Jul 17 2010, 03:20 AM
is there anything I should do to make this guy better. I want to make a Troll gun adept from the French Quarter who uses his toughness to survive battles. He also likes to show off. Any feedback would be awesome.
Thank you in advance.
Jean Bonseigneur
Metatype : Troll
Body: 8
Agility: 3
Reaction: 2
Strength: 5
Charisma: 4
Intuition: 4
Logic: 1
Willpower: 2
Edge: 1
Magic: 3
Initiative: 6
Essence: 6
Knowledge Skills
French : N
English : 3
Japanese (Speak) : 2
Chemistry : 2
Business (Distribution) : 3
Street Drugs (Novacoke) : 2
Racing Odds : 1
Active Skills
Climbing : 2
Gymnastics : 2
Running : 2
Swimming : 2
Cybertechnology : 2
First Aid : 2
Medicine : 2
Computer : 1
Data Search : 1
Hardware : 1
Software : 1
Con : 3
Etiquette : 3
Leadership : 3
Negotiation : 3
Disguise : 3
Inflitration : 3
Palming : 3
Shadowing : 3
Automatics : 3
Dodge (Ranged Combat) : 1
Pistols (Semi-Automatics) : 3 (6)
Clubs (Bators) : 2
Positive Qualities
Negative Qualities
Distinctive Style 2
Remington Roomsweeper
Remington Roomsweeper
Shock Gloves
Shock Pad
AZ-150 Stun Baton
Clothing (Très Chic)
Armor Jacket
Eurocar Westwind 3K (Sports Car)
Morphing License Plate
Commlink : Transys Avalon
Certified Credstick (Gold)
Fake License (Rating 4)
10x Disposable Syringe
DocWagon Contract (Gold - per Year)
10x Stimulant Patch (Rating 3)
10x Trauma Patch
20x Bliss
20x Cram
20x Dopadrine (Bitter, Werden)
20x eX (Eros, Galak)
20x G3 (Gerilixir, Vitalité)
20x Guts (NoFear, Brass Balls)
20x Jazz (Popper)
20x Kamikaze
20x Novacoke
20x Zero (Cybertram, Doctor Bob’s Allergy Elixir)
3x Medkit (Rating 4)
3x Full Face Mask
3x Fake Sin (Rating 4)
Astral Perception
Improved Ability : Combat Skill (Level 3)
Improved Reflexes (level 2)
Natural Immunity (level 4)
Mystic Armor (level 4)
Pain Resistance (level 5)
Blind Fighting
Nimble Fingers
Quick Draw
Wall Running
Joey Leaf (L:4 C:2)
Ali Moendi (Mrs. Johnson) (L:3 C:3)
Mrs. Johnson former girlfriend
Jimmy the Rat (L:1 C:3)
Jul 17 2010, 04:47 AM
If you're trying to
optimize a gun adept. The very first thing I'd do is drop being a troll and go Elf or Ork. Preferably Ork, but that's just me. I tend not to play the pointy eared dendrophiliacs.
Saint Sithney
Jul 17 2010, 11:56 AM
Why does a guy with a logic of 1 have 2 levels of the biotechnology group? Why would a magical street tough know anything about implanting cyberware?
If you think you need med skills, just take a level of first aid. If you want to get cheesy, combine your rating 6 medkit with a rating 6 command program and preform remote through command for skill + 6 for med kit + 6 for command prog - 2 for remote operation. You could even go hot sim for two more dice if needed. hoo boy what a loophole!
Anyway, first aid isn't really your bag. No need to drag that around. Same goes for the Electronics group.
You really shouldn't bother with logic linked skills with a guy who is functionally retarded.
Also, a bit heavy on the face side. You'd do better picking up some more magic and investing in Kinesics if you're going to try face work.
Also your powers don't match up with your magic rating. What up with that?
Jul 17 2010, 12:49 PM
QUOTE (sagehoge @ Jul 17 2010, 06:20 AM)

is there anything I should do to make this guy better. I want to make a Troll gun adept from the French Quarter who uses his toughness to survive battles. He also likes to show off. Any feedback would be awesome.
Well for start, troll is one of the least optimal choises as a metatype for gunslinger and you have an agility of 3 for crist sake.
You have 9 dice for shooting semiauto pistols (can only get one level of improved skill with a skill of 3) thats really bad for a gun adept.
From your skill it seems like your trying way too hard to build a generalist, if your optimasing i would drop half of those skill and raise pistols to 6 and also if you are adamant at keeping the character as a troll i would move point from either charisma or intuition to raise agility to 4 and then get restricted gear quality from runners companion(and some negative quality ot pay for it) and sacrive one point of mana(astral vision) for mucle toner 4.
That would give you 19 dice to shoot semi-auto pistols. 21 with smartlink.
WTF: i just checked your adept powers again and you have like 12 power points worth of powers with magic 3. that 4 times as much power as you should have.
Jul 17 2010, 03:29 PM
QUOTE (Saint Sithney @ Jul 17 2010, 11:56 AM)

