- How does armor fit in, i saw that armor on a regular bear critter would be equal to the armor worn by the human (pg 204 running wild) but i can't find anything on "natural armor?"
- The starting stats table on pg 86 in the runner's companion doesn't say whether i should stat the human form as well as the animal form, should i?
- What bout skills? Can i take any that would make sense, such as unarmed combat and not hacking?
- Would bioware such as bone density work with the shifter since it is very intrusive? How bout type 0 system?
- i believe i can still grab adept, mystic adept, so i'm guessing i can grab some adept powers as well, within reason (i can't get power throw as a bear)?
- How bout martial arts/maneuvers play into all this?
- And finally, where can i read more on NAN (i would like to make a good credible background)?
Any answers to these would help me, thank in advance...