I'm looking to run some missions in the Renraku Arcology during Deus' reign - but my group plays 4th edition, and I don't think I can convince them to learn a new game just for this. There's no inherent limitations on using 4th edition rules for this setting, but it does mean that I have to take on the somewhat tedious task of statting everything out in subtly different ways.
I'm starting with the Banded, using the stats in the back of Renraku Arcology: Shutdown and the guidelines in the back of Contacts and Adventures.
[ Spoiler ]
General enhancements for all banded:
Carcerand Release Stimulators*, Implanted commlink (Device rating 6), Cyberears (Rating 2, Audio Enhancement 3, Select Sound Filter 3), Cybereyes (Rating 3, Thermographic Vision, Low Light Vision, Flare Compensation, Vision Enhancement 3, Smartlink)
Essence Cost: 0.9
*These release carcerands upon receiving a signal from Deus - the carcerands are usually either a killswitch or some sort of chemical reward.
Blue Banded
General enhancements for blue banded:
Muscle Augmentation & Toner 2, Plastic Bone Lacing, Reaction Enhancers 3, Tracheal Filter 5, Synaptic Booster 1
Essence Cost: 3.2
1 Band
B A R S I L W C Ess Init IP
3 3 (5) 3 (6) 3 (5) 2 2 2 2 1.9 8 2
Skills: Automatics 3 (+2 SMGs), Unarmed Combat 3, Blades 2, Etiquette 1 (+2 Corporate)
Gear: HK-227X (smartlink, 3 clips regular ammo, 1 clip gel), Armor vest (6/4), 2 flash grenades, knife
3 Bands
B A R S I L W C Ess Init IP
3 3 (5) 3 (6) 3 (5) 3 3 3 2 1.0 9 2
Additional 'ware: Dermal Sheath 1 (color adaptation), Enhanced articulation
Skills: Unarmed Combat 3, Automatics 3 (+2 SMGs), Blades 3, Etiquette 1 (+2 Corporate)
Gear: FN 93 Praetor (smartlink, 3 clips APDS, 1 clip gel), Armor jacket (9/8), knife, 2 flash grenades, 2 frag grenades
5 Bands
B A R S I L W C Ess Init IP
4 4 (6) 4 (6) 3 (5) 4 3 3 2 0.1 10 2
Additional 'ware: Dermal sheath 1 (color adaptation), Enhanced articulation, Toxin Extractor 3, Pain Editor
Skills: Unarmed Combat 4, Automatics 4 (+2 assault rifles), Blades 3, Etiquette 2 (+2 Corporate), Leadership 2
Gear: Nitama Optimum II (smartlink, gas-vent 3, 3 clips APDS, 1 clip gel, 5 rounds SnS), Full body armor w/ helmet (13/12), knife, 2 flash grenades, 2 frag grenades, 2 HE grenades, 2 thermal smoke grenades
Blue Banded Mages
3 Bands
B A R S I L W C M Ess Init IP
3 (7) 3 3 2 4 4 4 4 4 5.1 7 1
Additional 'ware: General ware is beta
Skills: Sorcery skill group 4, Conjuring skill group 4, Unarmed combat 3, Pistols 3, Blades 2, Etiquette 1 (+2 Corporate)
Gear: Ares Predator IV (smartlink, 3 clips regular ammo), Armor jacket (8/6), knife
Spells: Manabolt, Stunball, Entertainment, Detect Life, Detect Magic, Armor (sustained at force 4 by sustaining focus), Physical Barrier, Heal
5 Bands
B A R S I L W C M Ess Init IP
3 (7) 3 3 (4) 2 4 4 4 4 4 (6) 4.56 8 2
Additional 'ware: General 'ware is beta, Synaptic Boosters 1, Pain Editor
Skills: Sorcery skill group 4, Conjuring skill group 5, Unarmed combat 3, Pistols 3, Blades 3, Etiquette 2 (+2 Corporate)
Gear: Ares Predator IV (smartlink, 3 clips regular ammo), Armor jacket (8/6), knife, Power Focus 2
Spells: Manabolt, Stunball, Entertainment, Improved Invisibility (sustained at Force 6 with sustaining focus, 4 successes), Detect Life, Combat Sense (sustained at Force 6 with sustaining focus, 4 successes), Mind Probe, Acid Stream, Physical Barrier, Heal
Next up is drones - in a previous thread it was noted that statting up Deus' robo-servants is impossible within the rules, so I won't bother trying. I'm the GM, after all.