Jul 27 2010, 12:05 PM
so quick question, im running a game, say a group of 3 cops comes along to bust up my runners. the cops all have the same stats, do i roll initiative for them once and then all 3 have the same initiative? lemme know, thanks.
Jul 27 2010, 12:11 PM
QUOTE (lerugray @ Jul 27 2010, 02:05 PM)
so quick question, im running a game, say a group of 3 cops comes along to bust up my runners. the cops all have the same stats, do i roll initiative for them once and then all 3 have the same initiative? lemme know, thanks.
You cand od that if you want to minimise dice rolling or you could roll iniative for them invidually if you want a little more variyty for who goes when.
Jul 27 2010, 12:21 PM
you can, for expediency. Some people do this.
Mr. Mage
Jul 27 2010, 01:18 PM
Its up to you really.
Sometimes, I lump the enemies together even if they have different stats, just to make it easier for me to keep track of.
Jul 27 2010, 03:06 PM
thanks everyone! appreciate it.
Jul 27 2010, 03:33 PM
Our GM keeps a spreadsheet of all of his information and pre-rolls hundreds of initiative rolls. As I understand it, he has runs planned, statted and ready to go every week for over a year, real life time. Boggles my mind.
Jul 27 2010, 03:59 PM
@Jhaiisiin Those 4th edition character sheets you have on your site are amazing! the npc ones are a real lifesaver, im gonna print up a bunch of them for the game im running in two weeks!
Jul 27 2010, 04:14 PM
Wish I could take full credit for them. The Wordman did the original versions for SR3 ages ago. I just updated them for 4th ed. I appreciate the comment though.
Although, I do have to say I gained a ton of respect for the amount of work Wordman put into the original sheets. I didn't have access to the original files (he didn't have them anymore I believe, though honestly it's been a LONG time since that conversation so I may be misremembering), and so I had to rebuild the things completely from scratch. I kept his formatting, his text size and font choices and the like. Just made them SR4 compatible.
Enough of my babbling. Thanks!
EDIT: I just noticed other small text errors. Damnit. I'll fix that soon and update all the links to 1.6. It's just on the cover page where it lists the number of sheets in each section, but still. Perfectionist.
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