it would give him a chance to pacify the mewling of his employers about how he is not putting in enough face time in his armor given the Rising Sun 2 ramp-up.
Ah, the life of a corporate whore.
While I would be inclined to take a soft touch approach, there is wisdom in embracing the lawlessness of this land and going in hot. In fact, I believe there are those that would prefer it of me.`
He has yet to introduce himself, though he is not vain when he assumes at least one person amongst them knows his face.
[ Spoiler ]
Noboru's PAN is currently in Hidden mode, as it usually is in Lagos, but he is only rocking a standard 3 Firewall
Apr 8 2010, 01:54 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Afrika's PAN is a black-hole. You cannot detect it's existence yet alone determine any of it's Ratings.
Of course it is possible that he possesses no electronic gear of any description.
The large black skinned human that has identified himself as Afrika sits impassively for some time while the others discuss their plans.
[ Spoiler ]
Obviously Afrika isn't human but you'll need at least 5 hits on Willpower + Counterspelling to even get to roll Assensing against his Masking..
Ambalo, there is no need to concern yourself about your aura revealing you during an infiltration. My Ally knows magics capable of altering auras in the the manner of a Physical Mask spell. Should you need to not be seen you will not be.
Yazata, I share your belief that this abomination must be dealt with and I might be able to help with a subterranean assault plan. Mother Earth will open to my will and permit us access to her womb. Likewise man made constructs of concrete and metal are mine to shape at will into any form I desire. If this monstrosity seeks shelter in the bosom of our mother it will be a simple matter to disavow it of any feeling of security it might possess.
A frontal assault to distract attention from a group slipping in the back door seems to be an excellent tactic. I have bargained with the Ancestors for aid and have two powerful Homunculi accompanying me that might lend much strength to such an assault.
Apr 8 2010, 02:50 PM
12:35 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
"Blazin' guns I can do. If I make a good show of it, then this Ghoster fella might have more work of this pay-grade. Might be able to git those shonky slavers off my back. Looks like I'm gonna have to give'em a gander at the Beast."
(PAN:active, Signal: 1)
If it is a distraction we need, take a peek at this mates. It's like a mistress even the wife gets to ride on occassion.
<<@All: Download file: beast_sketchup.ggs?>>
The file contains a 3D sketch of a heavily modified Ares Roadmaster. A heavy armored turret sits on top armed with a Vigilant Light Autocannon. On the front is a large ram plate, and the whole thing sits up on six over-sized tires. Solo explains proudly, "The turret is gyro-linked, and can be handled remotely or by a gunner. It has off-road suspension and is can get through swampy areas, so if we're close to the western edge of Lagos, we can get out that way and back 'round. It has some good signature masking and high-end electronics in it as well. It packs a wollap and will definitely keep them flat out like a lizard drinking."
Apr 8 2010, 04:07 PM
12:35, 3 September 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
<<@Fedora: Thanking you. Of course, all who are with me would be defended to my last breath!>>
Apr 8 2010, 06:06 PM
12:36, 3 September 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
Ghoster added, "Pardon my pronunciation, yes the facility is in Alimosho. Since that was a part of the city a hundred years ago, there are sewers that connect to the facility. However, the condition leaves much to be desired. Afrika might certainly have the ability for you to get in and out effectively."
"Another point to consider, Tamanous has been making regular pick-ups for the last few weeks. The Shedim have stopped making body dumps and have contracted the disposal. Since we have ghoul in the group, and possibly one more, you could also infiltrate by performing the pickup."
"If you go with the combat distraction plan, then my employers' extraction reinforcements can provide cover. There is a possibility that there are Shedim that are may come to this Master's assistance."
Apr 8 2010, 09:46 PM
12:36 3 September 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
Yazata enjoys the lamb and yogurt immensely. He hasn't tasted such a good recipe in a long time. (PAN:active) He sends a message of appreciation to the chef. (PAN:passive)
"Is interesting having three avenues approach. I fear splitting team may make trouble. Distraction, especially if done by forces of employer, would work without needing our highly talented firepower. They would simply look like the people Shedim is expecting to attack from outside. You see what you expect and prepare for, you not get suspicious and maybe do getting overconfident.
"Pretending be Tamanous is good idea. But we have only one, maybe two ghoul. Does Tamanous have any non-ghoul? Would they send such to do collection? I am afraid Ambalo by himself could get into trouble. How would rest of us go in?
