The Jopp
Jul 27 2010, 10:21 AM
Tentacled Sewer Horror
The sewer horror is a central spongy mass with a hard outer shell usually well hidden in some hole. It has an immense amount of thin, spike tipped tentacles that worms itself through several hundred meters of piping to reach it’s target.
It primarily hunt through infrared and thermo-sense to find it’s target. When the target have been found it impales the victim on a spike and pumps in a combination of aphrodisiac, anaesthetic and digestive poisons that turns the victims internal organs into a soup that is pumped down to the central mass.
Metahuman victims are often found as emty husks in their own bathrooms. Due to it’s rarity it is more of an urban myth amongst the sprawl except amongst sewer workers who have seen (and become victim to) the tentacles snaking through the sewers.
The true horror of this creature is that the victims brain and senses are alive until moments before death as the creature starts feeding almost immediately. Death usually takes between 0,5 to 1 hour.
Attributes: BOD: 1 STR: 2 AGI: 8 REA: 1 INT: 3 LOG: 1 WIL: 3
Attack Values: 2P -4 Injection Vector Poison
Poisons: Trance, Nova Scorpion Venom, Push
Jul 27 2010, 10:36 AM
You should totally throw up a webpage with your critters and link them in your sig. They are quite clever.
Jul 27 2010, 12:05 PM
I agree with Wasabi. I like your work.
Jul 27 2010, 12:12 PM
OK, now THAT one is icky and yucky x.x
The Jopp
Jul 27 2010, 12:16 PM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Jul 27 2010, 12:12 PM)

OK, now THAT one is icky and yucky x.x
The base idea is actually taken from a book named "Tendrils" and if I remember correctly the author is Simon Ian Childer. His version was more...hidden godzilla like and far more extreme in the "I eat most of london kind"...
Jul 27 2010, 12:21 PM
*shrugs* i had heard of something like that somewhere before, i just don't know where.
Also, the aphrodisiac part of the toxin is . .
Jul 27 2010, 12:26 PM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Jul 27 2010, 02:21 PM)

Also, the aphrodisiac part of the toxin is . .
Honestly, it reminded me of a scene from a movie. I forget the name, but I recall someone being dragged through a toilet. This is more subtle and thus more fun.
Jul 27 2010, 12:34 PM
Ok, I'm throwing this at my group. They wont use the toilet for a week!
Doc Chaos
Jul 27 2010, 01:00 PM
QUOTE (Laodicea @ Jul 27 2010, 02:34 PM)

Ok, I'm throwing this at my group. They wont use the toilet for a week!
Quoting the Sam (who was the only unscared member of the group) after the incident: "Doesn't look so dumb now taking your guns to the toilet with you, does it? DOES IT??"
Jul 27 2010, 01:14 PM
"You go to the bathroom for a #2. Roll a perception test."
"errrrr, okay?"
"4 hits. Nice. Roll a reaction test."
Jul 27 2010, 01:24 PM
QUOTE (Laodicea @ Jul 27 2010, 03:14 PM)

"You go to the bathroom for a #2. Roll a perception test."
"errrrr, okay?"
"4 hits. Nice. Roll a reaction test."
"Rest of the group, you hear a few shots go off from the direction of the restroom and, a few seconds later, see Angus rush out holding his pants up with one hand and an active gun in the other."
The Jopp
Jul 27 2010, 01:31 PM
QUOTE (Inpu @ Jul 27 2010, 01:24 PM)

"Rest of the group, you hear a few shots go off from the direction of the restroom and, a few seconds later, see Angus rush out holding his pants up with one hand and an active gun in the other."
I didn't realize the comedy a horror monster would cause.
On a bad roll he never comes out and when the team kicks down the door they see him half consumed and starting to slide into the bowl (with the added sound like someone sucking the last soda from a straw)...
Jul 27 2010, 01:35 PM
Well, it can devolve back into horror. If you took that player aside, they'll run out and the rest won't know what the Hell is going on. Then they see something slither up and grab him. Suddenly, it isn't funny anymore.
Doc Chaos
Jul 27 2010, 01:38 PM
QUOTE (The Jopp @ Jul 27 2010, 03:31 PM)

