Feb 25 2004, 03:35 PM
[Disclaimer]Warning! Playing this game could make you lose some respect for Shadowrun.
Like, y'know?
[/Disclaimer]Me: Ok, I'm tempted to run a couple of games.
Dumpshocker: So, are we playing down and dirty runners?Me: Nope
DS: Company men then, with top notch Hugo Weaving suits?Me: I don't think so.
DS: Then we're having a gang war!Me: Err, Large Mike is doing that pretty fine...
DS: Well, what is it? Mercs? Arcology survivors? Tir Ghosts? Me: I'm afraid they could be fraternity jocks or cheerleaders. Ain't that kewl?
DS: *Shoots JongWK*Well, I'm going to try a little PbP GMing. I am not, however, in the mood for a bunch of gritty characters paranoid enough to shoot their own shadows (I've seen that happen, but I'm digressing).
I've been adapting two stories for SR, and I'm looking for 4 to 5 players. Their characters should be from the Washington University ("U-Dub"). For this first game, I need them to be on good terms with a crusty old Professor. He teaches law and is not too terribly fond of corps. You don't need to study that or to have passed his course, just be a friend of him.
This will be a run of sorts (there could be some lethal violence), but it's more of an investigation. If everything goes ok (and I manage to recover adventure #2), you'll go on holidays to the wonderful land of Az (this sequel is aptly named "Not another teen Azzie Horror movie").
I can GM during working days (Mon-Fri), and it gets expensive for me to access the net on weekends. You're warned.
Final note: As for the character ideas... go wild!
(Of course, be *somewhat* realistic: unless you craft a superb background story, those Wired Reflexes 2 are a little out of place...)
[Edit]PS: For flexibility and weirdness' sake, use 12
5 Building Points.
Feb 25 2004, 06:17 PM
EDIT: Unnecessary 2nd post.
Digital Heroin
Feb 26 2004, 12:07 AM
Hmmm... I have a character that might fit... origninally she was supposed to be taking a year off before going to MIT&T, but I could say she's taking some classes at Washington University to pacify her folks while she lives the party life in the meantime.
Feb 26 2004, 12:12 AM
125 building points? Wow, just like every other character I've made!
I could play an amateur decker who is majoring in computer science and minoring in criminal justice administration. I'll make him be planning to go into law enforcement, and he'll have wealty parents to justify his relatively expensive equipment. He'll also do a little campus drug dealing on the side.
Digital Heroin
Feb 26 2004, 12:15 AM
For a better description, Angel is an elven changeling Gecko shaman, with a twist of face in her as well. She's a partygoer, deeply entrenched in the Seattle club scene. At the University she'd be interested in law as it pertains to metahuman and changeling rights, and would be active in several eco groups, and pro-peace moevents. She's a pacafist, for reference, as well. Her magical specialties are manipulation and illusion. Her parents are corperate, and not entirely happy she's delaying going to MIT&T, as she has a full tuition scholarship waiting for her.
Feb 26 2004, 12:19 AM
A changeling? Can she go to the university without a SIN?
A few other questions Jong: Can we start with cultured bioware, what is this profesor's name, will we have free access to some tool shops belonging to the school, and do we not have to buy lifestyles if we live in the dorms? Oh, and my character will actually be majoring in computer science and minoring in chemistry rather than criminal justice. That way his chemistry kit doesn't look suspicious.
Digital Heroin
Feb 26 2004, 12:23 AM
What's stopping a changeling from having a SIN?
Edit: Throwing up the pic I edited for Angel a while back for chatroom play (in a room I host, but that never took off), just because I can:
Feb 26 2004, 12:32 AM
Non-metahumans cannot be citizens, barring an act of congress. And they are legally considered animals, albeit endangered ones. Maybe they can still have SINs without being citizens, I don't know. But it would be hard for them to get one, since their parents are wild animals. One other question: do I need seperate electronics and computer kits, or just one microtronics kit?
Kanada Ten
Feb 26 2004, 12:44 AM
Changlings are metahumans. You're thinking of shapeshifters.
Feb 26 2004, 01:59 AM
I have a combat mage idea...second year student on an Ares scholarship. I've had this idea for a while.
Questions: Pbp? Play by .... ?
are there restrictions on skills, spell levels, gear other than standard to represent the fact that we're, well, college kids?
Kanada Ten
Feb 26 2004, 02:23 AM
Ummm, play by post, like, totally.
Digital Heroin
Feb 26 2004, 02:38 AM
Changelings not Shapeshifters. Once more it seems you're playing Mr. Watchdog GM, without foundation. Changelings are metahumans who've undergone SURGE. Shapeshifters are the big fuzzy animal types.
Feb 26 2004, 04:49 AM
Yeah, by post. I figured it out right after I signed off. Its been a rough week...and its only Wednesday.
