May 7 2010, 10:41 PM
Now, I'm not talking about IP's here. But Muscle Augmentation and Muscle Toner to increase Strength and Agility do nothing to increase your base physical movement speed? Shouldn't you run/walk faster?
May 7 2010, 10:44 PM
it does. Remember the rolls you make for sprinting? You would use your increased attributes, which would make you faster.
Ol' Scratch
May 7 2010, 10:50 PM
Stronger and more agile people don't normally "walk" faster than anyone else, and I'm pretty sure I can walk pretty damn fast if/when I wanted to despite not being an Olympic-class athlete. Running and sprinting, however, includes a Strength + Running (or Strength -1) Test. Agility doesn't play much into it; that's used more for maneuvering than outright running.
May 7 2010, 11:01 PM
Ah, good.
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