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I'm building an ex-shadowrunner, 'Python', as a contact/mentor for my runner. Was wondering what's a good amount of BP for a prime runner gone to seed?
As far as I understand it, you don't stat your contacts out fully - there are sample contacts with limited statblocks in the contacts section, you pick one of those, and Connections and Loyalty take care of the rest for actually using them in play.

At least, that's how its supposted to work. We hardly use the contact stats in my game - its -all- about the contact's rating.
I like to put stats on the players contacts. Makes them feel more fleshed out and part of the world, if you what I mean.
QUOTE (WulfSage @ May 7 2010, 11:53 AM) *
I like to put stats on the players contacts. Makes them feel more fleshed out and part of the world, if you what I mean.

I never bothered giving my players' contacts full stats, but that was more laziness. I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment that contacts should be fairly realized characters in their own right.

As to the original question, if 500 is BP is considered a high-powered beginning runner, then I'd say at least 600 for a retiree. Maybe go as high as 800, but I've never tried to stat up an 800 point character, so I have no idea what that looks like. Honestly, I would just start assigning whatever stats/skills/gear that "felt" right for the archetype without trying to go too nuts. Or, I might use a certain BP amount as a starting point, but not hold to the points if I felt like the character just needed that "one more thing."
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