May 15 2010, 05:23 AM
I was reading through Street Magic today and crossed the following line:
She must be able to see the target with her own eyes (as well as visual enhancements paid with Essence), not the artificial surrogate of sensors.
Unlike cyber-implant sensors (like cybereyes), remote sensor feeds cost no Essence, so they have no link for the magician to channel mana.
Ocular drones are drones, but they are purchased as modifications for cybereyes, which
are paid for by Essence. On the other hand, the "Ocular Drone" modification in SR4a has no Essence cost listed.
Do people think that, as modified cybereyes, ocular drones should count for purposes of casting spells through them, or that because it's fuzzy whether or not the drone actually costs Essence
per se they should not?
May 15 2010, 05:40 AM
If for no other purpose than game balance, I would rule that a magician cannot cast spells through an ocular drone. Magic is already enough of an iWin button without giving spellcasters the ability to sit in another room (or potentially on the other side of the city, if they can get the drone delivered to the target) and nuke the enemy with impunity through a small and unobtrusive sensor.
May 15 2010, 05:44 AM
Man, not even if they held the eye-drone in their damn hands!
If they had an eye implanted *in* their hand (I think they removed that from the SR3>SR4 change, though?), then that'd be okay. *Maybe*.
May 15 2010, 05:45 AM
No, you cannot use a detached Ocular Drone to target spells.
As soon as the eye leaves your body, it is no longer an implant you have paid Essence for - it is a drone you have a remote feed to & control of (essentially it's no longer an optical feed, but a digital one).
Once it returns to it's eye position, it is again the implant you 'purchased' with Essence, and works normally.
On this particular subject, Rules as Written can be argued either way (meaning they aren't), but 'common sense', along with developer input, places the correct interpretation as I have stated (if not actually explaining why it doesn't work, they do say it doesn't work).
May 15 2010, 06:19 AM
QUOTE (Muspellsheimr @ May 14 2010, 10:45 PM)
No, you cannot use a detached Ocular Drone to target spells.
As soon as the eye leaves your body, it is no longer an implant you have paid Essence for - it is a drone you have a remote feed to & control of (essentially it's no longer an optical feed, but a digital one).
Once it returns to it's eye position, it is again the implant you 'purchased' with Essence, and works normally.
On this particular subject, Rules as Written can be argued either way (meaning they aren't), but 'common sense', along with developer input, places the correct interpretation as I have stated (if not actually explaining why it doesn't work, they do say it doesn't work).
Your point actually raises a question for me: would ocular drones count as being "alive" for Astral and magical purposes? Does the essence in them leave every time they're tossed, then return when they're plugged back in?
May 15 2010, 06:30 AM
Do you lose essence if you pop a normal cybereye out of its cybersocket? I think the answer is no, and the same goes for the eyedrone.
May 15 2010, 06:33 AM
QUOTE (Tanegar @ May 15 2010, 12:40 AM)
If for no other purpose than game balance, I would rule that a magician cannot cast spells through an ocular drone. Magic is already enough of an iWin button without giving spellcasters the ability to sit in another room (or potentially on the other side of the city, if they can get the drone delivered to the target) and nuke the enemy with impunity through a small and unobtrusive sensor.
well to be fair this is what the coconut bomb is all about. Mailing your target half an innocent target and exploding it with impunity.
May 15 2010, 06:34 AM
If the drone has a spool of Fibre optic cable then yes, by all means and welcome to it. but I don't think you are getting more than say 10 metres with the small supply that can be spooled in the thing.
May 15 2010, 07:01 AM
QUOTE (Minchandre @ May 14 2010, 10:19 PM)
Your point actually raises a question for me: would ocular drones count as being "alive" for Astral and magical purposes? Does the essence in them leave every time they're tossed, then return when they're plugged back in?
If you are asking if the drone, when separate from the body, can be targeted by things like Manabolt because it's linked via essence cost then I would say no. As I read it, once it is out of your body it is no longer part of your cyber; but rather a drone.
May 15 2010, 09:18 AM
If you are holding the eye drone in your hand*, then I would say you can cast magic through it. The reason I say this is because it is still connected to your aura.
* == maybe you would want to have it skinlined so that you don't have to deal with wireless transmission and whatnot.
May 15 2010, 02:12 PM
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ May 15 2010, 12:44 AM)
Man, not even if they held the eye-drone in their damn hands!
If they had an eye implanted *in* their hand (I think they removed that from the SR3>SR4 change, though?), then that'd be okay. *Maybe*.
Still in 4th, though you have to go to augmentation for it. Don't recall if it mentions anything specific about being able or unable to cast spells. Likely not, the books dislike being specific about anything when it can be helped.
May 15 2010, 07:25 PM
An ocular drone is a drone, the socket is the actual cyberware. Once said drone is plucked from it's cozy essence costing home, it is simply a remote controlled camera.
May 15 2010, 07:52 PM
My take on this issue is: the base cybereye was paid for with Essence, but all upgrades which you pay for in Capacity can't be used for magical targeting.
Mages do better with bioware eyes and perhaps a few (non-Capacity) cyberware enhancements, and nobody has to come up with silly justifications for occular drones.
May 15 2010, 08:16 PM
Ol' Scratch
May 15 2010, 08:19 PM
QUOTE (underaneonhalo @ May 15 2010, 02:25 PM)
An ocular drone is a drone, the socket is the actual cyberware. Once said drone is plucked from it's cozy essence costing home, it is simply a remote controlled camera.
You nailed it.
QUOTE (Nifft @ May 15 2010, 02:52 PM)
Mages do better with bioware eyes and perhaps a few (non-Capacity) cyberware enhancements, and nobody has to come up with silly justifications for occular drones.
