Mar 1 2004, 04:55 AM
The Tom Dowd stuff you have on your site isn't canon is it?
Even if it isn't, it was there at the time Shadowrun was getting up to steam.
So the implication is that stuff was at least thought about, right?
"I do too," Harlequin replied, looking down at his papers. "He's the most reasonable of them all. It'll be a shame when we have to destroy him." |
(refering to Dunkelzahn)
Would this explain the second explosion?
And I've just reinvented the wheel, I'm sure.
Large Mike
Mar 1 2004, 05:27 AM
Dragonheart Trilogy. I thought we put the conspiracy theories to bed a long time ago.
Mar 1 2004, 05:28 AM
I would imagine that is canon, after all in the Tir Tairngire sourcebook The Bog D mentions some people could have his head over a mantle and he's referring to Harlequin.
Mar 1 2004, 06:22 AM
Umm.. subject lines that are descriptive are cool!
Large Mike
Mar 1 2004, 08:05 AM
lol. The White Jesus has a point.
But back on topic. Perhaps whoever was running the show at the time (I believe Mike was the boss-man at that point) was hovering between something EI and what ended up happening. Not really true SR style, but plausible.
Ancient History
Mar 1 2004, 04:27 PM
Some of the stories were released in pamphlets for SR is my understanding, while others appeared at other times, at least one was incorporated into an SR product. Be that as it may, there is no
direct evidence that anyone tried to assassinate Dunky when he took his little trip from the limo; rumors of a small nuclear device not withstanding.
Mar 1 2004, 04:54 PM
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
Some of the stories were released in pamphlets for SR is my understanding, while others appeared at other times, at least one was incorporated into an SR product. Be that as it may, there is no direct evidence that anyone tried to assassinate Dunky when he took his little trip from the limo; rumors of a small nuclear device not withstanding.  |
Ancient History is correct. The story this refers to was originally published in a Shadowrun promotional flyer (though I don't recall if it was ever repubished in an actual product).
There was another story in which Harlequin and what many believe to be the Passion (from ED) Vestrial have a discussion that was originally published in a flyer which was later used in the adventure Harlequin's Back.
Now, does that mean that Harlequin had anything to do with Dunklezhan's death? I don't think so. Tom Down wrote that first story *years* before the idea of Dunky's death was ever considered. I always figured that Harlequin's comment referred to what he felt would have to be done in the eventual conflict between the IEs and the dragons.
Take Care,
Lou Prosperi
Mar 2 2004, 04:00 AM
QUOTE (Large Mike) |
Dragonheart Trilogy. I thought we put the conspiracy theories to bed a long time ago. |
Second blast, Large Mike.
Second blast.
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