Yeah its a fun group though...we currently have A troll Samurai Heavy Weapons, A Mage Doc, A Combat Mage, A Face Security Specialist, a Rigger/Drone, A Technomancer, An armorer/Medium Skirmisher, and an Adept Infiltrator Skirmisher. We are about half way through Ghost Cartels which leads into some of my own stuff.
I am a commercial programmer in the real world and I wrote this killer app I call the Shadow Master which is a C# program that incorporates all of the GM Information, items, weaponry, drones, equipment, and a very handy Initiative/Init Pass tracker, 85% of every table from each book in flash screens, the PDF cheat sheets by pavao, a fencing calculator so you can quickly determine nuyen on fenced items...NPC stat tracker, Matrix Node tracker...
This tool single handedly lets me focus on the story while it manages all of the book-keeping etc for a large group...
Its on version 3 now and almost defect free the problem is I want to give to the community here for free...but I'm afraid of copyright infringement...It really has every table and item in SR4A in it and eventually it will have my own character builder/master character system to track every Karma purchase etc...that piece is in development...
It makes GMing a group that sized almost easy.
Eventually I will make a separate thread on it and if I can get Topps/Catalyst to not hunt me down I intend to give it away to the community...