QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Jun 4 2010, 12:56 PM)

This, basically. To play a rigger, you're going to want good drones - or even full vehicles, like a getaway van - and the skills and passes to back it up.
Technomancers can be versatile riggers, and unmatched in actions with a few initiations, using Macro and Overclocking. They can also slap sprites in drones, and thread their command program to high levels to remote control things very effectively. Sprite autosofts - such as through machine or tutor sprites - are also much better than regular pilot autosofts because they're not limited to rating 4.
Let's talk skills.
You want piloting skills, and aircraft skills if you want to fly. (and high as it can go, because it limites infiltration)
You want mechanic skills if you want to modify your shit - and if you're a good rigger, you do!
If you want to modify the guns on your drones, you want armorer!
You want Infiltration, because its used to sneak vehicles past sensors.
You want Gunnery, because its used to shoot stuff with anythign vehicle mounted.
You want Perception, because its used for sensor checks.
You want dodge, because it used to not get your drones shot up.
Being effective:
Passes and dice
Software junk:
You need VR, which needs simsense, which needs DNI, if you want to Jump In. Jumping in is good.
You want a high Command, Encrypt, and ECCM. More specifically
To fuck with other peoples drones, you want Scan, Sniffer, Trace Decrypt, Exploit, Spoof, Defuse
To protect your stuff, you want Data Bomb, Encrypt, Stealth.
To boot people out of drones, you want some sort of attack program - attack is good, and works against anything.
If you're going to go the jumped-in route, Biofeedback Filter.
Jammer. Always have a jammer. Or a spare device with high signal to jam on the fly with(unwired)
Guns: Drones get extra recoil, and weapon mounts get 250 round belt feeds, and some extra recoil compensation. LMGs are your friend
Sensors: Sensors are your drones lifeblood. They're your dice pools for attacking stuff, treat them well, and customize the loadouts(arsenal. Errata saves sanity)
Passes: No matter where you get them, more is better. Its a good idea to spend one each turn controlling the drone, or else you risk crashing(Its also worth mentioning that using Edge to get an extra action can be used to do that in a tight pinch.) 5 Pass riggers are badass. the Macro echo deserves a special mention here, because it, essentially, lets you off-hand(at the -2) a second matrix action. And rigging is a matrix action.
Cyber: Control rigs are great. Smartlinks too. Hot sim deserves a special mention, because the +2 applies to stuff you do while rigging
edit: typos.