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Full Version: Are there German organized crime families in Seatt
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Anyone know?
I don't believe there's any canon mention; certainly nothing that I've found.

The only German organization I have heard of is the Klabauterbund policlub. I think they have an influence in Seattle, (I'd be surprised if they didnt have influence everywhere a major megacorp presence exists.) These guys openly oppose all megacorps and collaborate with other organizations, terrorist cells, crime syndicates to hinder and attack megacorp interests. Let me just say it's easy for these guys to oppose technology and megacorps since they are all awakened. If I were awakened I wouldn't have much use for technology either. I hope that helped.
Organized Crime in Germany

I'm sure there might be one or two, but probably not big enough to make the major players sweat.

Of course any German organized crime has a hand in Seattle. One word: Lofwyr.

You didn't hear that from me.wink.gif
Of course any German organized crime has a hand in Seattle. One word: Lofwyr.

LOL- we've had run ins with a very wicked member of the Krupp family. They're nasty folks over there... and if you're going for some sort of German connection that might be th place to find 'em; partying with Krupp and Co.

Drain Brain
Is there any chance a distant relationship with the policeman in West Side Story?

Gee, Officer Kruppkey, KRUPP YOU!
QUOTE (Gidbot)
The only German organization I have heard of is the Klabauterbund policlub. I think they have an influence in Seattle, (I'd be surprised if they didnt have influence everywhere a major megacorp presence exists.) These guys openly oppose all megacorps and collaborate with other organizations, terrorist cells, crime syndicates to hinder and attack megacorp interests. Let me just say it's easy for these guys to oppose technology and megacorps since they are all awakened. If I were awakened I wouldn't have much use for technology either. I hope that helped.

Now that is what I call a policlub! What does "Klabauterbund" mean, by the way?
QUOTE (simonw2000 @ Mar 7 2004, 05:57 PM)
Now that is what I call a policlub! What does "Klabauterbund" mean, by the way?

A "Klabautermann" is, in North German mythology, a small humanoid spirit that can be found on ships. According to various sources they can be both bene- (showing holes in the ship's hull) and malevolent (playing tricks on the crew).

According to the PONS English/German dictionary the apropriate translation for "Bund" would be association.
You could also call it a "group" or "alliance".

So the Klabauterbund would be the "Alliance/Association of Klabauters".
And the ship is the world, and the corps are a negligent crew... biggrin.gif
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