I didn't realize the comedy a horror monster would cause.
*Team Sam calls the Mage* "Get your fragging ass over here now, DO YOU HEAR ME, NOW!!!" "Calm down, chummer. What happened?" "What happened? THE FRAGGIN TOILET TRIED TO EAT ME!!! Blasted it to hell and now there's jelly every-fraging-where!!"
Jul 27 2010, 02:54 PM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Jul 27 2010, 08:21 AM)

*shrugs* i had heard of something like that somewhere before, i just don't know where.
Also, the aphrodisiac part of the toxin is . .
The novel and film adaptation,
Phantoms, has a creature that is vaguely similar in operation, though not the same in description since it's more like the blob. In the film, the creature can go through the water pipes even if I remember correctly.
Doc Chaos
Jul 27 2010, 02:55 PM
You remember correctly. The movie sucked ass though, the book is the way to go.
The Jopp
Jul 27 2010, 03:01 PM
I'm sorry, I just had to...
IKEA BlobThe IKEA blob is of the same size as an average metahuman and tend to infiltrate metahuman settlements. It has a unique camouflage and hunts by waiting for it’s prey to come to them.
POWERS: Engulf, Adaptive Coloration, Mimic (Furniture), Elemental Attack (F8) Acid, Range: Touch.
Doc Chaos
Jul 27 2010, 03:02 PM
Ok, now I know you're just fragging with us... but I'll be damned if it isn't funny
Jul 27 2010, 03:04 PM
I am running a Jurrasic Park scenario where my players were hired to extract Nedry and the biological samples he stole. They will be facing-->
T-Rex Plus
The T-Rex is the King of his island home. Cloned from ancient DNA in a mana-rich environment, the awakened T-Rex has no equals and truely is a force to be reckoned with. The scientists involved in the project have theorized that in the Ages when T-Rex roamed the land, his ability to hunt was greatly augmented by his awakended status.
B: 15, A: 3, R: 3 (6), S: 14, C: 4, I: 3, L: 2, W: 5, M: 6, Init 9, IP 4
Adept Powers: Increased Reflexes 3, Critical Strike 6, Improved Ability (unarmed Combat) 3, Combat Sense 2
Natural Weapons (Teeth) 16P AP -3, Movement, Hardened Armor 4
Skills: Unarmed Combat (spec: teeth) 6(11), Run 3, Swim 2, Shadow 4, Perception 4, Dodge 4, Survival 2
Jul 27 2010, 03:06 PM
QUOTE (The Jopp @ Jul 27 2010, 11:01 AM)

I'm sorry, I just had to...
IKEA BlobThe IKEA blob is of the same size as an average metahuman and tend to infiltrate metahuman settlements. It has a unique camouflage and hunts by waiting for it’s prey to come to them.
POWERS: Engulf, Adaptive Coloration, Mimic (Furniture), Elemental Attack (F8) Acid, Range: Touch.
In the "other game" this thing looks like a chest filled with treasure.
Jul 27 2010, 05:19 PM
HMHVV Variant 7
This variation of HMHVV comes from the ghoul Infection. The distinguishing factor for this infection type is a need not for metahuman flesh, but is more specifically a need for the fluid found in the metahuman spinal cord. The teeth of the Variant 7 ghoul project further from the skull to allow the infected to bite into a spine without having to first remove it from the victim. The Variant 7 ghoul frequently sneaks up on or charges a victim from behind, trying to get onto their back and biting their spine before they can react.
Jul 27 2010, 06:01 PM
AhuizotlAn otter-like creature that resembles a dog-monkey with hands, it sports an and an additional hand on it's tail. It lives underwater and drowns it's victims. The Ahuizotl's victims are found without their eyes, teeth, and nails. The rest of the victims bodies are found slippery-wet, "as if one had pounded it with a stone" but otherwise are utterly unblemished. The Ahuizotl cries like a small child to attract it's prey.
Physical Attributes: Great Cat
Powers: Mimicry(small child's crying)
SURGE Attributes: Extra hand on tail
Saint Sithney
Jul 28 2010, 06:42 AM
QUOTE (Laodicea @ Jul 27 2010, 05:34 AM)

