I love this description DV8 gave of the Puyallup Barrens in a post that was recently made:
In my campaign at the moment, the runners are stranded in the dead middle of the night in the Puyallup barrens, having to hoof it all the way back to downtown Seattle, through one of the most dangerous territories in the Seattle sprawl; a wasteland of broken buildings, soot and ash covered streets, with dense urban centers with claustrophobic mazes of alley-ways as well as wide open stretches of bubbling, boiling mudplanes left over from the eruption of Mt. Rainier. |
QUOTE (Sunday_Gamer) |
it's all Mad Max Beyond Thunderdomy (yes, I turned a movie into an adjective). |
New Seattle, p. 68 Today, Puyallup is a thousand square kilometers of abandoned buildings, squatter camps, metahuman ghettos and black lava fields that stretch as far as they eye can see. In the shadow of Mount Rainier, Puyallup lives under the constant threat of new eruptions and new devastation. Industry (such as it is) has been slow to recover; only a few heavy-industry corps have been attracted by the cheap land and scant enforcement of environmental codes. Their factories generally add to the gray haze that hangs over the district. Lava fields in the southern region altered the flwo of the Puyallup River. As lava poured into the river, it pushed the water up and over the riverbanks to flood the low-lying plains. A new riverbed eventually formed, but some of the water drawn beneath the lava flow still bubbles to the surface as geysers and lakes of toxic, boiling mud. |