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Full Version: Indy area runner needing game
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Subject pretty much says it. smile.gif

Looking for a 4E Shadowrun group in the Indianapolis area. Saturdays are best for me, but that doesn't rule out Fridays or even Sundays. I'm on the Northwest side, but willing to travel
I know there is an establishment downtown that pretty much acts as a table-top hosting place, and I know that they do weekly SR games. For the life of me, I can't remember the name. But, I'll look around for it.
QUOTE (AStarshipforAnts @ Jun 27 2010, 07:17 PM) *
I know there is an establishment downtown that pretty much acts as a table-top hosting place, and I know that they do weekly SR games. For the life of me, I can't remember the name. But, I'll look around for it.

Comic book store maybe? I can't think of the name either, but I know there's one downtown. Thanks.
One of my players just got back to me; it's called the Arsenal game room and cafe. This is their website. Good luck, chummer.
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