Ok, I'm throwing this at my group. They wont use the toilet for a week!
To quote Hermes from Futurama, "When I gave up diapers, my parents promised
exactly this would never happen!"
Kid Chameleon
Jul 28 2010, 12:04 PM
QUOTE (Inpu @ Jul 27 2010, 07:26 AM)

Honestly, it reminded me of a scene from a movie. I forget the name, but I recall someone being dragged through a toilet. This is more subtle and thus more fun.
Was that Ghoulies?
Oh, and Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms.
Jul 28 2010, 12:18 PM
I remember now: it was Deep Rising. Amusing little movie, though not the best to hit the screen.
I liked a lot of the concepts in Phantoms. A creature that can be whatever its victims imagined is pretty damn powerful. All it needs is one particularly active mind and it becomes godlike.
Jul 28 2010, 03:37 PM
QUOTE (Inpu @ Jul 28 2010, 02:18 PM)

I remember now: it was Deep Rising. Amusing little movie, though not the best to hit the screen.
I liked a lot of the concepts in Phantoms. A creature that can be whatever its victims imagined is pretty damn powerful. All it needs is one particularly active mind and it becomes godlike.
sounds like steven kings IT.
Or the boogeyman from Discworld.
Jul 28 2010, 03:44 PM
There were some similarities to IT, but it was more awesome and went much further with the imagination.
Squiddy Attack
Jul 29 2010, 12:46 AM
The step-cat is a paracritter adapted specifically to urban life. It resembles a scraggly, wild-furred housecat with an extremely long body and eight legs. A step-cat will seek out homes containing domestic cats and take up residence. There is no sign of a step-cat occupation besides increased consumption of cat food and litter box space. Late at night, when the resident metahuman is beginning to drift off to sleep, the step-cat will jump up onto their bed and walk around, as though looking for a comfortable spot, in imitation of the resident cat(s). However, if the unfortunate cat-owner looks at the step-cat or reaches out to pet it, the step-cat will attack. The victim's life force and bodily fluids are first sucked out, after which the cat consumes every scrap of flesh and bone both. The creatures are notoriously difficult to find at any other time, demonstrating the ability to simply disappear after feeding.
BOD: 2 AGI: 3 REA: 3 STR: 1 CHA: 1 INT: 2 LOG: 1 WIL: 4 MAG: 4
Powers: Enhanced Senses (Thermosense, Echolocation), Paralyzing Touch, Vanishing, Essence Drain, Fear
Jul 29 2010, 09:22 AM
QUOTE (TommyTwoToes @ Jul 27 2010, 05:06 PM)

In the "other game" this thing looks like a chest filled with treasure.
the modern version of said other game had a carnivorous dumpster in its addon threat book.
"lets slip down the alley past this dumpster to dodge the star" *chomp*
Jul 29 2010, 09:23 AM
QUOTE (Inpu @ Jul 27 2010, 02:26 PM)

Honestly, it reminded me of a scene from a movie. I forget the name, but I recall someone being dragged through a toilet. This is more subtle and thus more fun.
iirc, there is such a scene in a movie set aboard a cruise ship in the midst of a robbery that goes horribly wrong...
The Jopp
Jul 29 2010, 10:26 AM
QUOTE (hobgoblin @ Jul 29 2010, 10:23 AM)

iirc, there is such a scene in a movie set aboard a cruise ship in the midst of a robbery that goes horribly wrong...
Yup, asian lady in cocktaildress gets sucked butt first down into the toilet as 'something' grabs her ass and drags her through the piping.
Jul 29 2010, 08:47 PM
Ah yes Deep Rising, it was a fun but horrible film. The ending was... heh.
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