"Underground way seems only way we can get whole team into basement together and quickly. Fighting way in through upstairs will take time, and warn Shedim Master. If timing is right, can get distraction outside working right as whole team make it to central place.
"What you think? Am I miss something?"
Apr 9 2010, 04:34 AM
12:36 3 September 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
Ambalo tries to think over the planning.
"I agree with having Ghoster's forces acting as decoy, but we may want to have them wait until we actually need a distraction. If we get close enough to this Shedim without detection before the distraction, we will have more time to take advantage of the distraction.
I would appreciate the help in hiding, Afrika, if I need to get in. Though can you keep the magic on me if you are not near me? It might also help if I need to go in as Tanamous. We'll need to intercept the clean up crew if we want it to work well.
Looks like we'll need a couple days to scout the place, check in on the Tanamous route, and get any important gear. I know I'll be getting some...special arrows if I can get them, along with a couple drums of sticky shock."
Apr 9 2010, 12:25 PM
Existing sewers would certainly be a better starting point, there is less likelihood of structural collapse that might damage surrounding buildings and there will be less tidying up to do afterwards.
Yes Ambalo, once the illusion has concealed your aura Izoduwa will be able to maintain the spell without remaining with you. He only has to be able to see you while he works the sorcery.
Apr 9 2010, 07:43 PM
"I can attempt to break into the node quickly, or do it slowly and safely. Either way I can get us some more information which may help us in planning our infiltration. Layout and perhaps the time frames of these.... pick ups....
Apr 9 2010, 09:47 PM
12:36, 3 September 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos(PAN:passive)"Something doesn't seem right about Afrika. I can't figure it out... like he is in a different world or something. Maybe if I concentrate....""...whoa!"1"He lights up like a festival!"2[ Spoiler ]
(1) Resist Manascape spellWIL(5+2) + Counterspelling (6) = 13 dice ==>
5 HITS(2) AssenseAssensing (2) + INT (5) = 7 dice ==>
crizh, whatever you can tell me for 3 hits, go ahead please.]
Apr 10 2010, 02:35 AM
12:35 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
"If the slow, safe hack can be done in a matter of hours, I would say that route is best. We should probably take the rest of today and tomorrow to get things we need and scout the target."
Apr 10 2010, 02:53 AM
12:36 3 September 2072, Ikeja district, Lagos
(PAN: passive)
"I agree with plan for slow, safe and getting equippings. For doing my spell to scout terrain above and below ground, would be good to get another materials for binding, but this often take day or two. I wondering if any team member have materials for Force 5 spirit can sell me quicker? I even happy to pay for better materials if necessary.
"Ghoster, you say time frame is a few days. Can you say what is exact time frame, and why? Do you fear more killings coming soon, or is other problem?"
Apr 10 2010, 03:37 AM
Ghoster adds to the discussion,
"Yazata, regarding the time frame, our concern is that the organization will take more subjects for their experiments. They've been following a pattern of taking new target every week. Unfortunately, I've only recently received the authorization for recruiting this group of professionals."
"One moment, I'll need to check my employers if we can spare more units for the decoy." Ghoster raised his hand and Yareen came over to take it. For a brief moment, the feelings from Yareen slipped away. When Yareen released Ghoster, the feelings returned.
"Gentlemen, you will have the extra man power if you so need it."
Apr 10 2010, 03:43 AM
12:36 3 September 2072, Ikeja district, Lagos
(PAN: passive)
"Is good to hear about outside forces. If Shedim acts according to habit, when you think he strikes again?"
Apr 10 2010, 03:48 AM
"We anticipate 3 days from now. Ideally, we would like to hit them before the abduction occurs."
Apr 10 2010, 04:08 AM
12:36 3 September 2072, Ikeja district, Lagos
(PAN: active)
"Guess I better start on what I can get my hands on." Warund was Ambalo's main weapons dealer and fence, hopefully he'd have the ammo for the job.
<<@Ironside: Looking for some hardware, specifically ammo. Got some time later today, maybe tonight?##Steelfist>>
"Should be little issue with that. Today and tomorrow to prepare, then we strike the next night. To keep things moving quickly, I'll need at least some of the upfront money to get the appropriate gear, assuming it won't be handled after we finish the meeting."
Apr 10 2010, 04:10 AM
12:37 3 September 2072, Ikeja district, Lagos
(PAN: passive)
"Then we must hitting monster before three days up. Ghoster, if necessary, can you acquire materials for us faster than we be able to? You living here, maybe you have contacts speeding things up. It normally takes day or two for find something like binding materials. Is too slow. I can cast spell without, but would like help from spirit to get most details possible.
