the building block of a hand held cyberware scanner, perhaps?
Hobgoblin, I've learned more about new technology coming out from you than the next 10 people put together. Thank you for all the links that you have put up.
Aug 8 2010, 10:56 PM
heh, someone needs to be the nerd of the place
(tho i admit, most of its from slashdot)
Aug 8 2010, 11:26 PM
Then there's the completely unrelated video at the bottom of the article about a permanent contact lens.
Aug 9 2010, 12:14 AM
QUOTE (Draco18s @ Aug 9 2010, 01:26 AM)
Then there's the completely unrelated video at the bottom of the article about a permanent contact lens.
now for them to combo that with AR and IR display.
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