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Full Version: It finally arrived!
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Finally got my 20A BBB!

That's about it. No need for everyone to jump up and cheer at once.

In other news, Dear Shippers in the US. Canada is not "Overseas", it should not have taken the slow boat from China to get here.


Unless, you know, it's from China. Even then, slow boat is not a good idea.
Doc Chase

Did you get the gold-embossed leatherbound edition, or something? nyahnyah.gif
Yes, but it was lost in the Post. Thus my comments. nyahnyah.gif
Glad it finally arrived, CanRay.
Thanks. Haven't had time to look it over yet, but I've had the PDF since that was released. The only problem I had was reading the fiction.

I have noticed, however, that the spine came "Pre-Cracked". Anyone else have that problem? (Of course, it's been in cold postal trucks for who knows how long...).
QUOTE (CanRay @ Sep 24 2010, 05:14 PM) *
In other news, Dear Shippers in the US. Canada is not "Overseas"

Since when? nyahnyah.gif

Nice that you finally got the book, hope you enjoy it.
QUOTE (Karoline @ Sep 24 2010, 08:50 PM) *
Since when? nyahnyah.gif

Since you moved to Hawaii. ;P
QUOTE (Karoline @ Sep 24 2010, 07:50 PM) *
Since when? nyahnyah.gif

Sorry, that actually happened to me once when I phoned in an order.

"We don't ship overseas."

"Pull up Google, and find a Map of North America."

"OK, got one."

"Find the United States of America on it, then find Canada. Now, you were saying something about 'Overseas'?"

"Yes. We don't ship overseas."

"And I don't order from people that hire idiots who can't even read a map that's right in front of them."

Prime Mover
So any explanation as to what exactly happened to it?
Lost in Canada Post for a year.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Sep 25 2010, 10:44 PM) *
Lost in Canada Post for a year.

I think Man-vs-Wild had an episode on that once. All the limited edition SR books made surprisingly good kindling.

That conversation reminds me of the 0.02 dollars = 0.02 cents conversation. Ah, morons, they make the world.
I had a hard drive lost in Canada Post for six months.

We had a fried hard drive at work, and got ahold of a data recovery firm in Ontario. However, the secretary, thinking she would be clever and save the company shipping, decided to send the drive by regular postal mail.

Yeah, that secretary didn't last long.

We ended up manually re-creating the contents of the drive. Months later we get a call from the data recovery company, we just got your drive, do you still want us to recover it?

QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Sep 26 2010, 12:52 AM) *
Months later we get a call from the data recovery company, we just got your drive, do you still want us to recover it?


That was nice of them to call and ask instead of just going ahead with it and charging you for something you didn't want.

Also, I'm fairly sure the 'great lakes' used to be a 'sea' and thus Canada is 'overseas' spin.gif
QUOTE (Karoline @ Sep 26 2010, 12:00 AM) *
That was nice of them to call and ask instead of just going ahead with it and charging you for something you didn't want.

Also, I'm fairly sure the 'great lakes' used to be a 'sea' and thus Canada is 'overseas' spin.gif

To be fair... The Great Lakes are larger than some inland seas.

WHen I was in college in Virginia, I went to Virginia Beach with my roommate one spring, and he asked if I'd ever been to a beach before, and didn't think that Lake Erie had beaches, since it was "Just a Lake". I had to explain to him the lake is almost the size of his state. smile.gif

(Now, Lake Erie doesn't have great beaches. But we do have them. They even have sand sometimes. smile.gif)

True enough, and I did live in Ontario at the time.

Now I'm in Winnipeg, so that doesn't fly.
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