This is the recruitment thread for that game, post here if you have an interest in playing.
Character creation will also be addressed in this thread.
- I provide the following guidelines for rules, to help progress the game, and to complement the setting. If you disagree with any of them, I am open to reasonable discussion. This is a game for the enjoyment of all. You get to play in the setting, and "live" within it, through the character, that you inhabit, and it's important to me that mine is not the only vision considered here. I just have to console myself with the pernicious, crushing of all your hopes and dreams.
- Standard 400 point BP build.
- No Technomancers.
- Meta-variants allowed on case by case basis.
- Free bonus points for contacts, equals 2*Cha. No groups as contacts for beginning characters.
- Standard lifestyle rules. (I recommend buying three months of lifestyle up front, but not required. I will most likely expand on lifestyles in the future, as I detail the area more, but I don't want it to delay the start.)
- You may purchase one item that exceeds availability 12.
- A note on licensing: Remember that as Shadowrunners, most of the activities that you will be engaging in are, in and of themselves illegal. Licenses, are useful in avoiding legal harassment on a day to day basis, but any failure of a forged license or SIN carries it's own repercussions. You may choose to forego licensing entirely, as many off the grid do, and accept the consequences.
- Purchase of licenses (not SINs) during creation, cost rating * 25
(replaces the cost listed in the rule book, does not affect availability). Any restricted items require licensing to be "legal". Any armor with a ballistics rating greater than 4, is automatically restricted. Each piece of restricted gear requires it's own specific license, tied to an identity (SIN). Individual hacking programs do not have to be licensed, but the commlink does, at the appropriate rating to run the restricted program.
- Starting funds are in CAS dollars, cash. Calculate starting cash as (Max possible*70%)*3=$ (example, Trogg has 300
remaining after buying gear, so He calculates 2d6+3*20=300 max for his squatter lifestyle. (300*0.7)*3=630$ in small, non-sequential CAS bills.)
- Everyone gets a free contact of a fixer, "Mr. Jack" at Loyalty 1 and Connection unknown. All other contacts are subject to approval.
Currently we have five players, locked up for the game, applications will be reserved if any spots open up, on a first come, first served basis.
Cast of Characters;
Dantic - GM
Emod - Wizkid with a gun. - Human
Phlapjack - Mystic Rocker in the tradition of Zamfir. - Elf lord
Redcrow - Magicaly poofda - Breeder
Sesix - I am a confused soul, who will smash you, then talk about it. - Big Trog
AJC - Shiny, Weapons Specialist- Hobbit - MIA