phelious fogg
Mar 16 2004, 05:08 PM
@Kyle, Duke, Rover, Scuzzy:The air clears for a second, with no enemies in sight the remaining gaurds move out the front door. Rover gives the troll a quick once over, picking up a grenade off his belt. Steping ahead of the gaurds, Rover heads outside. Meanwhile, Duke crawls over to the secretaries desk, where the secrertary sits crying. Deftly, Duke plugs a datajack cable into the secretaries cyberterminal. Scuzzy makes for the stairwell.
@Rover:Outside you see a good deal of wreckage, two troops of dead security gaurds and several dead runners. The place looks like it was a battle field not seconds ago. In the middle of the carnage you see a figure sitting crosslegged with his head down. Then you see two looming monstrosities rise out of the ground. Massive stone statues rise out of the concrete in front of you. The behemoths are made out of dirt and rock, with moss growing on the exposed surfaces. Thier eyes appear to be made of semiprecious stones and glow, even in the sun.
@Duke:Slipping the cable into your Datajack, the world around you slips away and is replaced with the Mobius Corperate Mainframe. The 'world' you see is that of the metahuman brain. Camera's you think, and quickly you dive into the optic nerve and you are now in a room shaped like the human eye, with windows looking out over the various cameras. Most of which are blacked out. Looking for alarms you notice that they have already been supressed.
@Wraith, Rawhide:Wraith and Rawhide both look out over the scene seeing 6 goons planting explosives at the base of the building's supports. You notice that they have been at work for several minutes already and have planted several bombs in the northern part of the garage, red LED's blinking innocently in the dark. Wraith jumps into his Rover and starts the engine while Rawhide pops a shot at one of the goons, missing the goon and taking a bit of plascrete out of the column.
[ Spoiler ]
Rover still has an action left. Kyle, you can post your last action for the round too.
Mar 19 2004, 12:50 AM
Scuzzy rushed down the stairs to the garage, preparing to cast a spell in Rawhide's defense.
Mar 19 2004, 04:27 AM
Covering the door, Kyle waits for Rover's recon.
"Duke, gimme a sit-rep. Where we at?"
phelious fogg
Mar 19 2004, 05:06 AM
@Rover: You let off a shot at the mage, going wide. The two elementals approach you and attempt to grab you.
@Scuzzy, Kyle: Nothing happens inside, you can hear the sound of stone on conrete outside.
@Duke: You reach into the system and release the alarm programs, screaming neurons flash through the system and the system sends an automated call to Knight Errant. You see traces of the previous decker who crashed the system, including a trail towards the public grid, but the trail stops at a dead end, almost like it runs into a wall. Unlocking the camera's is a little harder, half of the camera's are still out, but you can see the action in the garage though a few camera's.
@Wraith, Rover: At the sound of your gunshot, the men step from thier explosives and draw what appear to be shotguns.
Mar 20 2004, 02:09 AM
When he hears the scraping sound, "What the fuck...?" Kyle peers closer at the door that Rover just went through. "Rover? What's up, omae?"
He takes a few side steps towards the edge of the counter, stepping around the crying secretary. "Easy, ma'am. Everything is...under control."
Mar 21 2004, 03:01 AM
With two hands on his gun, it suddnely dawns on Kyle, Fuck! The case!
He scrambles back to the couch where he dropped the case and grabs it in his left hand before rushing back to Duke.
Mar 21 2004, 04:42 AM
Rover goes into full acrobatic dodge mode, attempting to avoid the elementals while getting to the mage. He drops his pistol in the process, but doesn't care. This is work for a sword, not a pistol.
Mar 25 2004, 09:32 PM
As the adrenaline floods his bloodstream, time seems to slow down for Scuzzy. Everey step of the stairs seems to take an hour to traverse; every second of combat seems like days.
Digital Heroin
Mar 25 2004, 11:49 PM
Rawhide breaks for the ramp area, popping off another shot as he goes. Hell, enough lead takes to the air the guys might get spooked, but he's got to get to the RV.
Mar 26 2004, 01:08 AM
Duke reaches up and unplugs the datacord from his temple.
over the comm
"Security is on the way along with the bomb squad. The garage is rigged to blow and we got major mojo going on outside."
He then looks at Kyle, "I'm fine, go help Rover with that drek outside."
Duke then takes a good look around to asses the situation and see what he can do to help out.
phelious fogg
Mar 26 2004, 01:39 AM
@ Kyle, Duke, Scuzzy:
All is quiet inside, the gaurds file into the staircase, to secure other rooms, or the basement you suspect.
Duke accesses the situation, and realizes there isnt much that can be done here at the moment. Thinking a bit harder, he remebers the briefcase, and those stupid people who didnt give him an account. He knows the situation has gone from bad to worse, but doesnt know anything he can do to help.
@ Rawhide, Wraith, Scuzzy:
In the basement, Rover shoots and misses another bad guy. He runs up the ramp and jumps the fence to get into the outside parking lot. Racing up to his RV, he sees nothing of note in this area. He opens the door and slides into his worn seat.
