QUOTE (Red-ROM @ May 22 2010, 04:55 AM)
So I noticed that, unlike toxins, there is no speed listed in the drug descriptions. any ideas? If I slip some ex in someone's beer, how long does it take to kick in?
the vector seems to be left wide open, is there no need to buy DMSO for drugs? just buy them in their liquid variety?
I'm eager for the unofficial errata as well, but for the beginning, i'd imagine that most substances will -theoretically- be available in different forms with different vectors.
Onset time is dependent on the substance, but also on the vector.
Oral application is the slowest. Ranging from half an hour to several hours, 45-90 minutes would be about average.
Sublingual application (holding a blotter, pill etc. under your tongue to absorb through the mucous membranes in the mouth) is faster than that, but even with fast-acting substances, i wouldn't expect it to kick in in less than 15 minutes.
Insufflating (snorting) is a lot faster than that. 2-10 minutes. Intra-muscular injection is roughly comparable, transdermal application should be somewhere inbetween this category and the former.
Smoking or vaporizing works even faster. Effects set on immediately with a few drugs, or after a few minutes with most.
Intravenous injection is the fastest.
Note that faster onset usually also means shorter duration of effects.
Faster onset usually means higher addictive potential as well, as the brain's reward pathway makes a stronger association between the drug's intake and the rush, and the rush feels stronger the faster effects kick in.
A GM may call for an addiction test more often when a character uses an autoinjector instead of pills and the like.
Usually, intensity of effects will not be at peak intensity from the beginning, but will rise after the initial effects are felt.
This is also more gradual with slower onset.
In the game, this could be handled by gradually applying the drug's modfiers until the full stat block is used.
The fluff on eX says that it makes people more open and suggestable, but the +1 to charisma seems to make it harder to con/seduce them. is that weird to anyone else?
Resisting social skills works either with WIL or INT, depending on the skill. CHA is the active stat for social interaction, not the one for resisting persuasion or fast talk.
There's no DP modfier for that, though. But i'd say it's more situational, instead of applying in all instances.