Also your powers don't match up with your magic rating. What up with that?
That's putting it mildly...
Jul 17 2010, 04:27 PM
Other than the HUGE disparity in Magic vs. Adept Powers, that guy is dumb as a stump. I would never work on anything remotely dangerous with a guy that stupid. Although I like orks also*, for the optimal build elves are the best with the ability to have a real high agility: nat max 7 (10), with exceptional attribute/agility that goes to 8 (12).
*My first SR4 character was the gun adept premade - with minor alterations, of course.
Jul 17 2010, 07:48 PM
No idea where you're getting all of those power points from. You have a number of power points equal to your Magic, which in your case would be three. Also, the improved ability power can only improve a skill to 1.5 x its natural rating. So to have three levels of improved pistols, you would have to start with a pistols skill of six.
You can make a halfway decent troll pistols adept. An Agility of 4 combined with muscle toner or the Agility boost: 1 power, and a pistols skill of 6 with the improved ability power. With a smartlink, you can toss about 20 dice.
But a dice pool of 11, and then splitting that dice pool to use two firearms, is not going to cut it, if you see pistols as his primary schtick.
Jul 17 2010, 09:54 PM
QUOTE (sagehoge @ Jul 16 2010, 09:20 PM)

Saint Sithney
Jul 18 2010, 12:41 AM
QUOTE (Glyph @ Jul 17 2010, 11:48 AM)

But a dice pool of 11, and then splitting that dice pool to use two firearms, is not going to cut it, if you see pistols as his primary schtick.
Yeah, so many new players want to run around guns akimbo like they're in a John woo film.
Dudes need to figure out that a pistol is a sidearm, not a primary weapon, and the only real use for ambidexterity is to double up their stingy magazine capacity by firing from alternating hands.
Jul 18 2010, 01:34 AM
QUOTE (Saint Sithney @ Jul 17 2010, 08:41 PM)

Yeah, so many new players want to run around guns akimbo like they're in a John woo film.
Dudes need to figure out that a pistol is a sidearm, not a primary weapon, and the only real use for ambidexterity is to double up their stingy magazine capacity by firing from alternating hands.
That is, unless you make your character.. just to be a john woo gunslinger straight out the movies.
Jul 18 2010, 02:01 AM
I like ambidexterity because then it gives you an excuse to carry (and use) 2 pistols. Regular ammo on the right, gel rounds on the left.
Or was it the other way around...
Jul 18 2010, 02:03 AM
I just use the Dual Clip mod.
Jul 18 2010, 03:14 AM
Ambidextrous dual-wielding works great if you are switching from firing one gun to another. It is splitting the dice pool by firing both at once that usually doesn't work that well.
Jul 18 2010, 03:20 AM
Here is the unusual
Agility: 10
Pistols: 7/10 (Aptitude+Improved ability or 'ware that gives the same dice)
Spec: 2
Total: 22
Split: 11 in each hand.
I'd say thats pretty good. Toss in a couple of MCT-Fly Spy drones and some sensor packages and a Tactsoft you've got yourself about 13-15 dice in each hand. But this is being
highly specialized.
'Ware or Magic to get yourself 4 passes, Two bullets per simple action. So four bullets per pass.
So all together... 16 bullets a round. But IMO.. Machine pistols are a much better idea with recoil comp.
Jul 18 2010, 06:34 AM
QUOTE (Saint Sithney @ Jul 17 2010, 07:41 PM)

Dudes need to figure out that a pistol is a sidearm, not a primary weapon
QFT. I keep having to yell at demomen on TF2 that the Eyelander is not their primary weapon and running around using nothing but the Eyelander will only get them killed.
On topic:
For an "optimized" character he's got a HUGE active skill list, nearly a third of them Logic based (Logic 1 too).
And I sure hope he bought
skill groups (eg. Athletics) and not several skills at the same rating.
Ditch the car. It's expensive and you didn't take the Pilot Groundcraft skill. And based on your
Knowledge skills it looks like you intend to be racing that POS car you have too.
at what?Why all the drugs?
More Edge.
Jul 18 2010, 06:48 AM
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Jul 17 2010, 09:03 PM)

I just use the Dual Clip mod.

