This is the first time I've ever played or run a Shadowrun game. One of the players asked for the game to have a bit of a film-noir feel to it, so I'm trying to keep things mysterious and shady.
The premise is that the PCs were part of a potential team put together in (rebuilt, post-quake) Los Angeles by a former well-known decker-turned-fixer named Sundown. The team is not quite complete. There is a rigger, a hacker (Sundown's apprentice), and a covert ops specialist.
Before she had finished putting together the team, she disappeared. A week passed before anyone heard anything. Rumors began to spread. Had she been captured (or worse) by one of the many enemies she's accumulated over the years? The PCs did not find her at her safehouse; did she go to ground? Other runners at their usual hangouts are treating them with suspicion, and a man who claims to be Sunny's old flame of keeps showing up unexpectedly, leaving them only with vague clues.
So far, through a combination of their own research and limited information gathered from people who've sought them out to help find Sundown, the players have gathered that the situation has something to do with Shiawase, the corp Sunny most frequently came into conflict with. They know it has something to do with the Crash of '64, that something called the Resonance is involved, and that Sundown was one the mysterious otaku. She had some connection to Megaera prior to the Crash. They know, too, that Evo is looking for her.
I should also mention that the PCs are currently running a capture mission on behalf of the COS's Johnson. They're acquiring a fugitive gang member from a local warehouse where he's being guarded by some armed Shiawase men in suits... but curiously he's tied up along with another man they do not recognize. I want to work this into the main plot somehow.
Other places they've been include a VR club for hackers (where the hacker's contact usually spends time), a local dance bar and club with clandestine meeting rooms, the rigger's repair shop, an empty building near Sundown's safehouse that contained only hardware for a nexus mainframe set up by Shiawase, and her safehouse itself (an "abandoned" loft above a scrap/used electronics shop).
My original plan was to have Sunny, who is a hacker-turned-technomancer, be captured by Shiawase, in order for them to study her (as is part of the canon history of corps kidnapping and studying technomancers). The PCs would need to do a break-in and rescue her. That's still a possibility but I'd like to give the story a bit of a twist. I'm just not sure what, yet. This is where you come in.
I have about two sessions left before I promised my players we'd get back to the D&D game I'm also running that I paused to wait for a new source book to come out. I'd appreciate any help in tweaking their minds a bit and then wrapping everything up (more or less) smoothly.