Ok, so electronic nanopaste and such are incredible, but they all require computers to use. SR4A p338 says that latex face masks and nanopaste disguises cost a flat amount, then the number of hits on a Computer + Edit test (max hits = Disguise skill) are a positive modifier to the following Disguise test, but that requires that a person fiddle with a computer-thing to put makeup on. There are chemical cosmetics in Arsenal, but they're not really cosmetics, they're just gels that had DMSO applied to hold another chemical of the user's choice.
You can buy a kit for building and repairing things and the kit gives... a bonus of some sort, "+1 or more". Shouldn't there be something like this for other skills like Disguise? For instance, a rating 1 disguise kit might be like http://www.stagemakeuponline.com/02-PK/Per...ts-Ben-Nye.html while a rating 6 makeup kit would look something like: http://gifts.barnesandnoble.com/search/pro...t-_-89241145497 but with softer eyeliner pencils instead of harder colored pencils and several types of foundations and creams instead of watercolors and, well, I guess the oil paints would stay roughly the same... anyway, you get the idea.