Dun Fe'Ran
Feb 26 2004, 09:51 PM
I'm looking for a program that lets me play SR online.....specifically something that works like instant messenger but also rolls some dice. What programs are out there?
Feb 26 2004, 10:33 PM
AOL Instant Messenger. In a chatroom, type "//roll-dice#" for dice, replacing # with the number of dice you want to roll (up to 15).
There are more features to the dieroller, like non-six-sided dice, if you want me to explain them.
Dun Fe'Ran
Feb 26 2004, 11:21 PM
ooooh! please! (Thanks for the info, too!)
Dun Fe'Ran
Feb 26 2004, 11:44 PM
oh, and how do you get results above 6?
Feb 27 2004, 12:01 AM
You have to do rule-of-6 manually by rerolling sixes yourself, but then you have to do that with real dice, too.
Detailed explaination of AIM dieroller mechanics: the dieroller is activated with "//roll", and defaults to 2d6. It takes the arguments -dice# and -sides#; for -dice# # tops out at 15 and for -sides# # tops out at 999. Thus, for 2d6 you'd type
//roll (or //roll-dice2 or //roll-sides6 or //roll-dice2-sides6; they're all equivalent)
For 6d6
For 2d100
And for 15d999
Note that //roll and its arguments has to be the first thing on the line, and has to be the only thing on the line. Saying "My character casts a spell. //roll-dice12" will result in that text and nothing more. Also, curiously, this does not work in IM windows, only chats.
Any questions?
Dun Fe'Ran
Feb 27 2004, 12:04 AM
well, that seems to sum it up. wish there was a mechanic for rule-of-6's, but that's probably not much of an issue. Thanks! The games may now continue!
Crimsondude 2.0
Feb 27 2004, 01:33 AM
Rumor has it that there's a site where you can RP online, either in real-time or on board pages like here.
Rumor also has it that they have a D6 roller with the Rule of Six built-in, and supposedly they even have a D20.
Of course, it's just a rumor.
Feb 27 2004, 01:35 AM
Honestly, I dislike the thought of built-in handling of rule-of-6. It's just more satisfying to get those rerolls in.
'Sides, gives time to practice speed-typing.
Feb 27 2004, 01:54 AM
QUOTE (Crimsondude 2.0) |
Rumor has it that there's a site where you can RP online, either in real-time or on board pages like here.
Rumor also has it that they have a D6 roller with the Rule of Six built-in, and supposedly they even have a D20.
Of course, it's just a rumor. |
Rumor is correct.
This site incorporates a good dice-roller that can be geared to most games, including the oddities of the Shadowrun dice system. The forum is also pretty adaptable to most GMs needs as far as customization and special features.
Feb 27 2004, 04:33 AM
Well, there is IRC, specifically, mIRC has great scripting capacity for dice rolling, or anything else really.
mIRC Homepage
Large Mike
Feb 27 2004, 06:19 AM
irc.dumpshock.com #shadowrun
You can get in on a game most nights, and someone will inevitably bring a dicebot.
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