Sep 24 2010, 03:09 PM
I'm curious as to what slang words your groups have invented (in-character). My players came up with "jabe" for Just Another Breaking and Entering to describe a certain category of job offer - "Seems like a plain old jabe".
Anyway, I thought it was cool. What do you have?
Sep 24 2010, 09:01 PM
Clang and squish for cyber and meat for the Old blighty slang. Mork as a racial derogortery term for an elf. A 'Blue' for a unagumented person from transhumanist club derived from the wrist bands indicating augmentation. Hiver, Squishy, mentate and uberman again from the transhumanist club for nanite heavy, bio ware heavy, headware heavy and genetech heavy individuals.
EDIT* and Bespoke for custm ware
Sep 24 2010, 10:05 PM
My Bespoke Hiver may be all squish, but you'd think she's all clang.
Never come up with any new slang myself, and can't remember any used in any of my games.
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