Sorry this is going to be a wall of text in reply to several comments above.
1. About spaceship collisions:
Imagine an airplane. Imagine what happens if one airplane hits another airplane fast enough to make a hole. Now imagine how much weight and fuel and bigger engines it would take to build one airplane that can colide with another airplane and survive with minimal damage.
Aerospace vehicles that run into other aerospace vehicles with intent to cause damage are called missiles.
You're certainly capable and able to persue this modification for your shuttle in game. People will laugh at you, but it's not imposible. However it is not a modification I'm willing to give you for free.
2. Signal range QE coms, and Hacking from Afar.
I'm a little dubious about the listed signal and sensor ranges listed on p. 299.
I think that the listed ranges only apply to full AR or VR communications.
Radio or laser signals go on for ever in space so I'm not exactly sure why they're puting a 5000km cap on signals. I supsect that only applies on a planet or moon.
A. All interplanetary ships have a Neutrino Communicator, p. 314 (there may be some exceptions with really old or self built Brinker ships.)
B. While your Neutrino Communicator is capable of Quantum Farcasting. Who would you talk to? In most cases you probably won't be able to achieve quantum entanglement with your target. (If you have questions about entanglement I'm semi qualified to answer them I once co-authored a story about it.)
C. Normal radio works just fine. IRL we talk to probes on Mars from earth. The ony thing that limits radio range (that I'm willing to consider in game) is a horizon. Radio doesn't work over the horizon very well.
D. There is significant lag at large distances with radio coms. Luna is about 400,000 km from Earth. At that distance there is about a 4 second coms lag. That means it takes light (or a radio wave) 2 seconds to get there and 2 more seconds to return. The coms lag from earth to Mars is about 28 minutes IIRC.
So, is hacking posible at really long distances? No. Not because you couldn't seed a virus or something like that but because after about 5000km the communication lag is to long to support real time AR interaction.
There are other options however. For example; the main ship could stand off while it sends a probe carying a Fork of a hacker into AR coms range. It's your job as players to surprise me with novel ideas that I'm too dumb to predict and completely ruin my scenario and side track all of my planning and hard work.
That's what role gaming is all about. (Another idea: perhaps in a future adventure you could find a way to sneak entangled Q-bits into the system of a target. I bet they'd be pretty damned surprised.)
3. My distain.
My distain bows to your rebelitudion then goes to whimper quietly in the corner. Keep the ideas comming.
4. Black Hat's relays.
Relays don't work well to overcome communications lag due to the speed of light. It just adds system lagtime in the hardware to the lagtime of the wave. Can't go faster than the speed of light.
5. Cloaking Feature.
Will be available as an option on your main ship but not the silly startreck magic crap. I'll have it posted by tomorow. Promise.
It would help if everyone would read
Page about Stealth5.b. Almost exactly like a chamelion cloak but better, except that it's really really heavy and is going to drive up your fuel costs. See I don't hate all your ideas. And Kudo's on the Lidar caveat. That's an issue you'll have to find a way around. You'll see more when I post the main ship tomorow.
6. So what are you guys (and lady ) naming the ships???????7
. I might be getting too technical.
The thing that excites me about EP is that it's got SCIENCE! no fucking copout miracle magic bullshit, which is the main reason I don't play SR. However, I realize that I might be getting too wraped up in the technical stuff and if that makes the game UNfun you have to tell me. Quantum Entanglement, Obital Mechanics, Genetic modification, Nanoware, Digitized consiousness... good hard Futuretech and all of its implications is what I'm interested in exploring here. Wrap all the futuretech in a compeling, occaisionally violent, adventure and I'm in heaven. That's what i'd like to do; see how you guys respond to the setting elements when they're wraped into a compelling adventure. But I can let my science fetish get in the way. And if that happens I'll have to trust you to tell me.
Dr. Funk, I'm hearing what you're saying about "Arrr! We be Pirates fer Crissake!" It's not my intention to tease you with a pirate adventure then rip the rug out from under you by trying to play '2001 a Space Odessy'. Pirates it is. Swashbuckling will happen. But it will be Space pirates with Space swashbuckling. Will that work?
Jamming radar 262