Feb 23 2004, 04:22 PM
Reading the info in M&M for Mnemonic Enhancer has me wondering...
Do spells count as skills?
Level 3 of Mnemonic Enhancer reduces Karma costs by 3 for learning new or improving skills.
Feb 23 2004, 04:25 PM
nvm, as per the reav-meister, i need to keep up with SoTA.
Darkest Angel
Feb 23 2004, 06:36 PM
Spells are spells, skills are skills. They bare absolutely no relation to one another beyond using karma to purchase - even then it's different rates.
Feb 23 2004, 07:08 PM
It's arguable that learning a spell (at least the hermetic method) bears resemblance to learning a skill, at least in that it requires a certain amount of memorization-related activity. On the other hand, as your sig reminds us, that's mixing rules and common sense, and the rules are unambiguous on this issue.
Feb 23 2004, 07:21 PM
Can shamans get an Emotic enhancer that enhances their emotional learning of the spell then.
I say it should give combat bonuses when you're angry but make you cry whenever you're happy.
Jhonson: "So, UrsineDeath, are the targets disposed of?"
UrsineDeath: "I ripped them limb from limb, and posted their body parts to their relatives!"
Jhonson: "OK. Here's your 5k, and the 1k 'posting to relatives' bonus"
UrsineDeath: "I Love You!" *sobs*
Feb 23 2004, 07:22 PM
Oooh, oooh!
Knowledge skills: Speed reading, Hermetic Theory and Memorization! Comp dice to Sorcery or learning/designing spells?
Kinda makes you wonder how Photographic Memory would impact a hermetic's abilities...
Feb 23 2004, 07:25 PM
While the Mnemonic Enhancer doesn't lower the Karma cost for learning a spell, Initiates can lower the cost with a successful Astral Quest. We've found in our campaign that the book rule lets high-initiate magicians get too powerful too quickly, so our house rule is to halve the benefit the book gives.
The most recent publication of M&M lowered the Karma reduction of the Mnemonic Enhancer to a maximum of 1. See the
Errata for M&M (search for 'Mnemonic') for details.
Darkest Angel
Feb 23 2004, 07:34 PM
QUOTE (Siege) |
Oooh, oooh!
Knowledge skills: Speed reading, Hermetic Theory and Memorization! Comp dice to Sorcery or learning/designing spells?
Kinda makes you wonder how Photographic Memory would impact a hermetic's abilities...:
-Siege |
That's easy, read each book in the local library's 'Hermetic Magic' section, and with time you have three free rating 8 or 9 hermetic libraries on demand.
Feb 23 2004, 07:37 PM
QUOTE (Siege) Oooh, oooh!
Knowledge skills: Speed reading, Hermetic Theory and Memorization! Comp dice to Sorcery or learning/designing spells?
Kinda makes you wonder how Photographic Memory would impact a hermetic's abilities...:
That's easy, read each book in the local library's 'Hermetic Magic' section, and with time you have three free rating 8 or 9 hermetic libraries on demand.
Then you install a datajack and a transducer, and transcribe all the information into a computer, then copy the HD, comile it into one large and comprehensive hermetic library and then sell it on the open market.
Darkest Angel
Feb 23 2004, 07:40 PM
QUOTE (Nikoli) |
QUOTE | QUOTE (Siege) Oooh, oooh!
Knowledge skills: Speed reading, Hermetic Theory and Memorization! Comp dice to Sorcery or learning/designing spells?
Kinda makes you wonder how Photographic Memory would impact a hermetic's abilities...:
That's easy, read each book in the local library's 'Hermetic Magic' section, and with time you have three free rating 8 or 9 hermetic libraries on demand.
Then you install a datajack and a transducer, and transcribe all the information into a computer, then copy the HD, comile it into one large and comprehensive hermetic library and then sell it on the open market.
In your own words, expressing understanding of course - you wouldn't want to get done for plagiarism!
Feb 23 2004, 07:41 PM
If you are selling it to other runners, you're not going to care about plagarism
Darkest Angel
Feb 23 2004, 07:46 PM
True, but you did say open market... Black market would be a different story, although I'm sure there'd be a publisher out there ready to print "The idiots guide to hermetic magic".
Feb 23 2004, 07:47 PM
Hehe... I'm waiting to see the "The Idiots guide to Initiation"
Feb 23 2004, 08:39 PM
"The Idiots guide to Astral Space" And you thought there was dangerous stuff on THIS side of existence!
Feb 24 2004, 12:42 PM
QUOTE (Siege) |
Oooh, oooh!
Knowledge skills: Speed reading, Hermetic Theory and Memorization! Comp dice to Sorcery or learning/designing spells?
Kinda makes you wonder how Photographic Memory would impact a hermetic's abilities...:
-Siege |
Atma (my hermetic runner):
Photographic memory
In most games, he can be the map. He carries around his rating 8 hermetic library with him at all times.
He is also able to remember every detail of his life since he was able to remember.
New spell formulae? He reads it once, then burns it. Also, I had him stay up for weeks reading his entire rating 6 library before it became a rating 8.
And now, he has Mnemonic Enhancer.
Feb 24 2004, 01:18 PM
So? A Mnemonic Enhancer doesn't enhance a Photographic Memory in game terms.
Yes, Photographic Memory and Perceptive very powerful in the hands of the Awakened. Add a Direction Sense, Wilderness Survival, Navigation, Metamagic: Sensing and you will be a real survivalist.
Feb 24 2004, 01:28 PM
Very good point. Yea, Im not getting the enhancer to enhance my memory; just the other bonuses.
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