Simon Kerimov
Aug 12 2010, 06:14 AM
Can I get a Symbiont that has a Bioware Capacity?
Or maybe a Symbiont that can get pregnant?
[EDIT]::Added subtitle back into post. Sorry about that.
Aug 12 2010, 06:45 AM
Er, what are you asking?
It's like half your words are missing or something.
Aug 12 2010, 09:05 AM
Bioware does not work like that, so no to capacity.
As for your symbiont getting pregnant . . yuck, ick, no . .
doesn't work like that either . .
Aug 12 2010, 11:13 AM
The 6th World is strange enough without symbionts getting pregnant. Thank you very much.
Now, I don't know why you are asking this to us. You should ask your GM and if he/she allows, well... Mazel Tov?
Xahn Borealis
Aug 12 2010, 11:23 AM
Bioware does not take up Capacity. Perhaps you and your GM could come up with house rules for a clone arm with bioware implanted for the arm, specifically, and hopefully you'll share cos that would actually be quite cool.
As for the symbiont....... symbionts are genegineered lifeforms, everything in them has been designed. They have no reproductive system whatsoever, possibly to prevent someone from buying one and spotaneously getting a bioware factory, possibly because of the complications regarding their size and location, and possibly because it never occured to the designers that they should be anything like a natural organism.
Hope that helps.
Aug 12 2010, 12:10 PM
Weirdest, munchkinest question ever.
MK Ultra
Aug 12 2010, 12:39 PM
Biolimb replacements do not have capacity, they just count like a natural part of the body regarding bioware. Capacity (for implants) is only for cyberware and you can not accomodate bioware in cyberlimbs. Thus there is no capacity rating for Symbiotes. I guess that was what your question is about.
For the second part. As was already answered -and I assume that you are not inquiering about an adult relationship between your pc and his symbiote- Symbiotes will most certainly be designed not to produce viable offspring. The same is done these days with some transgenic crops, so you always have to buy new from the company and can not produce it yourself ...
Simon Kerimov
Aug 12 2010, 03:53 PM
I know there are currently no rules for a Biolimb or any Capacity for Bioware in any system. What I'm suggesting is designing a Symbiont who's only function is to act as a carrier for Bioware augmentations. You could replace a limb with this Symbiont, and it could act on it's own initiative, so you could shoot someone on your initiative and your hand could eat someone's face off on its.
The pregnant factor is indeed for having your Symbiont puke out a dozen replicas of itself (that you have to feed somehow), or perhaps as a factory for some other type of bioware. Maybe a Symbiont that acts as a cloning vat for Mana Leeches? Creepy fun stuff.
Aug 12 2010, 04:11 PM
What would it even hold, though? Almost all bioware is directly integrated into a specific part of your body.
Aug 12 2010, 05:27 PM
QUOTE (Simon Kerimov @ Aug 12 2010, 12:53 PM)

The pregnant factor is indeed for having your Symbiont puke out a dozen replicas of itself (that you have to feed somehow), or perhaps as a factory for some other type of bioware. Maybe a Symbiont that acts as a cloning vat for Mana Leeches? Creepy fun stuff.
Creepy? Sure!
Fun stuff? I don't think so, except of course if you are fond of tentacle-anime...
Simon Kerimov
Aug 12 2010, 06:16 PM
Spider silk glands, a suite of Tailored Critter Pheromones, Orthoskin, Reception Enhancers, Thermosense Organs, Adrenal Pumps. You could have one that attaches to your mouth and acts as a toxin extractor, or have one coating your lungs and throat to act as a tracheal filter. Cover your spleen in one that acts as pathogenic defense. Core out some bone marrow and have a platelet factory. Give one a large set of Reflex Recorders and treat it like a Bioware equivalent Skillwires. Swallow one for Digestive Expansion that also has a set of Skin Pockets so you can hide the evidence or store a meal for later. Give it a mouth full of teeth and let it be used as a melee weapon that makes it's own poison. Fill one with everything you want Bioware wise, give it an Orientation Goad and make a puppy swallow it for a short-term biodrone. Put a VGI hive in it so you can open your mouth and spit a swarm of bees at your horrified opponents. Use them as disease carriers. Give them a personality and call them Jim.
Aug 12 2010, 07:57 PM
Orthoskin is your whole skin. Reception Enhancers are in your brain. Is Adrenal Pump is on your adrenals? I think Reflex Recorders have to be on your spine or near the brain. This is exactly my point: these augmentations can't be in *another* organism. If you make a 'holder' symbiont that coats your lungs and acts as a tracheal filter, that either IS a tracheal filter, or it's a 'breather symbiont'; how is that a capacity thing? Ditto for a symbiont 'acting as' a pathogenic defense, because either it IS a pathogenic defense, or it's a special 'O-cell symbiont'. :/
Simon Kerimov
Aug 12 2010, 08:46 PM
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Aug 12 2010, 01:57 PM)

Orthoskin is your whole skin. Reception Enhancers are in your brain. Is Adrenal Pump is on your adrenals? I think Reflex Recorders have to be on your spine or near the brain. This is exactly my point: these augmentations can't be in *another* organism. If you make a 'holder' symbiont that coats your lungs and acts as a tracheal filter, that either IS a tracheal filter, or it's a 'breather symbiont'; how is that a capacity thing? Ditto for a symbiont 'acting as' a pathogenic defense, because either it IS a pathogenic defense, or it's a special 'O-cell symbiont'. :/
Good point. I think a lot of the things I'm wanting Biocapacity for can be solved by making up new Symbiont types. I guess what I want is Symbiont sleeves with a combonaiton of Symbiont and bioware abilities. Like a Bioarm that is the Carapace Symbiont with Quills, a Spider silk gland, and electroreception senses that it rolls itself. Partial Tagers, if you've played CthulhuTech.
Aug 12 2010, 10:53 PM
QUOTE (Simon Kerimov @ Aug 12 2010, 05:46 PM)

Good point. I think a lot of the things I'm wanting Biocapacity for can be solved by making up new Symbiont types. I guess what I want is Symbiont sleeves with a combonaiton of Symbiont and bioware abilities. Like a Bioarm that is the Carapace Symbiont with Quills, a Spider silk gland, and electroreception senses that it rolls itself. Partial Tagers, if you've played CthulhuTech.
The best thing would be to create a package similar to cyberware package presented in Augmentation. I for one, dislike those things entirely.
Simon Kerimov
Aug 12 2010, 11:39 PM
QUOTE (Brazilian_Shinobi @ Aug 12 2010, 05:53 PM)

The best thing would be to create a package similar to cyberware package presented in Augmentation. I for one, dislike those things entirely.
The cyberware package or Tagers?
Aug 14 2010, 11:31 PM
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