QUOTE (Karoline @ Jul 3 2010, 06:10 PM)
Except all hacking programs are restricted. Most also have hot sim modified, which is forbidden if I recall. Other than that they're fairly good.
You.... COULD, technically, get around this by taking Intuitive Hacking(ai emulate), and a Software Programming Suite 5. This actually works, cuz you have the software skill, and thus aren't defaulting - but you seriously need to pump your Software test to make it useful. Still, it is a great way to fluff out a balls-to-the-walls hack on the fly hacker.
And, really, with encryption and non-wifi implants on your PAN, its pretty easy to keep people from seeing all your nasty list of hidden hacktools.
For a legal hacker, you can actually get some surprisingly good drone backup. The only restricted drones in the core book are the Steel Lynx and the Crashcart Autodoc. What this means is a doberman comes with a gun, and isn't illegal or restricted at all. If you're careful what you put on it, and how you modify it, it can be legal once you're done too. Same goes for Rotodrones too, because flying drones are ace. Start with tasers(even darts are straight legel) and laser sights. In terms of sensors, you pretty much have your choice - the only illegal stuff, really, are Ultrawideband Radar, Smartlinks, Cyberware Scanners, MAD scanners, laser microphones, NLJD's and, oddly, radio signal scanners.
Looked at this a while ago. Its not too hard at all. Invest in the locksmith skill and a toolkit, though - without autopickers and sequencers, you'll need it.
Even with implants, you can build half a sam with CyberLimbs(armor, oddly, isn't restricted, though the statboosts are). Eyes, ears, and jacks are good. Both bone density and reflex recorders are legal too. Platelet factories are legal, but sadly the trauma damper isn't. All the good nanoware's cleared. Orthoskin may be restricted - but Smartskin isn't.
About the only thing you don't get easily are extra passes, and that does suck. Adept, TM, or a high edge seems the easiest way to fix that.