"Also, I can thinking of mundane materials would like. Others here the same I sure. We give you list? I willing pay extra if speed up."
"No kidding. 80,000 nuyen? I haven't had that much money all at once ... since I was born. Not in all three years!"
Apr 10 2010, 07:12 AM
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Apr 9 2010, 09:10 PM)

12:37 3 September 2072, Ikeja district, Lagos
(PAN: passive)
"Then we must hitting monster before three days up. Ghoster, if necessary, can you acquire materials for us faster than we be able to? You living here, maybe you have contacts speeding things up. It normally takes day or two for find something like binding materials. Is too slow. I can cast spell without, but would like help from spirit to get most details possible.
"Also, I can thinking of mundane materials would like. Others here the same I sure. We give you list? I willing pay extra if speed up."
"No kidding. 80,000 nuyen? I haven't had that much money all at once ... since I was born. Not in all three years!"
"Certainly, through my employer, we can get binding materials at a good discount. We'll be able to get them to you this afternoon. As for more mundane equipment, I can get them tonight, but I have to make some calls first."
Apr 10 2010, 09:42 PM
"Should only take a few hours to get an admin account." Fedora grins "Depending on complications of course. It would be rude for me to take a nap at the table howver. Perhaps we should reconvene later tonight with our new found information and supplies."
Digital Heroin
Apr 11 2010, 04:20 AM
12:37 3 September 2072, Ikeja district, Lagos
Allowing the conversations to filter through his mind, but not to overwhelm him, Noboru considers the many facets of what the others propose. Calls for distraction, for power, and for subtlety are all weighed equally in his mind. Misdirection, sleight of hand, these appeal to his own sensibilities more than his employers at Horizon would want. And while he will have to record at least some of this encounter for them, lest he draw their wrath, he will play it out as he sees fit, let their visions of rocket-clad heroics be damned.
Drawing a quiet breath, Noboru awaits a break in the conversation. `I am inclined to say the Tamanous angle is perhaps our best way to get close. While in a more structured city the sewers would be a good point of ingress, they are often a quagmire with the best of maintainers keeping them sound. Here we would have no way save, if we were lucky, blueprints which were a century out of date to map them, and going in blind would be an unacceptable delay, if not downright suicidal.`
He says this with a neutrality to his tone, no command, merely the words of someone who, at one point of time, spent a good deal of his life infiltrating places where he was not welcome, killing people, and leaving. There are sides to the simstar that, while not buried completely along with his former life, were often unseen.
`Three days should be more than enough time, however a question does come to mind. The pattern of time may not be the only one. Has there been a commonality in the choice of locations where they snatch their victims from?`
Looking to Ezeckial, he nods. `Perhaps you are right, re-convening this evening for a more formal planning session may be in order. As one more technically oriented than myself, however, would it be possible for you to set up a secured means for us to communicate while not in each other's immediate presence, in case something were to come up.`
Apr 11 2010, 06:25 AM
12:40 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos, Africa
Kano listened as the others continued to plan. Using Ghoster's support team as a distraction and keeping the team together is a good idea. Not quite sure how well everyone will work together but that's a problem we wont be able to deal with until the we hit the squeeze. "I've never had dealings with the Tamanous so I no very little about what they do or how they operate. All I know is that they are flesh traffickers of some kind. I would appreciate it if someone would fill me in on them." Turning to Ghoster, "Something tells me we're more than likely to need explosives. Any chance your people could procure some foam explosives and det caps or at least point me in the direction of some who sells it? "
Hammer<<@UncleMo: Any chance you're in Lagos and could come up with a case or two of grenades for my launcher?
Hammer<<@Holiday: You said you were here. Have you set up shop? This is job related so could we keep the arguing to a minimum?
Apr 11 2010, 08:17 AM
[ Spoiler ]
Extended Masking:
12 Hits.The Illusions are fairly easily pierced, I think you forgot to include Shielding so you would have had even more dice to see through them.
Without penetrating the Mask (that's a bit one sided by the way, I get to add Grade and you don't, very unlikely to lose that test.) you can tell that Afrika is a human mage (higher Magic than Yazata) channelling an extremely large Ally Spirit (higher Magic than Yazata). He is under the influence of one manipulation and two illusion spells (all higher Force than Yazata's Magic). Penetrating the second Illusion reveals that he is buck naked except for a necklace of sea-shells that are entirely mundane and probably represent his entire wealth.
