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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
"The weight of the ammunination counts against the load rating as cargo (though normally this won't be a problem.)"

This seems to be a huge problem with the Ares Guardian

Ares Guardian 25 Load
1000 rounds is 50 weight.

Is this some type, or was this just one of those non-'normal' vehicles?
Herald of Verjigorm
Without checking the book, it may have subtracted the ammo bin's full capacity in the design stage.
Well, that is what I'm hoping. I'm still reading the book. But I'm trying to get some vehicles drawn up for my game.

Here is another question I'm trying to answer. Does a remote pop-up turret take up an additional Cargo Factor, and subtract one from its weapon value. The entree is on 141.

Ohh and the ammo bin item that I quoted is from the 135.
It does. That's what it says.

Rocket Launchers as weapons to be mounted on turrets.

Well what kind of Bins can I get for these things. Seems like it would be somewhat able to be done. That is if you don't want the racks and just want the rocket launcher.

Or is there something I'm not seeing that would make this munchkinish, or just plan not possible?
Austere Emancipator
Bins only hold belted ammunition. R3, p. 135, Ammunition Bins, 2nd paragraph. If the weapon can't be modified to belt-fed, it cannot make use of ammo bins. You'll need to externally reload the rocket launcher, for example with a Mechanical Arm.

QUOTE (252)
Does a remote pop-up turret take up an additional Cargo Factor

Not an additional CF, but double standard CF.
So then I would add one CF, and double that, or would I would the CF, then add one?

Yes, do the math it does matter a bit.
Austere Emancipator
Sorry, I was unclear. You do not, at any point, add one to the CF consumption of a turret that you are getting as Pop-Up. Instead, you simply double the CF consumption. So a Pop-Up Remote Mini will take up 6, Small 8, Medium 8, and Micro takes the 1 (mentioned separately).

The only adding/substracting going on is the -1 Weapon Value, so a Pop-Up Mini will only have a Weapon Value of 1, Small 2, Medium 5.
Except that you can only have pop-up turrets through Medium.

Large and Extra Large do not exist.
Austere Emancipator
You are absolutely correct. Sorry about that.
Aww, I want a pop-up extra-large turret...

Kanada Ten
Well... you can make one using the cargo bay option and adding a crane or two...
Really, though, just for the effect of suddenly being faced with a Light Naval Gun or Medium Railgun that wasn't there before...

hmm, why did i come to think of a anime series that had a submarine that could surface and fold out to become a aircraft carrier? (anyone know the name of the series btw?)

hmm, can one fit a runway on a submarine? oh, and whats up with the people space rules? i basicly cant copy the carrier in the book as i either run out of people space or cargo space. grr, i have a bad feel that i am misreading the people space stuff when it comes to ships and so on that allready have people space entrys...
QUOTE (hobgoblin)
Hhmm, why did I come to think of a anime series that had a submarine that could surface and fold out to become a aircraft carrier? (Anyone know the name of the series btw?)

Hhmm, can one fit a runway on a submarine?

This is where VTOL aircarft and helicopters are your friends. Or just use drones if you want to save on space.
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