Dual Clip SMGs & akimbo
preferably Ingram Smart X (modded to Recoil 5)
either Akimbo or 2 Long Bursts (first left than right/ first wide than narrow should do the Trick)
Agility: 10
Pistols: 7/10 (Aptitude+Improved ability or 'ware that gives the same dice)
Spec: 2
Total: 22
Split: 11 in each hand. Nope its Better than that

its Pool 20 /2 =10 +2 Spec
12 Dice Pool each
(Specialisation is a situational modifier to be added AFTER splitting the Pool )
Hough !
Jul 18 2010, 06:53 AM
one option is twin SMG/Machine Pistols.
FN 93 Praetor (1/(2) rc ) w/
Gas Vent 3 (3 rc)
Personalized Grip (1 rc)
Internal Smartgun Link
Improved Range Finder
w/ Automatics (SMG) 6 (+2) and decent Agility, 4x short bursts..
Jul 18 2010, 06:56 AM
QUOTE (Stingray @ Jul 18 2010, 01:53 AM)

one option is twin SMG/Machine Pistols.
FN 93 Praetor (1/(2) rc ) w/
Gas Vent 3 (3 rc)
Personalized Grip (1 rc)
Internal Smartgun Link
Improved Range Finder
w/ Automatics (SMG) 6 (+2) and decent Agility, 4x short bursts..
Hough !
Jul 18 2010, 07:05 AM
Troll w/ Cha 4 ?? that is natural max. to troll costing 45 bp, dropping it to 3 saves precious bp
to be used..(raising edge/agility/logic)
Jul 18 2010, 08:03 AM
I think he's just sitting back and watching everyone baffled by his post. I am fairly confident it's (supposed to be) a joke.
Jul 18 2010, 09:36 AM
OK everyone thanks for the feedback and let start off by saying sorry.
I should have payed better attention to the rules. Second I wasn't as clear in my concept. I didn't have a set idea for my character. But I have a better grasp on what I want. I wanted to make a french Tony Montana drug dealing troll who wades into combat fueled by her love of excitement and balls. I wanted to make a brick wall. I also took the pistol thing into advisement. I honestly was iffy about that from the start. So I decided to switch to assault rifles. If you have a suggestion for a gun I'd love to hear it. Or attachments. I'm not sure about my attributes but with a 10 body and the the 5 mystic armor and my armor jacket I think I did a decent job of making a tank. I know not getting shot at all is better but I just want to play this type of character.
so without further delay here is my second character. I really hope its better.
Jean Bonseigneur
Metatype : Troll
Body: 10
Agility: 4
Reaction: 2
Strength: 5
Charisma: 2
Intuition: 3
Logic: 3
Willpower: 3
Edge: 3
Magic: 5
Initiative: 5
Essence: 6
Knowledge Skills
French : N
English (Read/Write) : 5
Group Skills
Athletics: 2
Close Combat: 2
Influence: 3
Sorcery: 1
Stealth: 1
Active Skills
Automatics (Assault rifles) : 5
First Aid : 1
Pilot Ground Craft (Bike) : 2
Positive Qualities
Negative Qualities
Distinctive Style 3
Cursed 1
Stun Staff
10x Regular Ammo (10 shots)
Armor Jacket
Dodge Scoot (Scooter)
10x Commlink : CMT Clip
Certified Credstick (Standard)
Medkit (Rating 6)
Fake Sin (Rating 4)
Mystic Armor (level 5)
Attribute Boost (Level 5)
Improved Ability : Combat Skill (Level 3)
shit 1 (L:2 C:3)
shit 2 (L:1 C:2)
shit 3 (L:2 C:1)
and once again I'm sorry for wasting your time earlier. I honestly didn't mean to. I hope this isn't as big a waste.
Jul 18 2010, 09:53 AM
QUOTE (sagehoge @ Jul 18 2010, 12:36 PM)

