Feb 28 2004, 04:03 AM
How difficult is it to say notice a pop - up turret?
Or how difficult is it to notice an internal hardpoint fix point.
As well as the weapon for these types of things.
Is it very hard to spot a pop - up turret.
Now does noticing the pop up turret tell anything of the gun. Infact from noticing the pop-up turret and its profile could the general class of guns get noticed.
Perhaps I missed something but I can't seem to find anything on this in SRIII or RIII.
Maxwell Silverhammer
Feb 28 2004, 05:04 AM
There are CF requirements for "pop up" turrets, these are greater than regular turrets. If the Popup you want doesn't increase the signature, and as a general rule signature is how hard it is to notice a vehicle, then I would rule that there is no obvious sign of a popup turret. This would effect glance inspections, and electronic detection, BUT any careful visual inspection would most likely find the turret, or at least the missing space. (popups take up internal space).
I really think that a question like this would need a "house" rule as there are almost no details on what a popup turret looks like. best example I could think of was in starwars IV E.S.B.. when han uses the popup turret lasser rifle to blast the Storm troops as he gets out of the hangar on Hoth, to any quick visual search, or electronics scan the hatch looked normal, but to close visual inspection it was obviously a turret. Also keep in mind general size of the turret, in relation to the vehicle its mounted on. a medium popup Turret is about the size of a turret off a bradley APC, full grown men can sit inside of it... that turret wont be able to be fully concealed on anything smaller than a big delivery truck.
Feb 28 2004, 05:38 AM
Just for comparison with some other internal weapons, check out M&M p. 41 for cyberware internal guns.
Internal Cybergun H.O. Pistol conc 12
Internal Cybergun Heavy Pistol conc 8
Internal Cybergun SMG conc 6
These have the gun in the arm with a port for the barrel in the palm, and a slot in the arm to load more rounds into the internal magazine.
Feb 28 2004, 01:17 PM
The answer is in R3.
My interperetation is that one cannot see teh pop-up turrent when it is down, there is nothing to see, save for a small door that could be anything.
Internal firm and hard points have a conceal of 4 to notive teh port, but it is impossible to tell that there is a weapon installed.
Feb 28 2004, 04:50 PM
QUOTE (Nikoli) |
The answer is in R3. My interperetation is that one cannot see teh pop-up turrent when it is down, there is nothing to see, save for a small door that could be anything.
Internal firm and hard points have a conceal of 4 to notive teh port, but it is impossible to tell that there is a weapon installed. |
It should be difficult to spot, but it's not as simple as a "door that can be anything."
"Hmm... That van has a sunroof. Over the
cargo area. Where there are no windows or seats. Those eccentrics and their RV's..."
Feb 28 2004, 08:31 PM
I've had a pop-up turret disguised as an air conditioning unit atop a cargo truck.
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