QUOTE (Oehler the Black @ May 11 2010, 01:49 AM)
Followed by the Craft Homunculi Feat to make a Dedicated Wright. Suddenly you have ALL the time in the world to scribe spells.
Depends on downtime, but yeah, having a Homunculi do all your magic item creation gives you plenty of time to copy spells, though you still need the resources to buy the spell and then to write it in your book (Remember, spellbooks are 100 GP a page, spells require level pages to write or something like that, and require some 25GP a level in ink to write it out, and of course buying the spell is 25 x spell level x caster level)
I'd hate to say it but you may just have to resort to two methods, pencil and paper or a homemade spreadsheet.
These are the methods I went with. I had a small notebook that I used as a spellbook. It had the spell name, book and page number, a really quick one sentence blurb on what it did, and expensive material components. Also had small notes for spells that didn't have Verbal or Somatic components or stuff like that so I knew quickly if I could cast them silenced or bound or anything.
Only time I had trouble was when I became a Mage of the Arcane Order and literally had access to every spell in existence at a whim. Then I just pulled out my four favorite books of spells and read the section that had the spells sorted out by caster type and level.