QUOTE (Kal @ May 30 2010, 06:42 PM)

Hi all,
I've recently picked up SR4 and my group are gonna give it a go come July. I'm Gm'ing it and so to begin with am going through character creation, to get to know the system a bit. I've come up with a couple of question which i havent been able to find answers for from Errata/F.A.Qs/current threads here, so hence this one....
Hi and welcome, hope you and your group have fun.
Question 1; Weapon Foci
As the test character is a Gunslinger Adapt, why is it that weapon foci have to be melee weapons? Was it a mechanical desgin desicion or narrative and would it break the game if I allowed players to take guns as weapon foci?
This is AFAIK mostly a concern of game balance, but also has a large amount of fluff surrounding it. You'll hear a bit more on why in question 4.
Question 2; Magic items in general
I'm still a little lost when it comes to magic items in SR. As my Adapt wont be making use of Cyber & bioware, I can see credits becoming less empowering to him than other characters who will upgrade with new augmentations. So I had assumed magic items would provide the opportinity for 'new toys'....however beyond foci, I cant see any magic items.....do generic magic items exist in SR? One magic enchantment I've always liked in magic/tech settings is ammo clips that never run out of ammo....kinda simple but useful both in character and out of character (no need to keep track of ammo...)
No, 'magic items' don't really exist in SR beyond foci. There isn't anything like auto-replenishing ammo clips or flying carpets or anything else.
There is an adept metamagic that lets them enhance an item and make it work better, but that is about as close to a magic item you'll get. Consider taking an essence or two worth of bioware, it is in general cheaper to go that route than getting some advancements through adept powers. You could get +4 agility for .8 essence for example, as opposed to the 2 power points or so it would cost to get via the adept powers (more if you want to go over your natural maximum).
SR is a bit of a 'low magic' setting in some ways, especially in that mundanes won't have magic items.
Question 3; Firefight Martial Art
the Adapt has taken Firefight, but there arent many manveours such characters can take, as most of them have melee in the rules text. Again, is that a purposeful deicision for rules balance, or narrative, and would it break the game if I allowed players to take them for ranged combat. Riposte is another instance where you need to parry or block, not particulally useful for Firefight MA, but the overall maneveour is nice and its a shame it cant be used.
The maneuvers were mostly designed as being close combat, and even firefight is specifically designed as a martial art that uses firearms in melee combat. In order to make use of some maneuvers with firefight, you could harden your pistols and pick up the club skill to use them as melee weapons when required for the sake of a maneuver.
Question 4; Splitting dice pools
This seems really harsh for dual wielders....is it a viable combat style within the mechanics?
There are some important things to remember here. First off is that your offensive pool will generally be much larger than the opponent's defenseive pool, because you get a stat (which is very easy to raise) and a skill, and a bunch of other bonuses like smartgun. Generally a defensive pool is half a dozen dice compared to the easily over a dozen that the attacker will have. It is also important to remember that each attack after the first gives the defender an additional -1 DP to defense, so it is a nice way of shaving down an opponent's defensive pool by firing very rapidly. So yeah, even at half DP, you'll generally be able to get a pair of hits on your opponent, and is totally viable.
Oh, it also lets you get around SS type weapons by having two of them and firing each once.