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Full Version: The Sixth World A-Team!
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
I've been trying to run it through my mind for quite some time now. (Since I saw the movie really) What would the A-Team be like in the Sixth World? Adepts? Augmented? What does dumpshock think about this and if you wish to propose possible character sheets for each member, go for it!
...Isn't every SR team the A-Team?


Face as the Face.
B.A as the street sam.
It's really just the mage and the hacker that aren't represented.
Prime Mover
Just load up your typical runner team in a their black van with a red stripe and voila A-Team.
QUOTE (Dr.Rockso @ Jun 29 2010, 05:55 PM) *
...Isn't every SR team the A-Team?


Face as the Face.
B.A as the street sam.
It's really just the mage and the hacker that aren't represented.

Murdoch as the rigger.
Hannibal... well.... as Hannibal! The Mastermind! grinbig.gif
Dakka Dakka
B.A is the Street Sam with a splash of Mechanic
H.M. Murdock is the Rigger.
Hannibal's skills as planner/mastermind/secondary face usually aren't present in the average runner team. They wouldn't hurt though.

Since there isn't much magic or IT in the series, there aren't any mages or hackers on the A Team. Or Hannibal could be an Illusionist.
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Jun 29 2010, 11:00 AM) *
B.A is the Street Samw ith a splash of Mechanic
H.M. Murdock is the Rigger.
Hannibal's skills as planner/mastermind/secondary face usually aren't present in the average runner team. They wouldn't hurt though.

Since there isn't much magic or IT in the series, there aren't any mages or hackers on the A Team. Or Hannibal could be an Illusionist.

I dig the idea of Hannibal being an illusionist.

That's what I'm going for a whole modern twist on them all.
QUOTE (Belvidere @ Jun 29 2010, 12:04 PM) *
I dig the idea of Hannibal being an illusionist.

That's what I'm going for a whole modern twist on them all.

Hannibal could also be the 8 Edge human leader, what a shocker that all his plans seem to work out.
Face is obviously an Elf with a ton of social and combat skills.

BA is...I'd say Ork, over Troll, personally. A mix of mechanical and combat skills.

Hannibal I'd make a human with a ton of Edge. He's got zany plans, makes zany tactics rolls, and the GM lets 'em pull off zany stunts as a result. Being a human makes it easy for his various disguise rolls, etc, to let him mimic most other metaspecies.

Murdock's the wild card (and rightly so). He's never struck me as hitting any of the stereotypes for any of the various metaspecies, but whatever race he's gonna be, he's gonna have a lot of piloting skills and some interesting disadvantages.
QUOTE (Critias @ Jun 29 2010, 12:47 PM) *
Face is obviously an Elf with a ton of social and combat skills.

BA is...I'd say Ork, over Troll, personally. A mix of mechanical and combat skills.

Hannibal I'd make a human with a ton of Edge. He's got zany plans, makes zany tactics rolls, and the GM lets 'em pull off zany stunts as a result. Being a human makes it easy for his various disguise rolls, etc, to let him mimic most other metaspecies.

Murdock's the wild card (and rightly so). He's never struck me as hitting any of the stereotypes for any of the various metaspecies, but whatever race he's gonna be, he's gonna have a lot of piloting skills and some interesting disadvantages.

All have firearms 5, Infiltration 5 and Con of at least 4 (Hannibal is at least a 6 and Face is a 7). Unarmed combat is a 4 or better.

BA:Physad troll--really into unarmed combat (of 7)--drives the van as Murdoch is to busy with the drones. Also has heavyweapons of 4 and a fear of flying (phobia)
Face: Elf face-cybered, and not an adept--has con at 7
Hannibal:Human Mage with high tactics skill (a 7), and lots of edge
Murdock: Dwarf rigger/hacker who has a mild case of dementia, gunnery of 5 and all piloting skills are 4. Pilot Aircraft is at a 7.

QUOTE (Warlordtheft @ Jun 29 2010, 11:59 AM) *
All have firearms 5, Infiltration 5 and Con of at least 4 (Hannibal is at least a 6 and Face is a 7). Unarmed combat is a 4 or better.

BA:Physad troll--really into unarmed combat (of 7)--drives the van as Murdoch is to busy with the drones. Also has heavyweapons of 4 and a fear of flying (phobia)
Face: Elf face-cybered, and not an adept--has con at 7
Hannibal:Human Mage with high tactics skill (a 7), and lots of edge
Murdock: Dwarf rigger/hacker who has a mild case of dementia, gunnery of 5 and all piloting skills are 4. Pilot Aircraft is at a 7.

