QUOTE (Karoline @ May 28 2010, 09:07 PM)
Hehe. Well, it seems like magic gets a huge revamp every single edition from what I've heard in an attempt to balance it out, while mundanes tend to remain about the same as ever, with the notable exception of the huge hacker revamp as an attempt to make them not require a separate game to have them, and then of course Unwired goes "Nope, they need their own game again."
From what little I know, 3rd edition seemed to have the most balanced mages due to having to buy spells at a particular force being a decent drain on resources, compared to the simple 'have or don't' style used now (though I admit I like the have/don't style more conceptually).
See, I always thought that the rules for Magic in 3rd were a little overpowered... you could buy a Force 1 Spell, Cast it and get a truckload of hit (Invisibility/Improved Invisibility I am looking at you) and if your target did not have their resistance attribute higher than the numnber of successes, you could not resist the spell at all... huge problem...
I like the revamp of the rules for both Magic and Hacking in 4th... they are easily the best, in my opinion, of the editions... and as for Unwired, all it did was offer options, it did not invalidate the speed of play for the Matrix in 4th... it runs, at least at our tavle, in tandem with the street action of the other characters... no "seperate game' for us, unless it is a Resonannce Quest, at which point, everyone participates as part of the quest anyways... I understand that it is not typical of everyone's table, but once you know the rules for the Matrix (and ignore the disparity between the Matrix and real life hacking/networking) then it moves along very fast indeed...
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