There is also a third form of damage and that's Matrix damage. Matrix damage goes to your matrix condition monitor. On page 237 SR4A it says the following:
The Matrix Condition Monitor measures the amount of Matrix damage an icon can take. It has a number of boxes equal to 8 + (System ÷ 2, rounded up). Technomancers do not have a Matrix Condition Monitor.
An icon crashes when all the boxes on its Matrix Condition Monitor are filled. If your persona icon crashes, you are immediately disconnected from the Matrix, as with the Jack Out action (p. 229). If you were operating in VR, you suffer dumpshock when this happens.
An icon crashes when all the boxes on its Matrix Condition Monitor are filled. If your persona icon crashes, you are immediately disconnected from the Matrix, as with the Jack Out action (p. 229). If you were operating in VR, you suffer dumpshock when this happens.
1.) Now, do 3 boxes of matrix damage also result a -1 DP modifier for matrix tests?
It isn't stated in the text, but the name "Matrix Condition Monitor" seems to imply that it should behave similar to the other condition monitors.
2.) If the answer is yes, than, what actions are affected by this DP modifier? Obviously only Matrix actions, but which?
3.) As you can have multiple subscriptions open, you can have multiple matrix icons. Does each icon have its own matrix condition monitor? Does one damaged icon hinder the actions of another icon in another node?