Apr 27 2012, 08:11 AM
Thursday, March 20th, 2070; 21:04; Seattle's Best Coffee, S 19th, Tacoma District, Seattle
Revan didnt like the idea of not having anymore back up inside for kit, if she ran into anything mundane they couldnt handle they would be boned. <@Team[Revan]"how about when kit turns into the bird she takes a rope up with her so either jazz or someone else can handle the door, would have to be light but is doable, i will go in as astral for support and leave my meat behind with Jake.">
Apr 27 2012, 08:28 AM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 21:05; Seattle's Best Coffee, S 19th, Tacoma District, Seattle
Jazz; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Zoë Hunter (not broadcast)
< [Jazz] I think our scouting would be best done as follows. 1) Matrix Scouting - I will check cameras and such while I am also disabling all the sensors. 2) Astral Scouting - to check if there are any people in there, that could make us trouble, or any magical stuff. 3) Physical Scouting - Actually get in there and find a way for the crates, or find a way down to get the ground floor door open from the inside. And only then will we move the crates inside. >
Apr 30 2012, 08:37 PM
Thursday, March 20th, 2070; 21:05; Seattle's Best Coffee, S 19th, Tacoma District, Seattle
<<@Team [Jake] Ok, final question. What time do we want do this last recon?>>
May 1 2012, 08:02 AM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 21:05; Seattle's Best Coffee, S 19th, Tacoma District, Seattle
Jazz; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Zoë Hunter (not broadcast)
< [Jazz] We should do it right when we are there, so we can immediately proceed/react, how about three? >
May 1 2012, 02:15 PM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 21:05; Seattle's Best Coffee, S 19th, Tacoma District, Seattle
Revan knew what Jake was getting at and knew the plan was still not completly put together but without a drawn out schematic and floor plan of the building they didnt know exactly what to expect once inside, all he did know is that no one would want these little beasties anywhere near a crowded restaurant. so he knew who ever this was meant for that this was to make a statement and a good one it will be if they are successful. <@Team[Revan]"that is fine.">
May 1 2012, 05:26 PM
Thursday, March 20th, 2070; 21:06; Seattle's Best Coffee, S 19th, Tacoma District, Seattle
A time agreed upon, the team goes their separate ways, Jazz stays in Tacoma while Jake drops Revan and Kit off in Loveland. The trip into the Puyallups is quiet, despite the influx of caffeine as the excite of the day begins to wind down, leaving them each with their own thoughts.
Friday March 21, 2070; 02:55; Westlake Avenue North, Lake Union, Downtown District, Seattle
For each of the team members, the pre-run jitters began to set in as they reached their respective locations to hole up for a few hours. Jake made his rounds collecting each of them and their gear; Revan, then Kit in the Puyallups then back to Tacoma for Jazz. Everyone assembled, the lazy drive north, through the Downtown District, began. It ended, as expected, back on Westlake Avenue in the Lake Union neighborhood.
Jake stopped several blocks short of restaurant, rolling down a window a crack so that his fly-spies could launch. The AR in TeamNet lit up with their video feeds and data from other sensors. Jake then swivels in his captain's chair to face the others in the back. "Let me know what else you need."
May 3 2012, 10:14 PM
Friday March 21, 2070; 22:17; Jazz's Condo, Commencement Bay, Tacoma District
Jazz; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Zoë Hunter (not broadcast)
The discussion about the plan and the grey areas have really brought up a few points they had not considered in full detail yet.
There was still enough time, though, to cover these things now.
Jazz uses the time between their last meeting and the beginning of the actual run, to analyze the Matrix access of the hotel, that occupies the rest of the building that has the restaurant on the ground floor. It takes a few hours to scan it for exploitable weaknesses.
Friday March 21, 2070; 02:55; Westlake Avenue North, Lake Union, Downtown District, Seattle
Jazz; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Zoë Hunter (not broadcast)
While they are driving, Jazz steers her own car via remote into the general vincinity, so it isn't too far away, in case it might be needed.
May 7 2012, 03:30 AM
Friday March 21, 2070; 02:55; Westlake Avenue North, Lake Union, Downtown District, Seattle
Jazz's car arrives in the area, parking on a side street several blocks away. Jazz also sits secure in the knowledge that she has located a vulnerability in the hotel's public node that will allow her security level access due to a failure by a system administrator to properly install one of the intermediate network protocols into the network stack. Not an easy problem to find, but one she can exploit at her leisure.
May 7 2012, 09:25 PM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 02:55; Westlake Avenue North, Lake Union, Downtown District, Seattle
Jazz; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Zoë Hunter (not broadcast)
< [Jazz] I still don't know how we could miss that hotel in the same building, but it can't be helped... spent the last couple hours to get access to their system. Gonna hack in now to scan for potential problems from that angle. Afterwards, I am switching over to the restaurant and keep those sensors in check. I guess you will need me at the entrance, then, to open the locks, or can anyone else actually do that? >
May 9 2012, 02:51 AM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 02:55; Westlake Avenue North, Lake Union, Downtown District, Seattle
<@team[Revan]"i do not understand how we missed the hotel and ten stories above the place. we have a few other options then">
May 15 2012, 04:06 AM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 02:56; Westlake Avenue North, Lake Union, Downtown District, Seattle
Jake, still sitting in his chair, watches the trio... "So... we're digging a tunnel underneath then?"