@ Rover:
Running forward you slide between the two clumsy elementals, saying easily out of thier reach. After you pass them they slide back into the ground. As you bring your katana up you notice that you are slowing down and you hit an invisible barrier.
Mar 26 2004, 01:58 AM
Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Scuzzy gathered astral energy into his aura and sent a manabolt unneringly toward the second bomb-layer from his left, ducking back behind cover afterwards. "Wait for me," he yelled to Wraith as he prepared to make a dash for the land rover.
Mar 26 2004, 05:20 AM
Kyle doesn't even look at Duke before saying, "Roger that!" He starts to move then stops and tosses Duke the briefcase, "hold on to this."
Kyle moves out from behind the counter and up the leftside of the doorway. Seeing Rover slam into *something* he flattens himself to the inside of the wall. He shouts w/o actually putting his head out into the doorway.
"Rover! Rally point right fraggin' here!! Wait for backup God dammit!!
Mar 26 2004, 03:31 PM
Rover hears the command, but he's much to intent on what he's doing to change course now. He makes an attempt to hack through the barrier with his sword. Most things will give way to that, whether he can see them or not.
phelious fogg
Mar 26 2004, 04:58 PM
@ Scuzzy, Wraith:
Scuzzy turns towards the goons and concentrates for a second. The effect is astounding. The goons all turn to Scuzzy, one shouting "Geek the Mage!" One of the goons drops to the ground like a sack of potatoes, and it doesnt look like he will be getting up anytime soon, if ever.
"Hop in," Wraith says, opening the door to his landrover for Scuzzy, "We gotta get out of here."
@ Rover, Kyle:
Rover ignores Kyle and hacks at the invisible barrier. With a quick slice the katana breaks the barrier apart. Meanwhile the ground around Rover seems to rise up and atempt to grab him.
Mar 26 2004, 05:03 PM
Duke slowly makes his way towards the door, looking for a clear shot at the Mage. Once located, Duke takes aim and fires off a round.
Mar 26 2004, 05:19 PM
Scuzzy dives into the Land Rover, shutting the door behind him. He scrambles into the back seat and keeps his head down. Only then does he notice the small, bleeding wound in his side. He's been shot, but fortunately the bullet didn't penetrate very far.
phelious fogg
Mar 29 2004, 04:24 PM
@ Rover, Duke, Kyle:
Duke smiles in the window as he takes a well aimed shot at the enemy mage. Time slows as the bullet exits the chamber, and one of the two elementals moves to intercept the bullet, falling short as the bullet slams into the mages face. The mage rolls backwards from the impact, tumbling down the stairs. The two elementals freed from thier burden turn on thier master, and the concrete around the mage rises up and entombs the mage.
@ Wraith, Rover:
Security is in a firefight with the remaining goons. Suddenly one of the goons shouts, "I'll blow it." It appears as if he is holding some sort of detonator. Wraith speaks into his comm franticly, "Oh shit, everyone out of the building." He slams on the gas and drives out of the garage as fast as he can.
@ Rawhide:
Starting up your RV, you begin to drive around to the front of the building. It looks as if the confrontation is over for now. Then you hear Wraiths voice over the comm unit in your van.
Mar 29 2004, 04:53 PM
Duke yells at the top of his lungs, "EVERYONE OUT, THE PLACE IS GUNNA BLOW!"
That said, he high tails it outta there and starts to get as far away from the building as possible.
Mar 29 2004, 05:37 PM
Seeing the mage drop, Rover knows his job is done. He watches as the mages own creatures suck him down into the ground. Dukes warning shocks him back into action, and he picks up his pistol and runs for the RV.
phelious fogg
Mar 31 2004, 04:02 PM
@ Everyone:
Everyone outside the lobby rushes into Rawhides's RV. Once inside Duke hands Kyle the briefcase once more. Rawhide turns the RV around and begins to speed out. Ahead of Rawhide is Wraith's Landrover, Which crashes through the closed chain link fence. After driving several blocks you here the ubiquitous sound of sirens, and the rattling sound of an explosion, suddenly there is one less building in the sprawl. You only hope they evacuated all the staff in time.
Mar 31 2004, 04:25 PM
Duke jumps into shotgun of the RV and winces as the ground shakes from the explosion, "What the frag was that all about!?"
Mar 31 2004, 05:04 PM
As he speeds off in the back of Wraith's Land Rover, Scuzzy buckles his seat belt. He then focuses his mind on the astral, sending out a call to the land. In response to his call, a city spirit appears in the astral space next to him in the van. Scuzzy orders the spirit to use it's guard power to protect the Land Rover and Rawhide's RV, in order to prevent any untimely accidents from occuring.
Apr 2 2004, 12:33 AM
"Good question, Duke. Anyone got a good answer? Eitherway, Rawhide, see if you can raise Wraith on the comm and then set up a rendez-vous point. Your call but make it out of the way."
Kyle goes to his locker in the battlewagon and pulls out a Smartgun and the shoulder rig for it. He slips out of his coat and into the rig. The Smartgun's surpressor goes into its holster opposite the sling along with a few spare clips.
