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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Good day runners, hoping with some input i can finish up these stats:

I have made a shapeshifter that uses the Komodo dragon. I found the information in Running Wild for the venom, enhanced smell and I have used the comparison of the bear to find out his Attribute min and max. Going with
Body: 6/11 [15]
Agility: 1/4 [6]
Reaction: 1/5 [7]
Strength: 6/11 [15]
Charisma: 1/5 [7]
Intuition: 1/5 [7]
Logic: 1/5 [7]
Willpower: 1/5 [7]
The BP cost I kept at 80 due to the venom ability.

For the Allergy i have used Coral instead of silver. I base this because it was not till around 1980 that there are any recorded findings of silver on Flores the largest population of the Komodo dragon. I could have gone gold but i went through the history of the island and can find no were that the Portuguese (first European settlers) found any deposits on the island or among its native people. But coral is found in the oceans nearby allows me to find a proper mineral that could be figured into the allergy.

Though i have made a 500 BP naga for our first game, a second group wishes to play a 400BP in which i will play a Komodo adept with the ethnicity of a mixed Indonesian/ Portuguese or as they were called in early 1600's the Topasses or in dutch Swarte Portugueezen. They became the dominant people of the east Timor region for 200 years. His ancestors came to Portugal and served as a close body guard unit to the Lagarto clan. They later became part of the Aegis Cognito Corporation. In 2070 at the age of 18 his Mother (who was the current shifter and personal guard to the dominate family of the Lagarto clan) Gave her life protecting there youngest daughter. He was adopted into the Largato family (which is a real Portuguese family whose crest is the Komodo dragon) as a minor member and sent to Seattle to follow leads of the killer and whom he represents as well as gain skills running the shadows.

His qualities are trust fund, adept, privileged family name and martial artist. Negative is, in debt, records on file, lost loved ones (parent) Day job (20 hours a week doing personal protective liaison to senior members of Aegis Cognito in Seattle). The job is extremely flexible and i can work over time in down weeks to build up credit if the team needs to jet to other areas. Also they allow zero notice to his duties in Seattle if he follows any leads on the case.

That is him in a nut shell sorry for long post, Take care and have a great day.

LOL or if you go by the title a toilet great typo
looks pretty fine by me. maybe drop Charisma to 1/4, since Running Wild's Komodos have Cha 1 and drop BP cost by 5

and the calculation is wrong: 11*1,5=16,5
therefore: Body: 6/11 [16]
Sweet thanks for the reply on my Dragon err slash toilet! changes made
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