May 26 2010, 04:21 AM
I'll be playing a freerunner/infiltrator hacker in my group's next game, and as RAW is deliberately vague about the specific tests one can apply the Balance Augmentor's dice bonus to, I was wondering how it's been used (and/or abused) by some of you. I'm particularly interested in gauging overall opinion on whether or not it should apply to Gymnastics tests, but any other common uses aside from the three listed in the book (climbing, jumping down, and balance beams) would be very much appreciated.
(A lot of it's common sense, but I mainly want to get this down in writing so I'll have something to point at to hopefully pre-empt a few debates. The GM's an awesome guy, but as a player in my game he's long since shown me that he and I can differ pretty contentiously in places where the rules aren't explicit.)
May 26 2010, 04:32 AM
personally, ive been ignoring/avoiding it, in part due to the penalties it had in older editions.
this thing would be a must-have for combat bikers, as it both helps maintain balance when driving, but also for any jumps the bike may do.
gymnastics would probably play merry hell with it- in older editions(sr3) it made it difficult to dive for cover, and thus a liability. you had to pass a test to fall down on purpose. seems they fixed that problem though. but anything where you WANT to do somersaults, its not going to be that helpful.
May 26 2010, 04:51 AM
I feel like it specifically *would* help with them. Athletic balance doesn't just mean 'staying upright'.
May 26 2010, 05:31 AM
I wouldn't have it help with dodge tests, but it certainly wouldn't hurt. It could also offset dodge penalties that were related to balance, such as the character being penalized for trying to dodge while also trying not to fall off the roof of a moving vehicle, or some such.
Tests it certainly WOULD help include any test not to fall down (knockdown, slippery surfaces, wind), climbing tests, and most non-dodge gymnastics uses. Certain tests when manually piloting a motorcycle might also benefit, especially if they involved "stunting" for the purpose of showing off, rather than pushing the limits of handling or not crashing.
The Tarasque
May 26 2010, 11:10 AM
This is supposed to augment your sense of balance. I never thought it was supposed to control you, which is the only way I could possibly see it affecting you negatively. So you know your exact orientation compared to the strongest pull of gravity in the local environment? How in the world is that going to penalize you when tumbling or dodging??? Very silly.
May 26 2010, 02:01 PM
QUOTE (The Tarasque @ May 26 2010, 01:10 PM)
I never thought it was supposed to control you, which is the only way I could possibly see it affecting you negatively. So you know your exact orientation compared to the strongest pull of gravity in the local environment? How in the world is that going to penalize you when tumbling or dodging???
IIRC, in older editions (SR3?) there were some side effects mentioned in the fluff about these things making rollercoasters a very bad experience. Simply because your elevated sense of orientation and balance intensifies the nauseating feelings you may get from abrupt maneuvers in a rollercoaster or jetfighter.
That said, all this was dropped in 4e, so right now the implant gives a rather vague +1 DP mod for tests involving "balance".
May 27 2010, 01:39 AM
I suppose it is kind of vague by saying any test involving 'balance' but at the same time, I would think it is fairly obvious what does and doesn't involve a sense of balance for the most part. Some stuff less so, like climbing seems a bit odd, as a sense of balance isn't all that important, or at least I've never noticed it help me any. Due to the limited nature though, I suppose it tends to be a bit more of a fluff item than a crunch one.
May 28 2010, 01:07 AM
I'd prefer a Balance Tail...!
May 28 2010, 06:03 AM
QUOTE (10gauge @ May 28 2010, 03:07 AM)
I'd prefer a Balance Tail...!
Sadly the cybernetic one costs way too much essence.
The Lorax
May 28 2010, 08:45 AM
And look way too silly to be taken serious. Unless your into anime or hentai or something. And then it just looks silly to everyone but you.
Saint Sithney
May 28 2010, 09:49 AM
If they added a point of body for damage resistance or had capacity like any other cyber limb, I bet you'd be changing your tune...
The Lorax
May 28 2010, 10:04 AM
No. You would still look silly and everyone else would still think you look silly, too. And say hello to that free distinctive style flaw you'd have, too. 'Hey mack did you see a guy run through here with a tail?' 'Yuh he went thattaway.' 'Thx.'
May 28 2010, 10:28 AM
Yes, you had to pass a willpower test with a targetnumber of 4 to drop to the ground with that thing.
But remember, switching off cyberware, which this is, is a free action. and then another free action to drop.
Without willpower test. but combining it with other things is way more iffy in SR3 too. I think you can get your character to have a -6 on a Target number for balance stuff.
Does this help with jumping? probably not. Running? probably not. Swimming? Probably not. Climbing? Probably not.
Balance Stuff is only good for tight rope walks or riding a motor cycle, else i can't see any use for this. And there was the Gyroscope Modification for motorcycles, so the bike itself is keeping itself balanced and upright . .
Saint Sithney
May 28 2010, 11:16 AM
QUOTE (The Lorax @ May 28 2010, 02:04 AM)
No. You would still look silly and everyone else would still think you look silly, too. And say hello to that free distinctive style flaw you'd have, too. 'Hey mack did you see a guy run through here with a tail?' 'Yuh he went thattaway.' 'Thx.'
this guy needs to worry about being IDed... Obvious cyber is obvious cyber. Besides, I wouldn't imagine a modular deal would be difficult to hook up.
It's not an option that fits too many characters for running, but I've thrown them onto threats before. GM's prerogative I guess. Besides, it's an option. You don't like it, then don't use it. No need to winge.
May 28 2010, 01:29 PM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ May 28 2010, 10:28 AM)
Does this help with jumping? probably not. Running? probably not. Swimming? Probably not. Climbing? Probably not.
Balance Stuff is only good for tight rope walks or riding a motor cycle, else i can't see any use for this.
Not to gainsay you, but by RAW it specifically applies to at least two of the things that you've listed in the "no" column, climbing and jumping (or landing when jumping down from a height, at least), and I think that makes perfect sense. Balance is more of a factor in physical activity than a lot of people realize. Some people with balance-affecting inner ear disorders have a hard time with tasks as simple as walking.
May 28 2010, 01:40 PM
Is there any RAW on this at all?
I know about the falling/righting oneself, the cat-fall reflex thingie . .
Which only helps with the falling damage if you have these hydraulic jacks or something like that in your legs . .
May 28 2010, 01:59 PM
The only RAW falls under the description of the implant itself:
QUOTE (SR4a, p. 341)
Balance Augmenter: The balance augmenter enhances the inner ear's natural balance mechanism. The user receives one bonus die on all tests involving balance, such as climbing, walking across a narrow platform, landing after a jump, and so on.
For 5,000 Nuyen and 4 capacity slots, I'd hope "and so on" would cover a hell of a lot more ground than what's stated.
What were its benefits in SR3, anyway?
May 28 2010, 02:18 PM
a -2 to the TN of all such tests.
basically the same the balance tail does, but invisible.
May 28 2010, 02:19 PM
IIRC, a TN reduction for tests involving balance.
Which means the things got nerfed between editions anyway, as it now only gives a measely +1 die...
May 28 2010, 02:54 PM
Balance Tail is a -2 to TN, Balance Augmentor is a -2 to TN too.
Both together give a -4 to TN. Which means it's basically impossible for someone with both of those to fail at an athletics test under most circusstances. And that was not a typo, someone with this looks like and acts like he should be working in a circus.
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