Apr 2 2004, 12:36 AM
Duke grins, reaches over and nudges his brother, "You shoulda seen me man, I capped that mage right between the eyes!"
Apr 2 2004, 04:41 PM
Sitting in the back, wiping the blood from his katana and his shoes, Rover says, "I think they were possibly employees of the recently lost employee that Theodore mentioned. Glad we got paid up front for this one."
"Do we have communication with the Land Rover? If so, tell them I can see astrally, so we can use spirits to communicate."
His katana put away, and the blood mostly cleaned from his hiking boots, Rover sits back in the seat, loosens his tie, and pulls it up, over his face and tightens it around his eyes like a blindfold.
Apr 6 2004, 06:33 AM
Scuzzy plucks the bullet out of it's shallow wound and presses his palm onto his wounded thigh. With a simple spell, he heals the bullet hole, leaving only a scab and a bloodstained hole in his pants to indicate that it was ever there.
"You hurt, Wraith?" he asks to the razorguy driving the car.
phelious fogg
Apr 6 2004, 05:36 PM
@ Scuzzy:
"Na, Wraith replies, I'm good. Just tell me where we need to go. We have some serious drek to discusss with the rest of the team, and I'd like to dodge KE while we're at it." with that said, Wraith looks into the rear view mirror again. "I don't think they have anything connected with us, but better safe than sorry."
@ Everyone Else:
The drive through the outskirts of the Fort Smith sprawl is uninteresting as the lines of pre-crash buildings fly past your windows. Looking back occasionlay you see nothing but the Land Rover and an occasional passing truck. Meanwhile a spirit manafests in the RV, "Scuzzy sent me to act as a messenger."
Apr 6 2004, 06:03 PM
Still blindfolded in the back of the RV, Rover says into space "Hello friend. Please allow me to speak with my partners for a moment."
"Hey guys, we've got an un-buggable messenger. What's the plan?"
Apr 11 2004, 04:26 AM
Scuzzy focuses his mind on his imaginary third eye. He visualizes a third eye on his forehead flying up, up into the air over the land rover. Looking down onto the road from 24 meters above his body, Scuzzy watched the multitude of cars behind the him, looking for any that stayed with him for a suspiciously long time.
phelious fogg
Apr 11 2004, 04:51 AM
@ Scuzzy:
Looking down onto the mass of traffic, you notice several cars headed away from you that look like Knight Errant, probably headed towards Mobius. You don't see any cars that are tailing you for now.
Apr 21 2004, 01:11 AM
Just then, Scuzzy remembers something he noticed before casting his clairvoyance spell. The fuel meter. He sends the watcher back to the RV with another message. "This landrover is low on gas. There's a station a couple blocks ahead; let's stop there."
Apr 21 2004, 03:39 PM
"Hey guys", Rover says from the back, "it looks like we need to hit the next gas station. I could use a pop and some jerky anyway."
phelious fogg
Apr 22 2004, 02:20 AM
@ Everyone:
After a few blocks Wraith's Landrover pulls over into the parking lot of a local gas station. The station is a bit run down, and is on the edge of the city limits. The place seems practically abandoned today. On attendant comes out and asks what type of gas you need.
"Deisel, High Grade if you have it." Wriath replies. "don't suppose you got any fizzypop inside do ya?"
After filling up the tank the old man pulls out a credstick reader, "25 nuyen please"
Wraith slots the reader and walks inside to get a fizzypop.
Digital Heroin
Apr 22 2004, 03:21 AM
Rawhide brings the RV to a stop a little ways away from Wraith's SUV. No need to be within grenade blast range. Yeah, he's thinking that way, after what went down he'd be a fool not to. He commences a scan of the area while Wraith gasses up, sitting silent for the moment.
Apr 22 2004, 03:54 PM
Scuzzy follows Wraith inside to get some cola and soyjerky.
Apr 22 2004, 06:28 PM
Rover slips his tie back around his neck without bothering to tighten it and follows them into the store, looking for pop, jerky and maybe a beer
May 1 2004, 10:56 PM
Scuzzy purchases a pack of beef jerky, a small bag of pretzels, and one of those energy drinks that taste like battery acid.
May 3 2004, 05:08 PM
Still holding the case in one hand, Kyle uses his free one fish out a cigarette and then a lighter. Hoping down form the RV he lits it up.
Think man, think...
May 4 2004, 11:22 PM
Once they have purchased food items from the convenience store, the team gathers next to Rawhide's RV. Scuzzy gets straight to business. "So, what now? I don't know about you guys, but I am all for carrying out the mission and delivering the package. I suggest that those of us who want out part ways with those of us who ar still in now."
May 5 2004, 05:01 PM
Rover adds his 2 nuyen, "As our direct employer may have been blown up, I suggest checking our accounts, and make sure the money has already been deposited before we decide what to do with our package. If we've been paid, as we were told, we finish the mission. If not, we see what both sides are willing to pay for it. Not that we should necissarily give it to our opposition, but we should look after our own interests first."