Jul 6 2010, 05:42 AM
By RAW... if a Quickened Spell is cast on a spirit and the spirit goes to the deep astral and is later resummoned would it still have its quickened spell on it?
I dream of a Guardian Spirit with quickened buffs...
Jul 6 2010, 05:59 AM
The spirit should retain the buffs but there's no way to actually summon a particular individual spirit. Bind the spirit (and keep rebinding it before the services run out) or use an Ally spirit.
You'll have to deal to use a lower Force spirit most likely due to drain from the binding test those two options require but you'd have your spirit with quickened buffs.
Jul 6 2010, 06:04 AM
You sure?
QUOTE (SR4A @ p188)
Binding is used to compel long-term service from a spirit the magician has already summoned.
Jul 6 2010, 06:13 AM
Yea as in, you summon him, the spirit is right there and then you bind him. You can't bind without first summoning, and you don't get to pick who you summon.
Hell according to the fluff some Mages even debate whether spirits are individuals at all or just reflections of your inner psyche that you create with the act of summoning. IMO with all the information on metaplanes and the various spirit politics that go on there it's pretty obvious that "spirits are people too", and not just Ally and Free spirits. There's nothing in game that says you can summon a particular spirit however, and while I could see roleplaying it like that, it seems pretty silly for that kind of powergamer abuse =P
You might as well say you want to summon, bind and invoke a spirit and then let it go so that you can summon the now Great Form spirit whenever you need it with the lower drain of summoning.
Jul 6 2010, 11:19 AM
Huh, thats not a way to look at it I've seen before. It could be either interpretation so I favor your more-restrictive interpretation. Thanks!
Jul 9 2010, 10:46 PM
The spirit should retain the buffs but there's no way to actually summon a particular individual spirit. Bind the spirit (and keep rebinding it before the services run out) or use an Ally spirit.
You'll have to deal to use a lower Force spirit most likely due to drain from the binding test those two options require but you'd have your spirit with quickened buffs.
Woot. This means a Free Spirit character would be able to put buffs on themselves. I was thinking it was impossible but I guess it makes sense (I should not read limitations into the rules that are not there). You can cast sustained spells on an astrally projecting mage, and quickened spells don't stop working just because you have left your body or traveled to the metaplanes.
Jul 9 2010, 11:08 PM
The buffs would only apply when they're in physical form of course since most of them are Physical not Mana spells, but yea there's nothing that says a Quickened spell ends when you go astral.
Jul 9 2010, 11:27 PM
What's so special about quickening a spirit? You can quicken anything, and we just had a whole thread about why no one even wants to.
Jul 9 2010, 11:56 PM
I dunno even the fluff says you're targeting the astral presence of whatever you're casting at, to justify the Line of Sight requirement. Seems pretty clear you can target anything you want.
Jul 10 2010, 04:44 AM
The buffs would only apply when they're in physical form
I would think that it depends on the buff.
Like attribute boost to strength or a silence spell would not work in astral but it would work in metaplanes.
An attribute boost to Charisma probably would work and probably so would most (if not all) of the detection spells.
Some spells just make no sense being operational in astral space. But the spell are probably still on and need to be masked and so on.
Jul 10 2010, 06:42 AM
Right, but as I mentioned the spells are already divided into Physical and Mana so it's pretty apparent which would work in the Astral. All the Improve Attribute spells are Physical so I don't think any of them would work, even if you're buffing a mental stat. All the Detection spells are Mana however so Combat Sense or Detect Enemies would work in your Astral form.
I definitely agree that the quickened spells light you up like a christmas tree regardless of whether they're active or not though.
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