The Grue Master
Jul 19 2010, 10:38 PM
I was wondering if anyone had a sourced reference about ruthenium cyberlimb coatings or had opinions on a cyberlimb casemod that included ruthenium chameleon coating. Given this mod can be added to armor, dermal sheathing, among other things, I assume it should be available for cyberlimbs. Thanks in advance.
Jul 20 2010, 12:38 AM
It appears this was overlooked in RAW. However, I only see two ways this can go:
You can be harsh about it; use the rules for weapon/vehicle chameleon coating for each limb, at Capacity 2 and Y1,000+ per cyberlimb. This drives home that each discrete system needs to be modified.
You can be generous; if somebody buys chameleon skin, for instance as an Orthoskin upgrade, you could rule that the relevant sensor packages are already installed and adding an aftermarket Ruthenium coat to the cyberlimbs is not a significant change in cost over coating a biological limb. Just bundle it and call it good.
Personally, I would be generous; if you make the player jump through too many artificial hoops in the name of 'realism', they will just flip a couple pages and buy the chameleon suit instead.
Jul 20 2010, 12:56 AM
After reading the topic title, I was just going to suggest buying the chameleon suit. It's armored (6/4 IIRC) and really, who the hell wants to be naked while trying to sneak into a secure facility?
Jul 20 2010, 01:22 AM
Second that. Any armor suit with Ruthenium is what you should have, regardless of cyber or natural limbs.
Jul 20 2010, 03:41 AM
I was thinking about this the other day as well.
For the character I was hashing out, he had two obvious cyberarms with bulky modification. Now by RAW, I'm sure you could still wear Ruth-modded armor over it... but conceptually, I thought it would be much more cool if his cyberarms were so bulky that they didn't fit in normal armor or coat sleeves.
*shrug* So I thought.... why not pay just pay the same as you would to get Ruth armor mod? No capacity cost, just the extra nuyen. Done.
After all, it's really just a concept choice.... you can easily argue by RAW that the Chameleon suit would cover it.... but why not make it a little interesting, visually? The player would still pay a premium in nuyen, after all.
The Grue Master
Jul 20 2010, 04:25 AM
The reason for the cyberlimb mod vs the chameleon armor suit is merely that the arms have lower-arm modular kit accessories that I want to remain easily accessible without peeling back the chameleon suit. I was going to have both, suit for all but the lower arms and the lower arms would have their own integral coating.
Ravennus, I quite like your idea; it seems pretty fair to me.
Jul 20 2010, 04:32 AM
I think Case Mod is fair. That's basically what Case Mod is *for*: changing the color, etc.
Jul 20 2010, 05:44 AM
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Jul 19 2010, 11:32 PM)

I think Case Mod is fair. That's basically what Case Mod is *for*: changing the color, etc.
Case mod changes the basic chrome or gunmetal finish to a single, other finish, it doesn't make the limb's color dynamically reconfigurable, nor does it involve the installation of the additional sensors that chameleon coating requires. Ravennus' suggestion is the fairest way to cham-coat cyberbits.
Jul 20 2010, 10:43 AM
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Jul 20 2010, 02:56 AM)

and really, who the hell wants to be naked while trying to sneak into a secure facility?
A pervert. Great character concept.
Jul 20 2010, 12:51 PM
Tanegar, yes, obviously there'd be an additional cost for this additionally-costly Case Mod. If you're worried about the sensors, you really should charge 1 cap per limb.
Jul 20 2010, 12:54 PM
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Jul 20 2010, 08:44 AM)

Case mod changes the basic chrome or gunmetal finish to a single, other finish, it doesn't make the limb's color dynamically reconfigurable, nor does it involve the installation of the additional sensors that chameleon coating requires. Ravennus' suggestion is the fairest way to cham-coat cyberbits.
Actually casemod can be pretty much anythink you can come up with, considering that one of the actual examples is a frakking fish-tank i dont think a rutherium polymer coating would be out of question.
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