May 15 2012, 05:44 AM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 02:56; Westlake Avenue North, Lake Union, Downtown District, Seattle
Jazz; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Zoë Hunter (not broadcast)
< [Jazz] Not a bad idea, but that would take us a bit too long, I'm afraid. Give me a moment. Be right back. >
Jazz fires up her reality filter and then logs into her newly created security account.
May 16 2012, 02:21 PM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 02:58; Westlake Avenue North, Lake Union, Downtown District, Seattle
Kit; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Nanotrodes]; SIN = Kim Lee (not broadcast)
<<@Team [Kit]How about from above? How secure is the hotel's maintenance spaces? Likely they shared the same AC system. The exhaust system for the kitchen would be separate. I can fit most places one way or the other. I could go from a maintenance closet or hotel room in to an air vent and then to the restaurant's kitchen with a line. Once there I pull through the package and make the exchange. >>
May 17 2012, 01:13 AM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 02:58; Westlake Avenue North, Lake Union, Downtown District, Seattle
revan listens to all the ideas wishind he had a simple spell like magic fingers at his disposal something he would have to look into learning later. <@Team[revan]"the beasts would not like the ride through a kitchen ventalation system nor would they probably fit, how ever if you sneak into the kitchen and unlock the back door.>
May 17 2012, 01:24 PM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 02:56; Westlake Avenue North, Lake Union, Downtown District, Seattle
Jazz leans back in her seat and slips into the matrix. She crosses the effectively short distance to the hotel node. The exploit she located is a flaw in the firewall that allows a user to access the public information and format a request in such a way that it not only creates a hole in the firewall, but makes the persona that goes through the hole appear as a security user for the node. Passing through the hole and looking around, for a split second the landscape looks like the entrance way to a nice hotel. A pretty receptionist sits behind a desk and man stands nearby in a suit watching the lobby. One customer is at the counter...
A wave, starting at Jazz's feet, then ripples out causing the entire landscape to ripple like a sheet being shaken onto a bed. Jazz's chosen sculpting washes over the scene...
May 17 2012, 03:36 PM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 02:56; Westlake Avenue North, Lake Union, Downtown District, Seattle
Jazz; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Zoë Hunter (not broadcast)
The point of Jazz's reality filter is to improve her perception inside the Matrix and allow her to quickly take in the layout of a node. Therefore it does not have an intricate sculpting like most others, but rather appears extremely technical. It's a stripped-down view of the node where only relevant features are shown in a simplistic layout, much like a circuit diagram. Colored boxes are connected by pulsing datalines, as her analyze program relates information about data traffic between the icons to her system. It's somewhat boring to look at, but it really helps to keep ones focus on the important tasks, and get a clean view on what lays before her.
Naturally, the customer takes the bulk of her attendance for the time being, as she runs her analyzer on that persona.
May 17 2012, 03:47 PM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 02:58; Westlake Avenue North, Lake Union, Downtown District, Seattle
Kit; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Nanotrodes]; SIN = Kim Lee (not broadcast)
<<@Team [Kit] Not if we individually pack the beasties. Like a string of pearls. Still once I'm inside, I can, with a little help, do what needs to be done so that we don't trip the alarm. Then we have can use the backdoor and avoid having to repackage them. I think we need to visit the hotel so I can check out the vent system. >>
Jun 8 2012, 03:32 PM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 02:56; Westlake Avenue North, Lake Union, Downtown District, Seattle
Focusing her attention on the walls of the node, Jazz locates a hidden access point to another node. It is located directly behind the man in the suit watching over the lobby.
Jake listens without response.
Jun 13 2012, 07:53 AM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 02:56; Westlake Avenue North, Lake Union, Downtown District, Seattle
Jazz; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Zoë Hunter (not broadcast)
Jazz strides towards the door, purposefully, nodding to the security guard and taking a closer look at it while she moves, ready to show her perfectly legitimate account (at least for a while).
Jun 15 2012, 03:43 PM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 02:56:48; Westlake Avenue North, Lake Union, Downtown District, Seattle
As Jazz accesses the hidden conduit to the nearby node, the agent turns its head for a moment to look at her before turning back to the room and ignoring her. The hallway is a very short, nondescript pathway resembling a clean room path with another door at the end. Reaching it, she attempts to pas through and neither gets an access denied, nor a any type of response. Taking a moment to ponder the situation, she comes to the conclusion that exploit she used to access the current node is against the local system which allows her to appear as a privileged user where one does not exist. This second node does not even recognize the existence of that privileged user so not only does it not allow her access, it does not even process her existence. In order to access this new node, she will need a new exploit.
