Jul 2 2010, 04:00 AM
I coulda sworn that there was an adept power that let you cling to walls and ceilings like Spider-Man, but a thorough perusal of both SR4A and Street Magic has failed to turn up any such thing. Has my memory failed me or are my eyes failing me?
Jul 2 2010, 04:27 AM
Power like that in SR3, I have yet to see it in SR4 though. It'd be nice to have that though.
Jul 2 2010, 04:31 AM
There's a SURGE power that gives you gecko grip.
Mebbe that's what you're thinking of?
Jul 2 2010, 04:56 AM
You can houserule it back in.
There's a wallrun power, but it's not Spiderman.
Kid Chameleon
Jul 2 2010, 05:26 AM
You would also save 15% on your car insurance.
Jul 2 2010, 09:36 AM
QUOTE (Kid Chameleon @ Jul 2 2010, 12:26 AM)
You would also save 15% on your car insurance.
Yeah, but that power takes 15 minutes. That's
forever in combat rounds. Totally not worth it.
Jul 2 2010, 10:49 AM
Y'all crack me the hell up!
Jul 2 2010, 11:00 AM
well since you can get it as bioware now, I would rule it a .5 or 1 pt power
Same limitations as the bioware
Jul 2 2010, 02:12 PM
Or just buy gloves for no essence or magic cost.
Jul 2 2010, 02:39 PM
Street Magic, p. 173
Gecko Crawl (Physical)
Type: P • Range: T • Duration: S • DV: (F ÷ 2) – 1
The Gecko Crawl spell allows the subject to walk along
vertical or overhead surfaces at a movement rate equal to
Force x hits in meters per turn. The subject is still affected by
gravity and will fall if separated from the surface. The game-
master may require Climbing Tests in order for the subject
to climb especially slick surfaces. The caster must touch the
subject of the spell.
*edit* Doh, sorry, reading comprehension fail - you wanted adept powers
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Jul 2 2010, 11:04 PM
QUOTE (TommyTwoToes @ Jul 2 2010, 08:12 AM)
Or just buy gloves for no essence or magic cost.
Wow... No one wold do that though... it is craziness...
Note: My Ninja did this, and it works out great in my opinion.
Keep the Faith
quinn the eskimo
Jul 3 2010, 12:41 AM
With the gloves, there is that one pesky limitation of wet surfaces. But I imagine that's a rare enough happening to make the gloves still worth it. My one problem with the gecko hands/gloves thing is the question of what to do about your feet.
I recall something being in SR4 (I think) about adding climbing spurs at bioware, but I can only imagine there's some kind of footwear or footwear addition to compliment the gecko hands. I believe there is a version of the gecko gloves that can be slipped on the soles of shoes too.
Though I haven't gotten to play him yet, I have a character with gecko hands and spidersilk glands. I'm pretty stoked about it.
Ol' Scratch
Jul 3 2010, 12:43 AM
I hear Seattle is one of the driest places in the world. It rarely ever rains there and the humidity is always rock bottom.
Jul 3 2010, 12:55 AM
See, I just have a character with lots of good climbing gear.
Jul 3 2010, 03:10 AM
QUOTE (Ol' Scratch @ Jul 2 2010, 06:43 PM)
I hear Seattle is one of the driest places in the world. It rarely ever rains there and the humidity is always rock bottom.
It's true! I saw a cactus in my game last week. It was enjoying all of the sunlight and dry air... in it's greenhouse.
quinn the eskimo
Jul 3 2010, 04:32 PM
Ah ha. You got me. I should've qualified that statement a bit. In a previous thread a good while back about creating challenges for PCs, I mentioned that a lot of GMs leave out inclement weather - which is a great trick. I remember it once being called in a gaming comic "the GM's jailhouse shiv."
But sadly, I don't think I've played a single game of SR where the GM took climate into account. Maybe I have crap GMs? (they're not).
I guess I should have said, it might be a rare enough occasion where your GM remembers that it's got to rain every now and tomorrow and tomorrow or that there's such a thing as winter. But maybe the OP's GM is different.
Nevertheless, yeah, the water thing is a definite drawback on the gecko gloves if you're playing in Seattle. If you get the bioware, you won't have that problem.