Dancing beneath the 'skin' of his aura you can detect three Foci that appear to be implanted within his flesh somehow. The Power Focus is the same Force as your Magic stat but the Centering and Shielding Foci are a higher Force.
Afrika considers the Asian man's words for a few moments before replying.
You should not discount the sewers due to their dis-repair. I can repair them or create new access tunnels as easily as walking across the room. Should they be in a poor state it is entirely possible that an attack from this direction will be the last thing the horror expects. We should hold judgement on this until our investigation of the virtual world is complete.
Yazata, the Spirits have been whispering of the growing storm for some time and I have been making preparations, gathering reagents but I lacked the time to create sufficient offerings for more than the two Ancestors that currently accompany me. I could prepare more given three days however if Mr Ghoster can acquire appropriate offerings through his contacts much could be achieved in three days. I too would like to acquire binding offerings for Spirits of the sixth circle and some alchemical radicals of a herbal nature would enable me to prepare a number of Vessels for the Ancestors to ride.
Is there any possibility, Mr Ghoster, of acquiring a viable material link to the target? Ritual Sorcery is out of the question but Izoduwa could cast the bones with a viable link and we might learn something of this creature's plans.
Apr 11 2010, 08:56 PM
12:41, 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos, Africa
"Well, it looking like we have both magic and matrix preparation work to do before we plan more and decide for sure the way to go. We could meet this evening, say in 12 hours when equipment can come. We need good place to meet. My place small and not good for many people. Is this room usable later tonight, Ghoster? Or should we find someplace else?
"If possible, I am liking spend up to 10,000 nuyen for binding materials, but need at least one set for Force Five spirit. If this could come to my place when available this afternoon, then I could prepare the spirit I need for mapping above and below ground. By then I could also message you any ordinary things I could use so you try get them to come same time in evening.
"This map you have, Ghoster. I could use to find place close by to modify with my information if I have copy. I could add map of underground with my spell. Then we can tell how much work to do if we do go by old sewers. Or why it not good idea.
"To do map, I need to be close, say about 100 meters from facility. It would be safer if I did not go alone. Is there someone here who can provide cover while I get to hiding place and concentrate on mapping from there?"
Apr 11 2010, 10:44 PM
12:41, 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos, Africa
Ambalo raised a metal finger.
"If we do the scouting after dusk, I'm happy to come along and act as lookout. Beats sitting around waiting."
Apr 12 2010, 12:08 AM
12:41, 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
"That would be good, Ambalo. Thank you. It take five hours to prepare the spirit to help me. That plus time to get materials will make it evening time."
Apr 12 2010, 02:42 AM
12:42, 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
(Honeypot: Passive)
"As far as secured communications go, encryption would be the simplest way of enforcing secure communications. Unfortunately I can't share my means of encryption with the rest of the team. If people have encryption software we can decide on a temporary key. As far as where to reach the team mates."
<<@team: File Download: TeamComcodes>>
Fedora Ashes his cigarette before he speaks again. "Those should be up to date, with the exception of Ambalo. Unless the comcode associated with that link there is what your using right now."
Apr 12 2010, 02:57 AM
12:43, 3 September 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
(PAN: active)
<<@Fedora: Need help figure out encryption. I need buy something?>>
<<@Ghoster: Here is list of things I could use. Of course, may not be available, I understand. I ask because maybe get lucky. Please to take costs out of singing bonus.
Armor, up to twice the rating of my armor vest;
Respirator, as good as you can get a hold of;
Spirit Strength magical compound (multiples if available);
Wudu’aku magical compound (multiples if available);
Lucifer Lamp with up to a 20 hour bulb;
Wyrd Mantis Essence (multiples if available)>>
Apr 12 2010, 03:00 AM
12:42, 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
Ambalo nodded to Afrika.
"No trouble. My place is not that good for meeting either. My safe...house is even worse in some ways. Although almost no one would disturb us."
(Default Commlink set to passive, route messages to helmet comm.
Helmet commlink Active, signal 0.)
<<@Team: File Downlaod: Helmet Commlink Code>>
(Helmet commlink set to passive)
"This is the comm code I will use to communicate with the team. It has a decent encryption program so as to make talking over a distance more secure. The smaller commlink is just for general talking."