What? No. They most definitely benefit more from cybereyes than any of the bioware options. Vision magnification, thermographic vision, low-light vision, and sometimes even microscopic vision are all awesome choices for a mage, and you can get all of that for only 0.2 or 0.3 Essence (I don't have my books handy to check) without even having to pay extra. And no silly justification is needed for ocular drones.
May 15 2010, 08:29 PM
QUOTE (Nifft @ May 15 2010, 01:52 PM)
My take on this issue is: the base cybereye was paid for with Essence, but all upgrades which you pay for in Capacity can't be used for magical targeting.
Any enhancement obtained through Capacity is part of the augmentation it is placed in - which is typically paid for with Essence. A magician can very much use Capacity vision augmentations in their Cybereyes for targeting.
QUOTE (Nifft @ May 15 2010, 01:52 PM)
Mages do better with bioware eyes and perhaps a few (non-Capacity) cyberware enhancements, and nobody has to come up with silly justifications for occular drones.
See Dr. Funkenstein's reply above.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
May 15 2010, 09:09 PM
QUOTE (Muspellsheimr @ May 15 2010, 02:29 PM)
Any enhancement obtained through Capacity is part of the augmentation it is placed in - which is typically paid for with Essence. A magician can very much use Capacity vision augmentations in their Cybereyes for targeting.
See Dr. Funkenstein's reply above.
The only issue that I have with this statement is that the Ocular Drone is an enhancement to the Cyber Eye, and is part of the Capacity that has been payed for with essence...
It is in direct conflict with what you posted earlier...
I do agree that you cannot use the Occular Drone to target outside of its socket though...
Just wanted to point that out...
Keep the Faith
Ol' Scratch
May 16 2010, 08:20 PM
No. It's the drone rack that's taking up capacity; even with the ocular drone out of its housing and scurrying about, the eye still has the same amount of capacity consumed. It's simply a cybereye modification that comes with its own accessory. If the drone is destroyed, you could replace it with another with ease. Because it's not an implant in and of itself.
May 16 2010, 08:52 PM
i could have sworn the description of the ocular drone specifically mentions this scenario.
and i was wrong...
ah, the faq.
Can I cast a spell through an ocular drone, since I have paid Essence for it, when the drone is not in my body?
Magicians cannot normally target spells through electronic imaging devices; they can only target spells through cybereyes because they are paid for with Essence. A magician can cast spells through an ocular drone while it is "docked" in their eye socket, because it is acting like a regular cybereye. Once the drone has left the character's body, it can no longer be used to target spells.
May 17 2010, 02:57 AM
QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ May 15 2010, 04:09 PM)
The only issue that I have with this statement is that the Ocular Drone is an enhancement to the Cyber Eye, and is part of the Capacity that has been payed for with essence...
It is in direct conflict with what you posted earlier...
Cheers, -- N
Ol' Scratch
May 17 2010, 03:19 AM
And again: It's not the drone that's taking up Capacity, it's the drone rack (the implant itself) that is. The drone just hooks up to it when it's docked. You don't regain Capacity the moment it leaves your eye or when the drone becomes lost/hijacked/destroyed. You just go out and buy a replacement, toss it in, and you're good to go. Just like any other situation involving a drone.
May 17 2010, 03:46 AM
QUOTE (Dr. Funkenstein @ May 16 2010, 11:19 PM)
And again: It's not the drone that's taking up Capacity, it's the drone rack (the implant itself) that is. The drone just hooks up to it when it's docked. You don't regain Capacity the moment it leaves your eye or when the drone becomes lost/hijacked/destroyed. You just go out and buy a replacement, toss it in, and you're good to go. Just like any other situation involving a drone.
Actually, you would gain capacity. You have a completely hollow eye socket to work with, unfortunately the only thing that would useful to fill that space would be a new iBall.
May 17 2010, 03:47 AM
No, you don't. (Not that it matters, as you say.
Ol' Scratch
May 17 2010, 04:02 AM
QUOTE (Draco18s @ May 16 2010, 10:46 PM)
Actually, you would gain capacity. You have a completely hollow eye socket to work with, unfortunately the only thing that would useful to fill that space would be a new iBall.
No more than you lose Capacity when you place an item in a Smuggling Compartment, or take the item back out of it. The hollowed out space is what's taking up Capacity.
May 17 2010, 04:12 AM
QUOTE (Dr. Funkenstein @ May 17 2010, 12:02 AM)
No more than you lose Capacity when you place an item in a Smuggling Compartment, or take the item back out of it. The hollowed out space is what's taking up Capacity.
The hollow space used by the smuggling compartment
is the capacity you've "used up." It has a limit on how much it can hold, yes?
Ol' Scratch
May 17 2010, 04:39 AM
QUOTE (Draco18s @ May 16 2010, 10:12 PM)
The hollow space used by the smuggling compartment is the capacity you've "used up."
Now, put 2 and 2 together.
May 17 2010, 04:45 AM
QUOTE (Dr. Funkenstein @ May 17 2010, 12:39 AM)
Now, put 2 and 2 together.
*Sigh* which is why I said the only thing
useful to
put in the empty space would be a new iBall.
You could put whatever you wanted to in there, but none of it would work without the eye itself.
May 17 2010, 04:54 AM
QUOTE (Minchandre @ May 15 2010, 07:19 AM)
Your point actually raises a question for me: would ocular drones count as being "alive" for Astral and magical purposes? Does the essence in them leave every time they're tossed, then return when they're plugged back in?
Nope. Count the same as blood/hair/severed testicles for astral linkage purposes, though. I'd be inclined to give it 24 hours before it could no longer serve.
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