Sorcery: 1
Totally uneccary for an adept and thats why they cant take it.
Unless you raise you automatic to 6 you can only get 2 levels of improved skill as the augmented maximum for skills is 1,5*current rating.
Also you havent listed for what atribute that boost power is and level 5 is quite dangerous as you have to resist 5 points of damage with your body+will and the difference between level 1 and level 5 is only 4 dice for the test, on avarage level one gives you a boost of 2 for only one point drain damage to resist and the the level 5 givis you a boost of 3 and 1/3 for 5 points of drain damage, doesn't really seen like its worth it to have in higher then rating 1 in that power to me.
Jul 18 2010, 10:45 AM
positive quality: Adept is missing..
if your GM allow: Armor Jacket (8/6) + FFBA (Full body) (6/2) and some parts of PPP and helmet..
Goggles/Classes w/ low-light, etc.
(if smartlink in Goggles/Classes): ak-97 w/ gas vent 3,personalized grip,underbarrel weight mod and smartgun system.
Body 10 is max.natural for troll,dropping it to 9 saves 25 bp and those can be used to raise reaction.
Jul 18 2010, 11:44 AM
To free up points, just get one skill from the close combat group -- you don't need them all. Use the points to raise reaction, which is awfully low. You'll want the perception skill and probably intimidate for your concept. I don't think that you can have the cursed quality; as you're not a spell slinger.
Saint Sithney
Jul 18 2010, 12:20 PM
Now that you've only got the one Logic-linked skill, First aid, which, like I said, you don't need to worry about too much, it doesn't make too much sense to keep your Logic higher than your Reaction. Even an Initiative of 6 is pretty crap though... Also, don't forget the Perception skill.
It's funny though, your concept reminds me of my friend Big Pete. He used to sell in the Marigny just north of the Quarter off Esplanade. Funny ass guy Pete. I remember he got picked up on a Tuesday, got out on Wednesday, and then be slept with the arresting officer from Thrusday to Friday the following week. She was pretty hot for a cop... crazy though. Would pull him over when he was on dates and try to arrest him again..
Jul 18 2010, 07:28 PM
Everyone else hit most of the main points (Don't hard-max Body because it's not worth the cost, don't get Attribute boost at 5 because of the Drain, and break up the close combat group - useless at rating: 1 - and get a single melee skill at a decent rating).
I would add that your points are still off. Mystic armor: 5 costs 2.5. Improved ability: 3 costs 1.5 (and you do need to raise automatics to 6 to be able to get that). That leaves 1 point, and Attribute boost: 5 costs 1.25 points. A better way to spend a power point would be 0.75 points for improved attribute/Agility, raising it to 5, then 0.25 points to get attribute boost/Agility: 1. You will be able to soak the Drain nearly every time you use it, and rolling 6 dice, you will usually be able to boost your Agility up to its augmented maximum of 7.
Normally I would say something about your appallingly low Reaction and lack of initiative passes, but they do fit the concept of the big, slow bullet sponge.
Jul 23 2010, 07:41 PM
QUOTE (Glyph @ Jul 18 2010, 07:28 PM)

Everyone else hit most of the main points (Don't hard-max Body because it's not worth the cost, don't get Attribute boost at 5 because of the Drain, and break up the close combat group - useless at rating: 1 - and get a single melee skill at a decent rating).
I would add that your points are still off. Mystic armor: 5 costs 2.5. Improved ability: 3 costs 1.5 (and you do need to raise automatics to 6 to be able to get that). That leaves 1 point, and Attribute boost: 5 costs 1.25 points. A better way to spend a power point would be 0.75 points for improved attribute/Agility, raising it to 5, then 0.25 points to get attribute boost/Agility: 1. You will be able to soak the Drain nearly every time you use it, and rolling 6 dice, you will usually be able to boost your Agility up to its augmented maximum of 7.
Normally I would say something about your appallingly low Reaction and lack of initiative passes, but they do fit the concept of the big, slow bullet sponge.
do you think I should take the improved initiative power? and honestly I'm trying to decide on what type of gun I want to focus on but I can't. What would fit this concept well?
Jul 23 2010, 07:53 PM
QUOTE (sagehoge @ Jul 23 2010, 03:41 PM)

do you think I should take the improved initiative power? and honestly I'm trying to decide on what type of gun I want to focus on but I can't. What would fit this concept well?
A bullet sponge with one IP doesn't need Improved Initiative.
Jul 24 2010, 05:41 AM
Improved reflexes: 2 costs 2.5 points, the same as 5 points of mystic armor. One gives you three initiative passes instead of one, while the other gives you five extra dice of damage soaking, and makes damage more likely to be stun instead of physical. It all comes down to which you would rather do - take a beating, or dish one out. I prefer the latter, personally, but I had the impression that you wanted a Hulk Hogan-like no-selling troll who could take attacks head on.
For assault rifles, my personal favorites are:
Ares Alpha: has an integral two points of recoil compensation, making it easier to reduce its recoil with other accessories. The major drawback is that it is Forbidden gear, so you can't get a fake permit for it.
AK-97: no second-rate pre-installed accessories, meaning you can customize it the way you want it. Also, like the Predator IV, it is cheap, and they are everywhere. And they are very reliable (although that part is fluff).
Ares HVAR: good mainly for the ability to fire two long bursts. The biggest problem is compensating for the massive recoil. A gyro-mount harness helps, but is hardly concealable.
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