Apr 12 2010, 03:59 AM
12:43, 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
<<@Yazata: Think of it as spirits of the machine, those that would protect your link and the information you send and get sent. I use spirits, the rest of you must settle for a more mundane approach. If you want I can find you a nice link with a nice firewall and encryption software. Even a protector if you would like. Let me know what your price range is.>>
Fedora looks at Ambalo, "Unless you have a way of boosting that signal, your going to have a hard time communicating unless you have something to bounce that signal off of near by."
Apr 12 2010, 04:05 AM
12:43, 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
"I lowered the signal to avoid unwanted attention outside of the restaurant. The commlink is rated for up to 1 kilometer."
Apr 12 2010, 04:07 AM
12:44, 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
<<@Fedora:We have much money to use. Get me what makes my commlink as good as can be. I do not want to be the weak link in the electric fence. Will 10,000 nuyen be enough? What does the best cost?>>
(PAN: passive)
Apr 12 2010, 04:11 AM
12:43, 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
"Variable signal, I like it."
Apr 13 2010, 04:06 AM
QUOTE (Digital Heroin/Noboru)
'Has there been a commonality in the choice of locations where they snatch their victims from?`
"Unfortunately no. The Shedim have been choosing their targets by several genetic and cellular markers and not by location. The locations are random."QUOTE (AzureousJake/Hammer)
"Something tells me we're more than likely to need explosives. Any chance your people could procure some foam explosives and det caps or at least point me in the direction of some who sells it? "
"I have some contacts who can help you with Grade-A weapons procurement, so I can accompany you to the markets and make some introductions."QUOTE (crizh/Afrika)
Is there any possibility, Mr Ghoster, of acquiring a viable material link to the target? Ritual Sorcery is out of the question but Izoduwa could cast the bones with a viable link and we might learn something of this creature's plans.
"Perhaps it is possible, but it would be outside our time frame. We've tried getting a material link for employing our own spells, but the target has prevented us from getting any link."QUOTE (pbangarth/Yazata)
"We could meet this evening, say in 12 hours when equipment can come. We need good place to meet. My place small and not good for many people. Is this room usable later tonight, Ghoster? Or should we find someplace else?
"If possible, I am liking spend up to 10,000 nuyen for binding materials, but need at least one set for Force Five spirit. If this could come to my place when available this afternoon, then I could prepare the spirit I need for mapping above and below ground. By then I could also message you any ordinary things I could use so you try get them to come same time in evening.
"This map you have, Ghoster. I could use to find place close by to modify with my information if I have copy. I could add map of underground with my spell. Then we can tell how much work to do if we do go by old sewers. Or why it not good idea.
"To do map, I need to be close, say about 100 meters from facility. It would be safer if I did not go alone. Is there someone here who can provide cover while I get to hiding place and concentrate on mapping from there?"
<<@Ghoster: Here is list of things I could use. Of course, may not be available, I understand. I ask because maybe get lucky. Please to take costs out of singing bonus.
Armor, up to twice the rating of my armor vest;
Respirator, as good as you can get a hold of;
Spirit Strength magical compound (multiples if available);
Wudu’aku magical compound (multiples if available);
Lucifer Lamp with up to a 20 hour bulb;
Wyrd Mantis Essence (multiples if available)>>
Ghoster continued,
"Yes, this restaurant will be available, as well as other locations that will be convenient. With Fedora's encryption, we can easily make that meeting online as well. For those who do not have an adequate encryption program or a commlink upgrade, come with me and Hammer to the docks. I know some people who have first rate equipment but need to meet their customer's face to face."
"For magical supplies, we can get that in a couple of hours at most. Yareen will setup the delivery."
"For the recon, we already have a surveillance team monitoring the facility. Ambalo and Yazata, you can join up with them and they'll assist you with your work."Ghoster made a wide motion and said,
"Before I forget, I wish to speak to Hammer and our Japanese friend concerning a few matters before we split."
Apr 13 2010, 04:48 AM
Matrix Corporate Node 317, Lagos, AfricaFedora found the facility's entry node and broke in. What he saw was completely alien. In the room he stood in, many structures of various shapes and forms changed shape over the entire room. Domes to pillars to flattened polygons morphed in front of him. Gliding between the morphing structures, tentacled creatures interacted with the changing forms by pushing or pulling on them.
On the other side of the room, three portals stood. Each were labeled in various languages as follows:
- Maintenance
- Security
- Projects
As a tentacled creature passed by, it mumbled something to him before moving on.
