I'm a new GM. I've played four or five games with my own group and I'm running a campaign by email for my brother and his friends. This is the first character to be created. He was wondering if he's spread himself too thin.
Mikhail Vedrine (alias: Dwayne Miller)
Mikhail is originally from Russia, he has one brother in the military and his parents have been dead for ten years. Mikhail was trained up by the Russian corporation Koschei (a double A rating corp) and sent over to America to spy on the corps there and build up contacts in the shadowrunning community. However, within weeks of arriving his contacts were suddenly uncontactable and he could not get any response from Koschei. Either he had done something wrong or they had and he was now cut off. The only people willing to stay in contact were the few shadowrunners he had managed to start cultivating.
Elf (30 BP)
Attributes (250 BP):
Bod 4 (30 BP)
Agi 4 (20 BP)
Rea 4 (6) (30 BP)
Cha 6 (30 BP)
Int 4 (30 BP)
Log 4 (30 BP)
Wil 3 (20 BP)
Edge 3 (20)
Magic 5 (40)
Qualities (+30 BP):
Adept (5)
Hung out to dry (+10)
Sensitive System (+15)
Signature (+10)
Active Skills (134 BP):
Hacking 5 (20)
Influence Group 3 (30)
Perception 3 (12)
Forgery 3 (12)
Stealth Group 3 (30)
Automatics 1 (Machine Pistol +2) (6)
Electronics Group 3 (30)
Locksmith 1 (4)
Knowledge Skills (24 free):
Russian N
English 6
Corporate Security Protocols 4
Corporate Politics 4
Corporate Matrix Security Procedures 4
Operating Systems 3
Security Systems 3
Kinesics 3 (1.5) +3
Improved Negotiation 2 (0.5)
Improved Con 2 (0.5)
Improved Reflexes 2 (2.5)
Gear & Lifestyle (16 BP - 80, 000¥):
Low Lifestyle (1 month) - 2000¥
Ares Crusader (w/Sound Suppressor, Smartgun System, Extended Clip, Gas Vent 2, Ceramic Parts 1, Concealable Holster, 2 spare clips, 20 EX explosive rounds, 10 Stick-and-shock rounds and 30 normal rounds) - 3740¥
Chameleon Suit - 8000¥
Heavy Greatcoat (-2 Conceal for items under it) - 700¥
Fake SIN (Rating 4) – 4000¥
Fake SIN (Rating 4) – 4000¥
Fake Gun License (Ares Crusader) - 400¥
Earbuds (Rating 3 w/ Audio Enhancement 3 and Select Sound Filter 3) - 930 ¥
Contact Lenses (Rating 3 w/ Imagelink, Smartlink and Flare Compensation) - 725¥
Subvocal Microphone - 50¥
Maglock Passkey (Rating 4) - 8000¥
Maglock Sequencer (Rating 4) - 800¥
Autopicker (Rating 6) – 1200¥
Cellular Glove Moulder (Rating 3) – 600¥
Nanopaste (Small Container) - 500¥
Metalink (w/ Simlink modified for BTL/Hot Sim, Response 5, Signal 5, Firewall 6, System 6 – 6350¥
Programs -
Common (level 5) - 500¥
Hacking (level 5) - 5000¥
Starting Nuyen (3D6) x 50