Jul 3 2010, 05:47 PM
QUOTE (quinn the eskimo @ Jul 3 2010, 11:32 AM)
Nevertheless, yeah, the water thing is a definite drawback on the gecko gloves if you're playing in Seattle. If you get the bioware, you won't have that problem.
IMHO it's odd that the bioware works differently than the tech.
Was there some kind of balance issue?
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Jul 3 2010, 05:48 PM
QUOTE (Nifft @ Jul 3 2010, 11:47 AM)
IMHO it's odd that the bioware works differently than the tech.
Was there some kind of balance issue?
Not sure, but I agree... the tech and the Bioware should probably work in similar manners...
Keep the Faith
Jul 3 2010, 08:41 PM
Gecko tape gloves are probably the cheap knockoff versions with crappy insulation. This would explain why they're 100
Gecko hands, being 12,000
actually go several step beyond gecko tape, indicating that it's a much more effective technology (or just better quality). It's to the point where if you climb with the stuff, you won't fall off any surface, period, EVEN IF YOU GET A CRITICAL GLITCH.
It actually has the issue of being too strong, users usually wear special gloves to avoid sticking to everything. Neither water nor solvents interfere with this 'ware's efficiency.
Jul 3 2010, 08:49 PM
QUOTE (quinn the eskimo @ Jul 3 2010, 01:41 AM)
With the gloves, there is that one pesky limitation of wet surfaces. But I imagine that's a rare enough happening to make the gloves still worth it. My one problem with the gecko hands/gloves thing is the question of what to do about your feet.
I recall something being in SR4 (I think) about adding climbing spurs at bioware, but I can only imagine there's some kind of footwear or footwear addition to compliment the gecko hands. I believe there is a version of the gecko gloves that can be slipped on the soles of shoes too.
Though I haven't gotten to play him yet, I have a character with gecko hands and spidersilk glands. I'm pretty stoked about it.
I have a 8 limbed guy surged with insectoid feathures too. Spidersilk gland geco hands and feet with all the mods abse race that dwarf monkey thing. Street name spider. Role he fits B&E there's more to him but thats a quick run by.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Jul 3 2010, 10:22 PM
QUOTE (Dumori @ Jul 3 2010, 02:49 PM)
I have a 8 limbed guy surged with insectoid feathures too. Spidersilk gland geco hands and feet with all the mods abse race that dwarf monkey thing. Street name spider. Role he fits B&E there's more to him but thats a quick run by.
Aaakkkkk!!! Flesh Form Spider Spirit... Kill it, Kill it...
Cool idea though...
Keep the Faith
Jul 3 2010, 10:32 PM
Honestly, I liked things better in SR3, where cyber/bio versions of things were often better than the plain tech version. This is because why the hell would you ever get cyber or bio otherwise?
Trodes are no worse than DNIs costing essence, a palm UWB radar is no worse than the one you install in your cyberlimb, goggles are no worse than your cybereyes, and WAY better than your bioeyes, etc.
Jul 3 2010, 11:12 PM
QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Jul 3 2010, 05:22 PM)
Aaakkkkk!!! Flesh Form Spider Spirit... Kill it, Kill it...
Cool idea though...
Spiders are our friends.
Our creepy friends, but still.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Jul 4 2010, 12:26 AM
QUOTE (Nifft @ Jul 3 2010, 05:12 PM)
Spiders are our friends.
Our creepy friends, but still.
Heheheh... Sorry, Irrational fear of Man sized SPiders... <shudder> Creep indeed...
Keep the Faith
Jul 4 2010, 03:42 AM
The Gecko Crawl spell has one major benefit the technological ones don't have.
You don't have to take off your shoes.
Jul 4 2010, 04:52 AM
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Jul 3 2010, 06:32 PM)
Honestly, I liked things better in SR3, where cyber/bio versions of things were often better than the plain tech version. This is because why the hell would you ever get cyber or bio otherwise?
Trodes are no worse than DNIs costing essence, a palm UWB radar is no worse than the one you install in your cyberlimb, goggles are no worse than your cybereyes, and WAY better than your bioeyes, etc.
