But what about funny moments in other RPGs?
Because no one demanded it, I present two of my favorite Awesome RPG Moments!
The Game: Mutants and Masterminds (2E)
It was a Power Level 7 game. (To put it in perspective, the normal power level for a Supers Campaign is Power Level 10.) We all played Vigilantes in a ruined section of L.A., called "The Ganglands".
Our first encounter? A Giant Spider (With Massive Damage Resistance and a Nausea Inducing Screech) that was attacking a ruined building some refugees were using as a Squat. A good quarter of the party spent most of the encounter vomiting.
When we finally killed the thing, it promptly collapsed... crushing the building full of civilians we were supposed to be saving.
This is why you don't go from a D&D "Kill Things and Take Their Stuff" campaign to a M&M Superhero campaign...
The next story is in the same campaign:
Investigation and testimony from the few witnesses that survived indicated that the giant spider was teleported into the ganglands in a manner reminiscent of a gang called "The Blinx". So after some investigation, we track down a member of the Blinx at a rave. The Ganger sees us, and we try to subdue him.
Now, to understand what happens next, you need to know three things.
- We found in our research that the Blinx need to remain in contact with their teleporation devices to avoid taking damage upon rematerialization
- The Blinx all have a power that allows simultaneous action.
- One of our party members had a grappling hook.
In a misguided effort to keep the perp from getting away, the resident batman clone snatches the Teleportation Device from the hands of the ganger.
Unfortunately, the ganger's simultaneous action power allowed him to activate the device, so he blinked away right as the device left his hands.
One critically failed Toughness Save later, and the ganger is a pile of organs turned inside out and merged at 90 degree angles.
At this point, my character is reconsidering his career choice...