Large Mike
Mar 8 2004, 10:14 PM
As editors clean up writing, rather than make it themselves, no. Prospective editors will be sent a piece of work (with permission of the authors, perhaps the submissions) and be asked to edit. But I already sent you a PM, Nik.
Mar 8 2004, 11:49 PM
QUOTE (Large Mike) |
Also, admins and whatnot: I realize there's a possibility I'm stepping on some toes, concieving one game in another games' living room. As soon as my resident technomancer throws up the forum (very pretty, I'm told) I'll be out of your hair with this. Thanks for your understanding. |
Bah. This is a gaming forum - it would be pretty daft if you couldn't post about game design here!
Large Mike
Mar 9 2004, 12:03 AM
Well, I figured just in case. But thanks.
Mar 9 2004, 01:55 AM
Offer for forums still open, no ads involved...
Meanwhile, I'll hack something up as soon as I can. Expect it in the next few days, hopefully.
Mar 9 2004, 02:52 AM
You'd be surprised Adam...I visited (leaving their name out) Forum and I posted a thread, in a section for Webdesigners, that announced a contest in which the best webpage submitted would get the position as Forum moderator of the Webdesign section of a Forum.
My thread got locked, and they almost deleted it all together.
They labled the thread as "..spam in my book."
I've yet to understand that at all.
How else are Webdesigners to here of a contest if not in a Forum for Webdesigners?
Mar 9 2004, 03:27 AM
Sadly many people flit about there entire lives never knowing anything fits out side the box of crayola's they call existence. Anything that doesn't fit all the way inside gets sliced off neatly.
Mar 17 2004, 06:32 PM
Hey LM, is this still happening? I would be interested in helping out with this. I am very familiar with two excellent percentile games: Marvel Super Heroes, and FASA's very own Star Trek game that had a kick but skill system. I am a writer and while I have never done the 'hard bits' as you say I think I could.
Mar 17 2004, 06:35 PM
I was also wondering if this was still happening, what with you going and booting it up and all.
Mar 17 2004, 08:48 PM
If you still need a forum to run off of I can give you guys(gals) a private forum on my message board. Thanks.
Mar 18 2004, 04:01 AM
Yes, Shattered Sun is still going. VERY creatively and at an amazing speed to keep up with actually.
As to you're wanting to write for Shattered Sun. I feel like we need at least one more writer, but you have to send a copy of your work to Large Mike for him to review before you can do the job.
He requests that you write, I think it was 3 pages, in the essence of the Seattle Sourcebook or something of the like.
As to the Forums, we already have them up and running. I set it up and am running the Forum. I don't think that we're planning on moving the Forum anywhere for a while.
Large Mike will be leaving for "booting up", as you put it, but we are going to continue working on the project. It's not an official title or anything, but I'll be pretty muched charged with keeping things managed and going while he's gone. But really, it's going to take the WHOLE team working very hard together to keep the torch going strong while he's gone.
I hope that answers your questions.
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