Back on track: I might can that earlier idea in favor of a more "normal" character. I might be thinking of a junior. Psychology or Psych/Criminal Justice dual major. Sort of a face type but w/o most of the useful contacts a traditional fixer has. He has several years of martial arts under his belt--[MA style]: 4; spent some time on the pistol range (probably 4 or 5) and some high social skills. Basic cyber: plastic bone lacing (he was in a car accident in high school) and maybe some eye work (undecided). I'll probably dump some points into edges and flaws to make him more shadowrunnery (again, undecided)
More questions: is the investigation on campus? (like, scooby-style, dude/Scream/ I Know What You Did Last Summer/ etc...) OR off campus big bad (totaly Buffe-esque/run ins with organised crime/ etc)?
The reason I ask is if its off campus stuff I'd like a bunch of on campus contacts for a reduced rate and lower level Flaw: Enemy type stuff. My theory being that knowing a bunch of chics on the soccer team is useful on campus but they likely wouldn't know drek about the latest chrome to hit the streets from chiba. Likewise that hockey player dude that hates me b/c I'm friends w/ his get the idea.
So, what do you think??
Side Note: If this works out I get to be the "cool Angel-type" (Angel as in Buffy's Angel. Not DH's Angel) guy I always wanted to be...
Digital Heroin
Feb 26 2004, 04:52 AM
Oooh, ooh... I'll be Willow!
Feb 26 2004, 04:58 AM
Thats a deal! But I'm not a vampire
Maybe I'll be the Xander type that I always wanted to...hey, wait a tick. I
AM a Xander type. Hmmm.....
Feb 26 2004, 06:34 AM
Oh crum, changelings, you mean SURGE. Yeah, I don't have the comet sourcebooks. My mistake.
Digital Heroin
Feb 26 2004, 06:39 AM
's cool... didn't mean to be defensive 'n all...
Feb 26 2004, 11:08 AM
I'm in and will have a pair of concepts sent out within a few. A few questions, these need to be U-Dub students? Or just affiliated with the University in some way, besides also being associated with old prof? Also, could you give us a basic low-down on the prof, besides the fact that he deals with Law, so that he can be worked into BG's?
Feb 26 2004, 07:07 PM
Good to see victims rushing in.
I will now take a few questions:
A changeling? Can she go to the university without a SIN? |
The SURGE issue has already been clarified.
You can attend the University with a probationary SIN (especially if if you are some kind of street scum prodigy on a scholarship). If you don't have a SIN, you can't be a student or professor.
A few questions, these need to be U-Dub students? Or just affiliated with the University in some way, besides also being associated with old prof? |
They basically need to be connected to Professor Navarro in some way, although I'd like them to be
fresh and stupid in the prime of their lives, to give this the feeling of one of those "student" movies. Of course they can be like Matt Damon in
Good Will Hunting, but I had in mind characters that could have come out of
Urban Legends,
Scary Movie,
American Pie or
Can't Hardly Wait.
A few other questions Jong: Can we start with cultured bioware, |
No, sorry. You can still buy standard bioware.
what is this profesor's name,
Also, could you give us a basic low-down on the prof, besides the fact that he deals with Law, so that he can be worked into BG's?
Profesor Paul Navarro is of Hispanic ancestors. He's one of the oldest members of the faculty, and was born in 1984. He could have retired decades ago, but somehow the guy keeps going on and on like a perpetual motion machine.
The Grand Old Man is a real bastard when it comes to tests and exams. As a matter of fact, Ivar Lindstrom (Seattle's Governor), is rumoured to have lost
five Law 101 exams in a row...
On the other hand, he's also a loyal, helpful friend and a courageous SOB. Navarro is something of a romantic, bleeding heart Quixote, always supporting lost causes. It's probably the nostalgia for the good ol' US of A that gets to him every while or so in class.
It's not hard to hate and fear him like VITAS at first, but it's even harder not to appreciate and respect him later.
will we have free access to some tool shops belonging to the school, |
The U-Dub has both a computer and an electronics tool shop, but you need to sign in a registration form to use them. Similar palces exist for other subjects like Chemistry or Medicine, to name a few.
There is a Hermetic Library (Rating 8... pretty nice), which you also need permission to use (last year, a student geeked himself after summoning an oversized fire elemental). The Shamanic Lodge isn't so good (Rating 6), but the University has a deal with the Salish-Shidhe Council, so that students and professors can use visit Council Island or the SSC itself for educational purposes.
and do we not have to buy lifestyles if we live in the dorms? |
Sure. If you're a student, you get an oh-so-kewl Low lifestyle for free, which you have to share with someone else (two beds per dorm).
are there restrictions on skills, spell levels, gear other than standard to represent the fact that we're, well, college kids? |
Legal gear = All
If you need a permit for an item, you can a) pay the permit and get it legally registered with your SIN, or b) play wannabe runner and do some shady stuff (ooohhh!!!).
