So as the topic suggests I am starting a game where most of the players are not familiar with Shadowrun at all. We will be playing 4th ed, and I am trying to wrap my head around how I should go about indoctrinating them into the world. I have a lot of GMing experience but honestly this will be the first game of Shadowrun that my players won't be at least semi-familiar with the setting and rules and such. So the biggest thing that I am having issue wrapping my head around is how to intro them into the wireless world? Should I throw them into the deep end (aka the full rules in which I have to just keep reminding them of the rules over and over till they get them, giving them slack until they pick it up), or should I run a little rules light for some time and gradually work them up to the full rules, or somewhere in-between? If you do suggest me going rules light pleas also describe a bit the way you would suggest doing so.
The reason that I ask is that I am not usually a rules light kind of guy, so I really have no experience doing so at all, so I don't know if I could make a consistent lighter version of the Matrix. I do realize though that the Matrix rules can be a difficult concept for new players, especially since they don't have the foundation of the early games building blocks to get to the wireless world of the current game. So really any suggestions on this would be much appreciated, especially since this is going to be the only face to face group for SR that I have. I really don't want them to walk away from the game cause I need my SR fix in a Beetle junkie kind of way!