Jun 19 2012, 12:58 PM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 02:56:49; Westlake Avenue North, Lake Union, Downtown District, Seattle
Jazz; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Zoë Hunter (not broadcast)
Jazz thinks for a moment, just a split-second, really, but it seems long enough. Finding an exploit like she needed was risky business when not using extreme care, and several hours worth of gathering intelligence. Time they did not have.
In the end, the hacker decides to push her luck and go for it, running the Exploit software with every little trick she has available.
Jun 20 2012, 08:47 PM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 02:56:49; Westlake Avenue North, Lake Union, Downtown District, Seattle
The split second passes with fruit. Jazz slices through the security with ease, lucky enough to have found a vulnerability based in the issue that allowed her to access the public node. Stepping into the node, a theme based in neon lays out before her. The iconography is different than she has seen before consisting of building blocks of different neon colors and sizes spread around the space... which quickly fades to Jazz's sculpting as her Reality Filter overwhelms the node. Meaningless blocks give way to more familiar icons for various peripherals, data stores and IC monitoring the node.
Jul 5 2012, 04:26 PM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 02:57:01; Westlake Avenue North, Lake Union, Downtown District, Seattle
Jazz continues her quiet, methodical cataloging of the node. Starting with the node and moving to the IC monitoring the node, she logs the details. Continued access of the various peripherals show her a veritable plethora security cameras in all hallways and a number of open areas, like the lobby, workout room, ice and vending, etc. She quickly works out several series of cameras that would need to be dealt with depending upon the point of penetration heading to the restaurant. She also gleans that the hotel and restaurant do not share a security system and will both need to be dealt with individually.
Jul 12 2012, 06:03 AM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 02:57:02; Westlake Avenue North, Lake Union, Downtown District, Seattle
Jazz; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Zoë Hunter (not broadcast)
Jazz begins to sort out the camera nodes and to collect the video data they are recording, in order to feed a constant loop back to the ones that would be in their way outside of the building, when they make it to the waterside entrance.
Aug 5 2012, 03:39 PM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 03:20; Westlake Avenue North, Lake Union, Downtown District, Seattle
Moments pass by like months to the waiting team members. Now owning both the hotel and restaurant nodes. The security cameras for both of the sites now at Jazz's beck an call, she signals to the team. Revan and Kit, both disguised, head out from the van with the case and make their way, nonchalantly, to the restaurant.
In over watch, Jazz moves effortlessly from one camera to another looping and editing the team out of the video. Reaching the target, they make the exchange and exit in much the same manner as they entered, returning to the van.
Jake signals the van door to close and his fly-spy drones to return, "Are we all happy? -Oh and keep that packaged sealed while you're in here."
Aug 5 2012, 06:20 PM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 03:20; Westlake Avenue North, Lake Union, Downtown District, Seattle
Jazz; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Datajack]; SIN = Zoë Hunter (not broadcast)
Jazz takes some time to remove the traces of her tinkering in the Matrix before returning the systems to normal and logging off.
"Very good! Looks like we made it without running into any trouble here. Let's call it a day then, and see that we get this wrapped up."
Aug 10 2012, 02:27 AM
Revan examines the container to ensure if wards are in place they intact and ensure thre isn't any magical leakage from the container.
Aug 14 2012, 03:15 AM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 03:50; Stuffer Shack Parking Lot, 16th Ave S, Near I-5, Downtown District, SeattleA quick call to Ms Johnson by
Jake and a meet is scheduled with her contact to transfer the package. The team arrives a little early, but are happy to see a grey panel van arrive and signal them. A quick transfer to a rather bland looking human and the team is 15,000

richer. Split between the four remaining team members, each net a respectable 3,750

Thursday March 20, 2070; 06:00, Southern SeattleJake delivers each of the team members to their respective safehouses or dosses.
Aug 14 2012, 03:05 PM
Thursday March 20, 2070; 03:50; Stuffer Shack Parking Lot, 16th Ave S, Near I-5, Downtown District, Seattle
Kit; PAN = hidden [Skinlink, Trodes]; SIN = Kim Lee (not broadcasted)
Kit when her cut is handed to her whispers " Gohan!" flashes a smile.
<<@Team [Kit] That is a nice amount of rice cred. And earned nice and quiet thanks to Jazz san's skill. Good team. >>
Sep 2 2012, 08:00 PM
Revan immediately bows to the team and the bland human and after being dropped off goes to his doss and begins his mothers native way of thanking the spirites for another successful mission. Several questions were abound for revan as he talks with raven about the different types of beasts and the spirite that existed in the material plan as well as the meta planes and mythical languages that he still was not versed in, after several conversations revan decided he would need to know such things as well as the darker side of Seattle such as the gangs and seedier things that remained hidden to him if he wanted to destroy those who destroyed his own life he needed to get to know more about them as well. Setting a few goals before he needed work again he wanted to make sure he was prepared. Revan studied many books and rights for spell casting and had raven reach out for any study material on the spetherial languages that might him understand foreign side of magic that was still unknown to him. He then went about researching the different gangs that ruled the various areas around seattle and the surrounding areas.