Spells and magical gear are legally limited to level 3... Of course, it's hard to verify that a mage has a level 6 spell, but if a trained cop notices you using it, you might end up having to call your lawyer...
I can't remember if you need to register items of Force <3 or >3.
If you're a corporate citizen, you might be able to bend the rules a bit, but I leave it up to you guys to figure it out. Obviously, corp citizens will probably have a frightened-deer look in their faces when confronted with non-corporate life. The corporate lifestyle can be weird...
Corp student: "Look, I've got a new tattoo!"
Non-corp kid: "Cool, what is it?"
CS: "Ares' logo! I have it in my nipple, right along the KE piercing! Ain't it kewl?"
NCK: ...
More questions: is the investigation on campus? (like, scooby-style, dude/Scream/ I Know What You Did Last Summer/ etc...) OR off campus big bad (totaly Buffe-esque/run ins with organised crime/ etc)? |
Both. Let's see how do Sixth World students manage to survive difficult choices like Pink-Glo Tiffany Needler or Chiba-Chrome
Tm Walter Palm, and slumming around Redmond or attending Phi-Beta-Kappa's latest party.
Digital Heroin
Feb 26 2004, 08:13 PM
Angel should do fine then, she's a bit of a flake, but can keep a cool head when she needs to. As for the SIN, she's got one, but no permit for her holdout pistol, it was a gift. She's trained a bit under an actual runner, but most of her skills she's learned through my favorite hobby, the one I'm going to get into some day, Urban Exploration...
phelious fogg
Feb 26 2004, 08:31 PM
I claim the Troll on the Urban Brawl team! That is, if you are still accepting players.
Im pre-law on a sports scholarship!
Now for the diffocult choice: Fomori, Giant, or Normal Troll?
Feb 26 2004, 08:49 PM
Urban Brawl team? I can't imagine that as a college sport, even in the violent world of Shadowrun.
Feb 26 2004, 10:42 PM
No Urban Brawl, sorry. College sports are ok, however. After all, football is mostly dominated by trolls and orks, according to canon.
You might even date the elven cheerleader captain.
Feb 26 2004, 10:56 PM
The list of interested people is:
Digital Heroin -> Angel / Gecko shaman
Panzergeist -> Decker?
Wailer -> ?
Kevyn668 -> Corp rich kid, Mage.
Phelious Fogg -> Troll on a sports scholarship.
Panzergeist, careful with your deck. Remember that the Masking is "illegal" (you know, that funny word adults use
). Give me a reason in your background as to how did you get it, unless you're planning to run on a low-end deck (now, wouldn't that be funny...
Everybody: Character files (background included) in RTF, TXT or XLS format to jwkimgoyret AT yahoo DOT com, or PM me their stats and background.
There's space for a sixth player. I think 7 would be too much, at least if PbP are like table top games. Of course, I might reconsider this if presented with a cool character (hint hint
EDIT: Corrected e-mail address.
phelious fogg
Feb 26 2004, 11:29 PM
Should I play a Phys Ad? or just Bit of Cyber? What sounds like a shadowrun football player?
Digital Heroin
Feb 27 2004, 12:40 AM
I had an alternate character that'd work too... was my genetically engineered PsyAd corporate athelete, but he's more fun with Urban Brawl, being a prettyboy and all that...
Feb 27 2004, 11:08 AM
Allright. Here's the concept - If all goes well, I will be playing a 7th Semester Senior, Party-god slacker type. The campus 'That guy' from the ousted Fraternity, making the most of a great situation. No 'PCU' bullshit here, I'm talking John Belushi from Animal House - complete with a decent stealth skill so he can spy in the second story of the sorority house.
As all party-gods should be, he will be a Satyr. (MWahaha!) I've toyed with, and am fond of the idea of making him a Bacchus shamanic adept, but seeing as the game is already mana-ridden, will probably only make him a devotee.
Very little as far as 'Shadowrunner' skills go, he'll have good connections both on Campus and around the nearby area, considering that he's been haunting U-Dub for over 6 years. He's going to be the typical could-apply-himself slacker but hasn't yet, with the exception of bending the prof's ear countless times so that he can shmooze through both Campus Policy and SOP and keep himself out of trouble for the quasi-legal activities he's involved in. (Getting the freshman girls drunk, low-key drug trafficking on campus, arranging for the passing grades of favored 'Bros', etc.)
While not a starter, or captain, he's got a particular notoriety on the Lacrosse field, not only due to his passion for it and rough play, but also because of his particular Metavariant. In fact, the way he met the prof was when he was lobbying for acceptance on the team. (Not sure how welcomed a Satyr would be on the collegiate field, 7 years ago.)
Overall, just a guy living in the everday world of Shadowrun. And that's the brief. Input?
