May 25 2010, 04:07 PM
Running in SR3R, so open to new things from SR4, etc.
Remembering back in the run First Run, there are a set of helicopters that run in "stealth mode" - it takes a TN of 6 to spot them normally (4 on the astral), and things like enhanced hearing actually make the TN go UP.
It didn't occur to me until I looked for it that this technology doesn't seem to appear in Rigger 3. Does this appear anywhere else? Any details on how it's done, how it works or how much it costs?
May 25 2010, 05:14 PM
Some one trying to make Blue Thunder? Coooool! I'm noty sure where it is though. I looked in arsenal and there is a lot good stuff for stealthing up a vehicle. Signature Masking and Chameleon paint. Stuff like that.
May 25 2010, 05:29 PM
2 sets of blades that counter-rotate in synch to diffuse the sound, chameleon paing, signature masking, em absorbant stuff.
The Mighty Sherpa
May 25 2010, 05:47 PM
In previous editions Aztech had a stealth attack helicopter that looked amazing. I am sure you can find inspiration and explanation there to some degree. You have but to look for the older rigger books to find it.
May 25 2010, 05:54 PM
Non techs can buy software that increases their stealth and lets them "hide" on the Matrix, but only a magician can mask your presence on the astral plane and then only with metamagic from initiating. Otherwise, your astral aura shines out like a beacon for all to see. You can buy things that "cloud" your astral signature, little bits of living bacteria that you sprinkle around yourself so that you're in a "cloud" of stuff. You can get those living vines and embed them in a wall so that the wall is completely "solid" (or at least can't be seen through) in astral space, but there is no way in any of the books to conceal or hide your astral signature unless you're a magician (or unless you have some sort of pact with a spirit who's using a power on you).
Kanada Ten
May 25 2010, 05:55 PM
QUOTE (The Mighty Sherpa @ May 25 2010, 11:47 AM)

In previous editions Aztech had a stealth attack helicopter that looked amazing. I am sure you can find inspiration and explanation there to some degree. You have but to look for the older rigger books to find it.
I kinda remember that, too.
Fields of Fire, maybe? Aztechnology Agular with counter-rotation stealth mode?
May 25 2010, 05:59 PM
QUOTE (Banaticus @ May 25 2010, 01:54 PM)

You can get those living vines and embed them in a wall so that the wall is completely "solid" (or at least can't be seen through) in astral space
Correction: walls are opaque on the astral all the time. Awakened ivy/moss means you can't
astrally project through them.
May 25 2010, 08:22 PM
For Astral masking, it'd make more sense to have a bound Air spirit who can use Conceal and Movement (as appropriate). Sure, it'll add a bundle to each operation's budget, but nobody with a small ops budget will be able to field a stealth helicopter in the first place.
May 25 2010, 10:35 PM
Ruetharium on choppers would work a little, but it's prohibitively expensive. Concealment or Vehicle Mask spells would get the job done somewhat well, though. Also, there's Radar Absorbant Materials and Signature Improvements. Stealth mode could also mean retracting turrets and guns, which does raise signature.
May 25 2010, 10:50 PM
I think what you want is Signature Masking.
Possibly some sort of Biofiber(ars64)/Shielded Smuggling Compartment/special armor mod combination thingie to cover the entire chopper with biofibers.
Possibly a white noise generator - i've seen very little in SR4 that can reduce/alter sound-based tests, outside of Magic.
May 26 2010, 06:21 AM
QUOTE (Kanada Ten @ May 25 2010, 07:55 PM)

I kinda remember that, too. Fields of Fire, maybe? Aztechnology Agular with counter-rotation stealth mode?
Rigger 3 p. 183 is the newest source I think. The method of stealthing is called "electrical turbine engine" in the Rigger Black Book.
May 26 2010, 07:17 AM
If "someone", *cough*, wanted to do this in SR4 what suggestions could you give them to try and convince their gm with. I was thinking of having it use up one of the engine modification slots (ie instead of speed/acceleration) and work out a cost similarly to those mods.
Edit: Sorry, realised i should be more precise, i was specifically talking about counter-rotating blades.
May 26 2010, 08:44 AM
As noted, the Aguilar first appeared in the Rigger Black Book. This book also had Aural Masking as a vehicle customisation which increased the difficulty of hearing tests to detect the vehicle.
As for First Run, it sounds like a once off rule, I don't recall any R3 mod for "stealth mode". Is the increased TN for hearing enhancements a typo?
May 26 2010, 06:19 PM
QUOTE (Ryu @ May 26 2010, 02:21 AM)

Rigger 3 p. 183 is the newest source I think. The method of stealthing is called "electrical turbine engine" in the Rigger Black Book.
Wow, that's awfully high ECM. I don't see anything about reducing tests to detect using natural senses, and I don't have the Rigger Black book. I guess it is just a one-off thing? Hrmm... Now I feel a little dirty using it so much...
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