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Full Version: Rockstar Pirates their own Software
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
The legal copy of the steam version of Max Payne 2 includes the No-CD Crack created by a now defunct piracy group Myth. This is highly amusing, and apparently might be quite common with re-released games; Ubisoft did it back in 2008, incorporating a No-CD crack created by Reloaded! when they released Rainbox 6: Vegas 2 as a DirectToDrive download.

Perhaps this is how "piracy" works in ShadowRun? Cheaper software, direct downloads, "cracked" but still legally purchased?

"According to an eagle-eyed game buyer, Rockstar could have caused themselves quite a bit of embarrassment when they made Max Payne 2 available on Steam. A close examination of the game’s executable reveals that it contains the ASCII text logo of game piracy group Myth." Full Article
*Yawn* welcome to the no derivative clause. You make a crack on our game? We own it.
QUOTE (LurkerOutThere @ May 17 2010, 05:24 PM) *
*Yawn* welcome to the no derivative clause. You make a crack on our game? We own it.

Oh, no one is suggesting otherwise, everyone just thinks its fucking hilarious.

When Ubisoft did it, the zipfile they put on their website was the actual no-cd crack, just renamed.
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