Feb 27 2004, 12:21 PM
I'm changing my char to either a "face-type" or a Sorcerer ("I
wish I could summon spirits and astraly project....
phelious fogg
Feb 27 2004, 04:02 PM
What cyberwear do you think a Football player from Redmond might have?
Daniel was troll in the Redmond barrens. He played brawl regularly as a heavy gunner. Now he's been 'scouted' out by U-Dub for football. Wecome to college life street scum. Since apparently they dont allow adepts to play football he'll be just a tad cybered. I cant really think of what a football player would need, so Im looking for suggestions
Feb 27 2004, 04:20 PM
Bone Lacing and Dermal Plating, cyberlimbs, etc. Anyone has Shadowbeat or Sprawl Survival Guide at hand?
Feb 27 2004, 07:20 PM
QUOTE (Digital Heroin) |
taking some classes at Washington University to |
That would be Wazoo.
Some information for those who have never lived there. Washington State University is located way south and east of Seattle. It is the home of the Cougars.
The University of Washington (U-dub to the locals) is in Seattle (the U-District) and is the home of the Huskies.
To confuse the two in Seattle would be dangerous at best.
Sorry for the interrupt I just thought (as a longtime res of Seattle) I would point that out.
Feb 27 2004, 11:01 PM
so why's it called "U-Dub"?
Feb 27 2004, 11:02 PM
U for University. Dub for W (which is Double U shortened to Dub).
phelious fogg
Feb 28 2004, 12:07 AM
I emailed my character to you.
Feb 28 2004, 12:41 AM
I'll have my character Pmd within the day.
Feb 28 2004, 04:14 AM
I guess I'm in, too. Character to you by Sunday night (EST)
Feb 28 2004, 10:56 AM
Panzergeist, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you're exceeding the maximum # of attribute points at chargen (60 BPs = 30 APs). Also forgot to include Cyber & Bio list. The rest is Ok, if a bit more than I would have expected.
Also, friendly warning to others: I'm lacking Rigger 3 or R3 Revised, so my knowledge of drones and such is, uh, limited (blame my players for never wanting to play riggers). If you have one, be sure to explain it to me.
Feb 28 2004, 04:07 PM
So, how "Runner-esque" are all your characters? I only have one skill thats above 4 and its Etiquette. My char's going to have a boatload of contacts but most are going to campus folk. And did you guys start w/ weapons?
I'm just wondering if I made a character that can contribute or one that is just going to be a whole lat of fun for me to play. ("dude, that ork just totaly knocked you the fuck out!!")
phelious fogg
Feb 28 2004, 04:26 PM
I dont have any weapons, but I have Althetics 6 since im on the team, and I have Brawling of 6 because I grew up in the Barens and I needed to know how to protect myself, and beat up other people.
Feb 28 2004, 04:59 PM
...and beat up other people. |
I like that one. You put it on almost as an after thought.
I took a martial art (hapkido, I think) at 4. Figured I could explain as " has SIN. Took lessons, competed for a whale, etc..." I'm thinking about taking pistols at 3 or 4 and saying that he used target shoot at the competitive level but stopped somewhere in college to focus on his true passion: Binge Drinking....
phelious fogg
Feb 28 2004, 05:36 PM
The email address you listed is wrong, I tried using it twice and failed, so Im just giong ot PM you
Feb 28 2004, 08:09 PM
My character has 30 attribute points, plus the bonus intelligence point edge, and a suprathyroid gland, that's why they add up to more than 30.
Mar 1 2004, 05:45 PM
My mistake. It's jwkimgoyret AT yahoo DOT com.
Mar 1 2004, 06:00 PM
Note to all: You all have Professor Navarro as a free contact. No need for money, unless you want to upgrade him to Buddy status.
Mar 1 2004, 08:02 PM
Wait, does that mean I should get a 3rd contact?
Mar 1 2004, 11:01 PM
Yes, both you and Phelious Fogg.
phelious fogg
Mar 1 2004, 11:13 PM
have him as a buddy then
Mar 2 2004, 03:02 AM
I'll take my parents as a contact then, since my background says they are rather important people. My parents are lower-level Ares executives, with salaries of a couple mil a year, my father in security, my mother in R&D. They live in an Ares housing compound in Seattle with a luxury lifestyle. Their names are Anton and Marsha Jackson. In fact, I have an addition to my background: Acton has a little sister named Mary, age 13, who also lives with his parents and is in 9th grade at an Ares-run high school.
Mar 2 2004, 01:45 PM
Does U-Dub have a Hockey team? And while I'm at it, what other teams do they have? Athletic and other xtra-curic's (Band Geeks, etc..)
Mar 2 2004, 05:00 PM
Characters (so far):
Angel (Digital Heroin)
Acton Jackson (Panzergeist)
Daniel (Phelious Fogg... I see you
are dating the elven cheerleader
I don't have stats from anyone else.
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