Apr 13 2010, 10:21 AM
Perhaps I can have a similar tool for the electronic speech as is acquired for Yazata, there is a payphone a mile down the road from the clinic but I fear it will not suffice for this operation.
If Yareen can access such materials so readily I could use a dozen herbal radicals and binding offerings for half a dozen Spirits of the sixth circle.
Apr 13 2010, 02:21 PM
12:44, 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
Solo has been listening to the ideas being tossed about and planning that is going on. "Well, this is gonna be different."
<<@Wynona: Honey, you might want to run diags on my traveling clothes. Looks like there's gonna be a lot less driving than we hoped. But make sure the autosofts on the beast are working, just in case we need a hasty out.>>
"If we want an area to do planning and prep, lets take it to my workshop. There's enough room for everyone to do what they need, be it tech or otherwise. If you're all in agreement here, I can give ya' a lift there as well."
<<@Ghoster: Mate, there are a few things I'd like to attempt to procure before this goes down. First are some incendiary mini-grenades. The rest, I may or may not hit you up on tomorrow.>>
<<@Ghoster: Lastly, if things go wrong, make sure my payments go to my cook.>>
Digital Heroin
Apr 13 2010, 11:19 PM
12:44, 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
Noboru meets Afrika's dismissal of his concerns with an impassive look, instead reflecting his inclinations inwardly. It is not merely a concern with the large dark skinned one, but with the heavy magical leanings of the gathering in general. He holds magic of his own, and in possessing it knows the value of it. But he knows also that it is merely a tool, prone to wearying the body and the mind if leaned upon too much as any tool may do. The armor he wears, both now and when in flight, the jetpack itself, his sword - these are all tools to be utilized, but he is not inclined in the least to rely upon them as if they bring certain victory.
When the talk turns to technical aspects of communication, Noboru remains quiet as well, however he makes note that, if this mission does not call for him to don his armor, he may need to procure encryption for his commlink as well, despite the fact he is going to run at least an intermittent open channel to feed his P2.0.
At Ghoster's invitation to stay a moment longer for a discussion, Noboru bows slightly at the shoulder, catching the eyes of their employer by way of indicating he understands.
Apr 14 2010, 02:49 AM
12:45 3 September 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
"Solo, thank you for the offer of ride. If is alright with Ambalo, could you give us a ride to surveillance site our employer has near the target in the Alimosho District? Yareen can have my materials delivered there, and I can bind spirit and do magical investigation right away. This would save some time.
"We can all meet at the surveillance site, but is dangerous maybe to have too many new people showing up near facility before we start extraction. Better maybe, Ambalo and I could then going to your workshop, where we can discuss our plans with whole team there. Is this OK everybody?"
Apr 14 2010, 03:14 AM
12:45 3 September 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
"I like the idea, thanks' Solo. I agree that we should keep the number of people staying with the site down to avoid attention, and the workshop sounds like a good place to meet up. As a side note, Ghoster, it seems like my contact for ammo isn't available right now, would I be able to get some White Phosphorous Grenades, Injection Arrows containing Narcoject, and Sticky Shock bullets through you?"
Digital Heroin
Apr 14 2010, 03:48 AM
12:45 3 September 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
When Solo suggest a meeting at his workshop, Noboru inclines his head, nodding. `A meeting place with some space and security would be appreciated. Anything I have to offer by way of it may offend the more paranoid sensibilities of some here.` He was, after all, living in a corporate hotel, on the megacorporate dime. `If you would be so kind as to afford me a set of co-ordinates, I have transportation waiting nearby.` It would allow him to confer with his driver, and to add an extra layer of personal security to the transfer of venues.
Apr 15 2010, 05:45 AM
12:45 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
Yazata felt a chill run down his spine, almost like the feeling of an astral entity passing through his form. His keen mind boggled for just a moment. "February... September... when am I?" It passed. Did any of the others notice? He hoped not. Not a good sign to go fuzzy at a job meet.
Apr 15 2010, 07:38 PM
12:45 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
"I'll have to drop Ambalo and Yazata a bit from the recon site. I pride myself on being discreet, but in city, my ute sticks out a bit more than it does in the rough."
While capturing images of everyone in the room, Solo feeds Narubo a map to his warehouse. "You'll want to be careful once ya' get near the Ifako-Ijaye area as the roads get a bit rougher. Once at the warehouse, you shouldn't have any trouble. Just don't bring anyone else along, as you all are the only ones I've cleared for entry."
