QUOTE (grahariel @ May 29 2010, 10:49 PM)

Okay, I've got a bit of a problem. I've been running some friends through an SR campaign. Now, in order to create a sense of urgency, danger, and intrigue, I decided to use an Astral Rift. Now, I read the "Street Magic" explanation on Astral Rifts, Astral Gateway, and the Shedim. Now, here's where I might have dug myself into a bad hole. My PCs and two groups of NPCs raided three locations simultaneously to seize some nasty drug that's been put on the street. Now, when they got there they expected to fight several people. However, as it turns out the enemy, whom they're just figuring out, got to the drugs first and killed everyone with knowledge. The way they did this was to open up an astral rift, walk through it into the building, lay waste, and then head back through the rift and close it. Think dimension door for D&D. Now, my mage PC told me that sorcery can't essentially do that (though he doesn't say anything about science, or at least I hope not) except maybe certain spirits and the Shedim. Now, I want to create a decent explanation for how someone could manage to do this either through technology or sorcery or both, but I'm at a snag. My initial idea was just to hand wave it and not have the big bad guy reveal it or the PCs never finding out. However, I don't want to feel like a copout, so I had this idea that the main villain over the course of like two hundred years actually spends resources to actually find a way to subdue or defeat a Shedim and extract the knowledge of Astral Rift travel or inter dimensional travel from it. Or, also, just say the enemy managed to invest in tech that can actually create an inter dimensional rip using a combo of crazy researched tech and magic. I'm not sure, can anyone help me, or have I just tossed myself into a plot hole I can't dig myself out of?
Yep,huge plot hole, as astrals rifts don't physically transport anything, just the astral part of things. IE your soul goes, you stay.
Sorcery Cannot Alter the Fabric of the Space/ Time Continuum. Spells cannot directly change distance or the passage of time. Teleportation and time travel are the holy grails of magical R&D departments the world over, but no one has been able to un-ravel the knotty problem of affecting space or time with magic. Spells can speed up or slow down processes, such as healing or chemical re-actions, and allow subjects to move quickly, but they cannot directly alter time or space
Sorcery Cannot Bridge the Gap between the Astral and Physical Planes Spells only have an effect in the plane on which they are cast. Spells cast on the astral have no effect on the physical, and vice versa.
Likewise, spells cast in the astral or physical have no effect on the metaplanes, and vice versa.
QUOTE (grahariel @ May 29 2010, 11:20 PM)

True, but here's the rub. And I apologize for not mentioning it in the original post. I had human mercenaries and mages use the rift to essentially fast travel to the locations and the return to their original location through it. It's kind of like traveling through the Spirit Realm in Werewolf or Mage, which apparently isn't how the astral plain works. So, that's why I'm really worried. I can't take the rifts back because they've already happened and are essentially a plot point. So, I need to either just keep it a secret in the end (villain never reveals his secrets), or actually create a convincing enough explanation that the PCs won't brutally question it's validity. I've got a few ideas, but I'm not sure if they'll work. I had this idea of using technology to harness the energy and power of a captured Shedim with a machine that creates rifts through space/time, using some sort of high-yield energy output. I mean it's not essentially impossible, it's just the knowledge and energy it'd take to actually achieve something like this and be able to send mundanes and other mortals through it is extremely fragile within the SR world. That's why I'm really kicking myself in the ass for this. I mean it's an interesting idea and definitely adds tension, but I feel like I've gone a bit too far. Any suggestions?
yeah, the astral doesn't work like that at all...
Technology and magic tend not to get along in shadowrun. Only living things can manipulate mana, so the idea of a machine that's powered by a shedim doesn't work, at all, and if it did, then the guy that invented it would be the richest person in existence, not using it to transport mercenaries. Teleportation, in shadowrun, is a pipe dream, and essentially impossible.
You have 4 options at this point
1. Drop the plotline like a hot potato, and refuse to acknowledge it again
2. Fess up to the players and ask for a retconb
3. Vastly alter the metaphysics and balance of power in the shadowrun world
4. Replace all the mercenaries with spirits.