I could see this, though I do like Critias's idea of BA being an Ork. He's big, but he's not a monster. But that's just my IMO
Dakka Dakka
Both BA and Face should get Human-Looking wink.gif and BA distinctive style.

About the firearms skills, they should get a zero or incompetence. They never hit anyone. The MPs don't either, which according to SR should have at least a skill level of 3.
Hannibal has Thrill seeker, max Edge and Aptitude (Disguise) and what Dakka Dakka said abuot the firearms skill!!
Oehler the Black
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Jun 29 2010, 05:32 PM) *
Both BA and Face should get Human-Looking wink.gif and BA distinctive style.

About the firearms skills, they should get a zero or incompetence. They never hit anyone. The MPs don't either, which according to SR should have at least a skill level of 3.

Isn't it more that they use their weapons for the extra dice on intimidation based rolls? There's something to be said if they're always missing on purpose.
I disagree with B.A. being an ork or a troll. Considering Mr. T's height (or lack thereof) he would obviously be a dwarf!
QUOTE (Oehler the Black @ Jun 29 2010, 02:59 PM) *
Isn't it more that they use their weapons for the extra dice on intimidation based rolls? There's something to be said if they're always missing on purpose.

You might charitably say that they just focus on suppressing fire. Every time they shoot.
I Say watch Burn Notice and add cyber and magic where appropriate. Sam would be an Orc I think And Fiona may or may not be an elf...(Probably not) And Michael would just be that Bad Ass human possibly an adept with a little cyber.

I just love that show.
QUOTE (Emeraldknite @ Jun 29 2010, 11:27 PM) *
I Say watch Burn Notice and add cyber and magic where appropriate. Sam would be an Orc I think And Fiona may or may not be an elf...(Probably not) And Michael would just be that Bad Ass human possibly an adept with a little cyber.

I just love that show.

Also check out Leverage. Give the major characters commlinks and it could be my Friday game!

Parker - Covert Op. Either Adept, or very subtle cyber.
Eliot Spencer - Definitely a martial arts Adept.
Alec Hardison - Hacker/Tech specialist
Sophie Devereaux - Face
Nathan Ford - Face/Mastermind (though I do like the Edge 8 Hannibal concept from earlier in the thread)
Ol' Scratch
B.A.: Street Sam or an unaware Adept (with a geas that leaves him crippled when he's flying).
Face: Covert Ops Specialist with an emphasis on Social skills and a love of Gunnery.
Hannibal: Covert Ops Specialist specializing in tactics and disguises with augmented Logic and Intuition scores. Possibly (unknowingly) possesses a high Spirit Pact that grants him Divination.
Murdock: Adept focused on Piloting skills and a high Edge score.

They all share the Juryrigger, Criminal SIN, and Records on File qualities.
QUOTE (Ed_209a @ Jun 30 2010, 01:01 PM) *
Also check out Leverage. Give the major characters commlinks and it could be my Friday game!

Parker - Covert Op. Either Adept, or very subtle cyber.
Eliot Spencer - Definitely a martial arts Adept.
Alec Hardison - Hacker/Tech specialist
Sophie Devereaux - Face
Nathan Ford - Face/Mastermind (though I do like the Edge 8 Hannibal concept from earlier in the thread)

I know. I've been watching Leverage off & on, & I also have been putting SR parallels to the show.
On Parker, I'd have to agree that she would be CovertOps, with a lot of skills in lockpicking, security systems and the like. Definately a Adept. Give her Nimble Fingers & Traceless Walk.
Eliot Spencer is very much a Physical Adept.
Hardison is a toss-up between Hacker and Technomancer, IMHO. Either one works.
"Sophie" (we've yet to hear her 'real name') is a Face Adept of The Speaker's Way. Commanding Voice, Cool Resolve, Facial Sculpt & Melanin Control adept talents.
Nathan Ford is the ex-Mr. Johnson/Face. No Adept talents or chrome, just a very high Charisma score, with a Negative Quality: Alcoholism.
In my mind btw:
Leverage is a good example of:

legwork (do it..)
Knowledge skills: If you happen to know alot about the kestral 9000 security system, you should get bonuses when doing a run against a Kestral 9000.

I think the game needs a mechanic for letting you make knowledge skill rolls, that give you bonuses on your applicable tests.

maybe net hits.
or net hits - some number
or Threshhold to get a +2 dicepool bonus.
Hannibal is definitely a mage. (and a planner of course) and he hides his magical ability... but the success of their plans often seems depending on touch of some illusionary magic; some help maybe with teammate armor and such...

Of course, the real question is "What color is SGT B.A. Barrack's mohawk in 2070?"
Ol' Scratch
Whatever color he wants. Mood hair for the win.
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