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Full Version: Street Date for Almanac?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
"It'll be ready when it's ready" aside, I was wondering if anyone knew what the predicted street date for Almanac was, if it exists. The other forthcoming books would be cool, too...but I really want me some Almanac.
When street dates are available, they will be posted on -- there's nothing there about the Almanac yet, so such information isn't yet publicly available. They do say that all good things come to those who wait, though... except Shadows of Latin America.
According to various sources, parts of 6WA had to be rewritten due to AH's departure, so I imagine we still have a couple of months minimum.
The Dragon Girl
I think I remember someone saying it was going to be out this summer, but I can't source it.
QUOTE (Jhaiisiin @ May 8 2010, 05:57 AM) *
According to various sources, parts of 6WA had to be rewritten due to AH's departure, so I imagine we still have a couple of months minimum.

What happened there? He left and pulled permission to use what he'd written?
Ancient History
I terminated my contracts, so they couldn't use any of my drafts and I wouldn't get paid for it. Jason and some BattleTech freelancers are reportedly rewriting my chapters for the 6WA. (Which doesn't cover all my unpaid edits and proofing to the other chapters, so those should still go through.)
Thanks everyone!

Ancient History, bummer that you left. Not, you know, because I actually care about you, but because of the delay. nyahnyah.gif
The fact that everyone's favorite walking 6th world encyclopedia has nothing to do with the soon to be printed 6th world encyclopedia makes me a sad panda indeed. I wish CGL had used used enough lube to keep you taking it until the almanac got published AH grinbig.gif
Kid Chameleon
QUOTE (Ancient History @ May 8 2010, 04:26 PM) *
I terminated my contracts, so they couldn't use any of my drafts and I wouldn't get paid for it. Jason and some BattleTech freelancers are reportedly rewriting my chapters for the 6WA. (Which doesn't cover all my unpaid edits and proofing to the other chapters, so those should still go through.)

There's even a Eclipse Phase freelancer involved.
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