The Smartlink being one of the biggest "offenders," to me, in SR4. One could still argue about some of the less-tangible benefits (faster reloading), but I always liked that the meat-and-potatoes of a 'link -- the bonus to shooting someone in the head -- was quantifiably a larger boost in previous editions. In SR4, someone can just wear goggles, glasses, or even contacts for the same die pool modifier. I'm not a big fan of that.
Jul 4 2010, 07:38 AM
QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Jul 3 2010, 08:42 PM)
The Gecko Crawl spell has one major benefit the technological ones don't have.
You don't have to take off your shoes.
The thing that always bugs me about various 'gecko hand' powers, especially the bioware one is.....
Its pretty cool! It lets you be spider man, and stick to walls!
Then, in all the builds i see, nobody bothers to take fingerprint removal with it.
And that just seems really, really silly for a shadowrunner to do.
Jul 4 2010, 08:20 AM
Except for gecko tape gloves, which have no such issue. Ironic, considering the stuffer-shack level cost and availability.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Jul 4 2010, 02:32 PM
QUOTE (Faraday @ Jul 4 2010, 01:20 AM)
Except for gecko tape gloves, which have no such issue. Ironic, considering the stuffer-shack level cost and availability.
Which is their benefit over the Bioware or other options.
Keep the Faith
Jul 4 2010, 02:40 PM
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Jul 2 2010, 10:39 AM)
Street Magic, p. 173
Gecko Crawl (Physical)
Type: P • Range: T • Duration: S • DV: (F ÷ 2) – 1
The Gecko Crawl spell allows the subject to walk along
vertical or overhead surfaces at a movement rate equal to
Force x hits in meters per turn. The subject is still affected by
gravity and will fall if separated from the surface. The game-
master may require Climbing Tests in order for the subject
to climb especially slick surfaces. The caster must touch the
subject of the spell.
*edit* Doh, sorry, reading comprehension fail - you wanted adept powers
That gives me a nasty idea....
I may not be able to levitate the citymaster (damn 250kg per net hit after OR). But with a spell like that I could effectively give it gecko wheels to go straight up the side of the building... (yeah I know it'd pull off the building facing since that probbably can't support the weight... but it is a funny way to see the difference between levitate and this).
I guess you could make a hellrider style cycle with it though. When he drives straight up the side of a buildings.
But as for an adept power... great idea. Probably about a .5 power point and make it more magical... and work through boots/gloves. (it's magic... it doesn't need reason just 'balance').
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Jul 4 2010, 02:42 PM
QUOTE (Falconer @ Jul 4 2010, 07:40 AM)
That gives me a nasty idea....
I may not be able to levitate the citymaster (damn 250kg per net hit after OR). But with a spell like that I could effectively give it gecko wheels to go straight up the side of the building... (yeah I know it'd pull off the building facing since that probbably can't support the weight... but it is a funny way to see the difference between levitate and this).
I guess you could make a hellrider style cycle with it though. When he drives straight up the side of a buildings.
Interesting Idea...
Keep the Faith
Jul 4 2010, 04:52 PM
QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Jul 3 2010, 11:22 PM)
Aaakkkkk!!! Flesh Form Spider Spirit... Kill it, Kill it...
Cool idea though...
Keep the Faith
That's half t the point of the char and why he has paranoia. Apart form his team(and not all of them) and a few contacts including a GF(some how she like him...) he trust no one. He also and Neoteny and the fexiable joints bioware. Making him rather small and able to get in to cramped places. Also oct wielding is funny as hell go hand feet. Hand with tail suppress 8 times only done once with looted SMGs to cover a retreat. As he could escape via a different route.
I'm yet to give him fangs and or two spures with chemical glands. OH my his this guy freaky.
Jul 4 2010, 09:22 PM
gecko crawl vehicles... look into the movie ultraviolet...
Just a note from my old GM: gecko crawl and drakes is bad... don't do it again...
Jul 5 2010, 10:23 AM
Most likely, a GM will just rule that it works like the vehicle mod called Gecko Tips. It's only for drones that are medium size or smaller and only lets legged drones walk up walls.
The nice thing is that the legged evo chair drone is a walker. Which means awesome climber drone.
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