<<@Wynona: Honey, we're gonna be havin' guests for a bit. If I'm not back before anyone gets there, here's some pics of them. >>Upload file: [mates.zip]<< Just let'em in and make sure they don't break anything until I get back. I have to run a couple of mates into the Alimosho District.>>
Apr 15 2010, 10:32 PM
Ghoster pulls Noboru into an adjoining room and speaks discreetly in fluent Japanese:
I am honored you have chosen taken this job. To assist with you corporate overseers, I will have feeds of the overhead battle available to you for your P2.0 feed. However, since no one else in the team has a P2.0 feed, I am requesting that their faces be blocked out. I have resources available if you cannot manage such."
Ghoster releases Noboru and pull Hammer into the room speaking English again:
"Hammer, last night's incident was related to this job. The fight last night was a between the guardian I sent and a Shedim following your trail. I don't know yet why, but for our mutual interests would suggest that we retrieve information why they after you. My gut feeling says it involves Oakland's WTO, since WTO recently put out a large bounty for you."
Apr 15 2010, 11:28 PM
12:45 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos(Honeypot:passive)Fedora looks around inquisitively in his AR windows.
Interesting topology, if a bit.... odd.... Nice of them to put the link to the security node out in the open like that. There's probably info in all 3 of those we can use.... but what's that thing?"If your place has a comfy chair and Matrix access I'll come along now and do my recon from there. It's always a bonus to have someone around when I'm.... out of body.... as it were."<<@Yazata: This should be just what you need, it's very secure. >>Upload file: commspecs<< Street price is 6k, not sure what it'll run for around here>>.Fedora turns his attention to the icons in his AR windows.
Now what have we here[ Spoiler ]
Matrix perception tests on the 3 nodes and the 'thing' that's mumbling at Fedora.
Computer (4) + Analyze (5) + Technomancer Bonus (2) = 11 dice
Maintenance: 2 hits
Security: 5 hits
Projects: 5 hits
Thing: 5 hits
Matrix Perception Rolls on the 3 nodes and the 'thing' that's looking at him. Maintenance Security Projects Thing (11d6.hits(5)=2, 11d6.hits(5)=5, 11d6.hits(5)=5, 11d6.hits(5)=5)
Apr 16 2010, 06:20 AM
12:45 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
<<@Fedora:Thank you. I will pass on to Ghoster.>>
<<@Ghoster:Here is Fedora say good electronics for commlink>>Upload file: commspecs<<Please add to list of gear.>>
Digital Heroin
Apr 18 2010, 02:55 AM
12:45 3 February 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
When pulled aside, Noboru listens, and half bows in response to Ghoster's request. `I understand quite well the desire my new companions may have for discretion, and have already ensured measures were in place for their anonymity.` It was not, as the saying lamentably went in his foster home, his first rodeo. Noboru had been running the shadows for some time now, as much as he had been running in the bright lights of La La Land. He knew that secrets were best kept from the public eye, even as he pandered to them on behalf of Horizon. `I believe Fedora is providing schematics for securing our communications. I will need encryption software for my current commlink. Something tells me I may well be spending less time in my suit than expected, and wearing a helmet in plainclothes is just a fashion nightmare.`
A faint smile accompanies the last comment. The prospect of an honorable mission has him in rare form. He could, of course, have addressed the issue of cryptography with his own technical staff, but there is something to be said for having protocols which match your teammates.
Apr 18 2010, 07:12 PM
12:45, 3 Feb 2072, Ikeja District, Lagos
Yareen projected an image of the recon team. One scowled with a multicolored scales donning a black jump suit. The other was obviously a free spirit. Fire engulfed this one, and its eyes were completely blank. One could not tell if was male or female.
12:45, 3 Feb 2072, Alimosho District, Lagos
Mukulu shifted uncomfortably. The smell from the abandoned house crawled into her skin.
"O Great Ancestor, do we have to sit in this pile of shit?"
The spirit turned to Mukulu and opined. "Yes"
Mukulu scoffed and looked into the telescope. For weeks they'd been gathering intelligence even as far as sneaking into the base. When Ghoster ordered the team to maintain surveillance, Mukulu was not pleased. She was simply more accustomed to being mischievous.
Breaking the silence, the spirit spoke, "There will be help coming soon. Be prepared for a dwarf, a ghoul, and...an aussie or kiwi"